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Posts posted by TheLineTrotter

  1. @@TheLineTrotter,


    Okay, here it is.


    Strength: 8

    Perception: 5

    Endurance: 9

    Charisma: 3

    Intelligence: 8

    Agility: 3

    Luck: 4

    Alright, barring any traits you take, here are your stats.


    Barter: 10

    Energy Weapons: 14

    Explosives: 14


    Lock pick:14

    Medicine: 20

    Melee: 20

    Repair: 35*

    Science: 20

    Sneak: 10

    Speech: 10

    Survival: 22

    Unarmed: 22

    270 FP


    There you go. Oh, also, I took the liberatey of labeling your cutie mark tag. Since your character specialized in construction, I figured repair would be a good choice. If this doesn't fit, please feel free to change it. Just add 15 to any stat, but it should match your Cutie Mark. 

  2. Vincent wasn't dumb... he wasn't the strongest Griffon, and once it became clear the guns weren't moving anywhere, he rolled with it. He jumped off from the armor's back, and took a moment to toss the clips behind the table where the Changleing had ducked... taking note to get his caps worth for them later.  pulling back out the Taurus, trying to decide specifically what to do... a full cylinder of .44 magnum rounds to the back of his armor's head would probably kill him.That much force, 6 times? Oh yeah, that'd punch through. Still, teaching lessons didn't usually end in a quick death... so instead, he decided to have more fun than that. He lined up the revolver with the joint that allowed the wings full movement... joints tended to be the weakest bits of armor, because they required flexibility... he was gonna shoot the bastards wing off. Have fun getting back to the cloud layer, he thought, pulling the trigger on his large revolver. 




  3. Hey, you know what hurt like hell? Pressing your skin against something hot. You know what hurt so badly it would bring a man to screaming nightmares for the rest of his life? Being lit on fire. Being pressed against something so hot was... not good for him.He felt the girl heating up. "Oh, that's not g-" What he was about to say saw cut off. By him. Screaming. He was a tough guy. He'd endured all sorts of pain... but this was hell, and the worst pain he could have ever imagined. He screams an screamed...


    What's the worst pain you ever felt? It doesn't matter. It doesn't even begin to compare to burning to death. The pain was unbearable, he could feel his skin either cripsing, flat out becoming black burns, or worse... he couldn't close his eyes. Why? His eye lids had been burned away. Now his eyes were melting.... and he could feel it... he was going to die... he was going to burn to death... and all he could do was scream out of pure, unadulterated, agony as he awaited the sweet embrace of death... 


  4. Vincent was pretty perspective, but even if he hadn't, he wouldn't have missed the sounds of the power armored soilder getting up... okay, well, he hadn't shot him. Maybe the moron was leaving, no big deal. Then he heard handgun rounds firing upstairs, followed by laser blast.... "huh... well, so much for that..." He muttered, grabbing a collection of 9mm clips he'd taken from a raider corpse, dashing upstairs.


    Awe, how cute. The pegasus had even closed the door behind him. Vincent didn't even bother to make sure if it was locked or not, busting through the 200 year old frame, which was already corroded to hell. "Hey there! You know, when I left you alive, I thought you'd fly up to your little cloud layer, to suck on your momma's teat and cry about the big bad wasteland, but now, I gotta teach you a lesson." He mutterered, smirking as he launched himself at him...onto his back. A bit of a blind spot for the guns, gripping them in his talons and tearing at them, attempting to physically rip them from their perch. He didn't know why the Enclave had such a hard on for the Changleing, but he was happy to do this just to fuck with those cloud-layered assholes. 




    • Brohoof 2
  5. 'You know what? Fuck this!" He shouted angrily. He'd been worried about hurting the girl too bad, but something about having his god-damned skin burning away made him forget about that! He was just going to knock her out if that's what it took! He didn't bother worrying about the fact that they would free fall to the ground: His brain was more focused on A. Not letting go of the only thing keeping him in the air and B. Ending this horrid burning sensation. He could almost feel his skin being peeled and burned away, raising a fist to whack the girl upside the head and hopefully put her out of commission. 


    (Yeah, if things could get wrapped up before Vincent is vaporized, that'd be lovely.) 

    • Brohoof 2
  6. "Oh,come on!" He complained, shooting the nail gun once again, more out of anger than anything, actually manageing to graze against Katie's arm. He blinked,the wall of fire seeming to dissapate as quickly as it appeared, wasteing no time in climbing up further. He tossed the nail gun aside: it was just slowing him down... he reached the rafters, finaly, after climbing up as high as he could as quick as he could, balanceing precariously on in, the air around him feeling hot... he needed to do something to distract the flying, fire throwing... girl... thing...


    So he tackled her.In there air. From a rafter. He jumped at her, barely even thinking and wrapped his arms around her... considering she was floating, he didn't know if she would fall or if he'd just distract her. He hope for the later. One thing he noticed: hot.Very very hot. He could feel burns and blisters forming along his skin, fighting the urge to scream. "Ahh, hold still you ass!" He yelled, holding on tight still. 


    • Brohoof 2
  7. Okay... Vincent was feeling preety useless at the moment. Everyone was running around... scanners... computers... towers... he was preety lost. He did understand one thing though: angry lady with fire powers probably should be taken care of. He ran inside, after the others, spotting the girl hopping up on the rafters."Erg, you gotta be kidding me! How high can you jump! And the fire! That's gotta e cheating!" He muttered, looking for something, anything, he could do. He blinked, spotting a nail gun laying abandoned nearby. "Huh... that'd work..." He muttered, firing up at the rafters as he ran around towards upper floors, trying to find some way up to the rafters... even clibing up pipes and half built parts of the factory. "Hey! C'mon! Come down here and fight like a man!" He shouted... unable to actually shoot the girl with the nails, just firing close, hoping to distract her from whatever the hell she was doing.



    • Brohoof 1
  8. "Huh? Well, fine, he's yours then!" Vincent muttered, watching as they... well... decimated the thing. He blinked, watching as the creature shattered into... well, it kinda seemed like thier pixels or just a bunch of 0s and 1s. "Um... okay, that's new..." He looked around... good, Minx and Arti got inside... there was another fire, but surely more than one room had supplies. "Okay... now what..." He muttered... one of the crazy people was gone, but there was still another, not muttering about healing with fire around them... he turned to the two kids he assumed to be brothers. "I`m Vincent. Wanna work together to end this shit?" He offered, not sure how much use he'd be with kids that could shoot energy, but... he blinked, the flames growing, forceing him to try and move around it, cursing as he tried to figure something out. 



    • Brohoof 1
  9. You get 40 points to be spread around 7 stats, each with a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10. 











    The formula for each skill is 2+(2xStat) + (Luck/2)


    For instance, say my character has an agility of 7, and a luck of 5


    It'd be 2+(2 x 7) + (5/2) or, 21. 

    Honestly, I wouldn't worry too much about skills... just specials. 

    @@Charcoal Embers

  10. Everything happened so fast... suddenly there was a second person... Codely, he thought, but he was crazy too, and attacking people... then there was a bolt of electrcity. He'd tried to keep the girl behind him, but she'd stepped out, and now she was on the ground, shaking and shivering... whatever was going on, those two guys from the party, one of whom was dancing, were now fighting some weird... thing... and those two crazy kids... he tried to think fast... one of them was already injured, they had no way of contacting the authorities, and there was a good chance more of them would get hurt... she muttered something about medicine. "Alright... shit, okay, I know what to do. Arti, pick her up, get her in there, and find that medicine... i`ll..." He stood up, having kneeled down to check on Minx. "I`ll keep em distracted while you run by..." damn... it was times like this he owned his own gun... his dad had him fire the pistol he owned a few times, but... 


    "Hey! You sick bastards! You done messing with the weak stuff? C'mon! Show me what you got!" He said, charging by the two boys towards the freaks... certain he was either about to die, or get into a whole lot of pain. He skidded to a halt in front of them and took a stance to fight, preparing to dodge, block, and counter. He suddenly noticed the weird tarantula... thing and it's strange gun hands. Doing the first thing that came to mind, he gripped the thing by it's arms and hefted it into the ground, carefully pointing the guns away from anyone... incidentally giving the two brothers a pretty good shot.







    @@Secret Person

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Yu nodded along as he heard Chie's little pep talk. He had to admit, it did him some good. Having someone, friends, to remind you of your goals and to keep you in line when your mind starts to wander down the wrong path can do you alot of good... "Yeah... you're right Chie." He said, sitting up abit straighter, smiling lightly. "Sorry I became a downer there for a minute... don't know what got over me... " When she informed him of her already talking to Yukiko, he nodded. "Alright... I`ll call Naoto. We won't be able to start the search until she and Kanji are out of school, but..." he shrugged. "Maybe you can come by and talk to Dojima about that reccomendation in the morning, unless you wanted to wait... anyway, I`ll see you tomorrow Chie. Goodnight... thanks again." He said, hanging up his phone. He called Naoto, and ended up leaving a quick message, before changing into his sleepwear, and allowing himself to fall asleep. 



  12. "Yes, of course. I just got off the phone with Yosuke and Kanji... we discussed it bit, but nothing really of note. I figured the best course of action would be to contact you, and make sure you were informed on what happened, along with the others..." He sighed, sitting on his bed... he usually was pretty calm and collected but... here, with Chie he allowed his concerns to creep into his voice, "How... how could this happen..." He muttered into the phone. "I mean... I thought we did everything we could... was it not enough...? I..." He sighed... might as well admit the fear he was feeling as of late... "I keep wondering if there was something different that I could've done..."


  13. Vincent rolling his eyes. This proffesional Enclave solider had all the wit of a colt. He was half tempted to blow his brains out on principle:  he'd just insulted him as a mercenary! He couldn't figure out how he knew he was a merc, but he guessed that didn't matter. "Ooooh man, you REALLY wanna get your brains blow out huh?" He said, feeling as though the way the Enlcave solider insulted him showed that he had to have some kind of death wish. "Well, sad for you, but... I don't really think you're worth the bullet." He muttered, holstering his pistol. "Sorry, .44 rounds are expensive pal." He muttered, walking away to loot the corpses around him. Mostly, he just picked up the guns. He'd head upstairs and see about breaking them down and putting them back together again... could probrably sell them for a preety bottlecap. He also made sure to loot any drugs the raiders had them, medical or... recreational. Could always sell them to some junkie...


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