I'm in no particular situation to be happy and tell you life gets better in a sudden surge of greatness and it's great fun times. That simply isn't true. What i can tell you is if you are strong and hang on to what you love and enjoy in life, it will gradually start to improve as you do.
Really it's a balance between two things. Time and the want and drive to improve and make life better. Without one, the other cannot function. If you sit on your ass and wait, life will certainly not improve. If you go out for one day and see hundreds of people and interact with the community, but don't do it at some consistent level, it won't improve either. You have to go out and think positively and leave your comfort zone, on a regular basis. And with time it will improve.
Nothing improves over time, without and outside force pushing and striving for it to.
Also, self deprecation is one of the best ways to make things worse. Trust me on that one, i have been and still am in the same position as you. Better thoughts means you feel better, and it's not an easy task to think consciously about yourself. You dont want to (Atleast that's how i feel.) But it helps in the long run, i promise.
If you want you can PM me if you want some more help. I would be more than happy to give any insight or knowledge i have on the subject if you really wanted it.