[Game of the week!] ] [MAJOR UPDATE] We're having a reunion! We're not reviving, by any means. It's not that time yet. But! We are having a meet up sometime soon and we'll be starting with http://www.boardgame-online.com/ It's free, it's in a browser, and it's quite fun! So that's a good starter at the very least. We may or may nor be playing more, but at the very least it'll be fun to meet with all the good old friends of the old times! I'll be updating this thread soon with dates once i consult the veterans of WGE. But anyone may join us! It'll be nice to have old and new faces to be playing together. COntact me on this site via private message or skype or steam! Anything!
Hello Ponies! Let's have a weekly scheduled gaming meet up, with the hopes of making new friends, Jolly-cooperation, and fierce competition! The goal being with this to grow the community and have fun, primarily. We should try and give games that are common and/or free so more people can play. I.E. Rose Online will probably never happen.We will be playing games on Friday at 6:00PM central time (GMT -6) and the game will be announced sometime before game night happens! To get in on this sweet, multiplayer action, contact me on Steam: Valkas or on Skype: CallahanWash
The rules aren't really rules, just guidelines and are fairly simple.\
1. Don't be a dick, we are all here to have fun and we certainly don't want a griefer or team killer ruining the fun.
2. Try and be communicative. Like i said, just guideline, but it would be nice if you occasionally interacted with those around you. Not required by any means, maybe your throat hurts, maybe you're in a pissy mood. This guideline comes from the idea that the goal is to make friends and make a tighter-knit community.
That's about it for 'guidelines', but this will likely be adjusted and tweaked as problems arise. as they often do.We have a skype chat group that anyone interested in joining can participate in. It is persistent and used as a chat group or suggestion box if you want during the week. always up for use.
We now have a youtube channel as well so we have a centralized place to post content "http://www.youtube.com/user/WGEWeeklyGamingFun"
[How to sign up]Just send me a message either on here, or on steam with your steam name, skype name and anything else you see fit to add. I will add you to the list. And seeing as things come up and events may stop you from showing up, It's on a first come first serve basis. And it's never to late to join(unless it's over), so just send me a message and ill add you ASAP if we have a spot open!
We will be playing Killing floor this week! Death to the ZEDS