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About windy_prance

  • Birthday 1988-01-22

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  1. Merry Birthiversary!

  2. It is official...Sunburst is the new Big Mac. In one episode, we now have StarBurst, Twilyburst, TrixieBurst, and MaudBurst. Pick your ship and set sail everypony! (BTW I'm team MaudBurst...GO TEAM MAUDBURST!)
  3. Loved this episode. Great moral and Cadence is actually useful to the story for once! Also quick question: This pony...is...is that Rail Tracer from Baccano?! OMG this cruise now has a 50/50 chance of ending with a lot of dead bodies...
  4. I loved this episode just for the fanfiction fuel. Finally Celestia and Luna are given an entire episode to dedicated to being ungrateful sisters and it was awesome. Unfortunately when it comes up to Starlight Glimmer, I still feel her arcs are too repetitive "Use magic to solve problem...wait I'm in trouble now!". Seriously it is so tiring, just stop and give Starlight something else to learn! I love Daybreaker and it makes me want to see Cadance's evil version. Personally I think the evil form of Cadence would be a manipulative evil jealous mother figure. "Oh my love for my subjects is absolute...I expect their love for me to be the same! Don't dare deny me and give that love to your friends and family! THAT LOVE IS MINE AND MINE ALONE!!!" Once again, love love love this episode!!
  5. This episode illustrates how a baby character will NOT ruin an episode! It was awesome and I can't wait to see her in more episodes! ...omg. They should do an episode where Flurry Heart develops a crush on Snails and won't let him go much like her Whammy! Please make this episode!
  6. Happy birthday! :3 Hope you have a lovely time~ ^.^ https://derpicdn.net/img/2013/6/7/342406/large.png

  7. As the title states, describe an alternate future that wasn't explored in the finale. Let's see how creative we can get. My alternate headcanon future: Without the Mane Six there to stop Nightmare Moon, Celestia wins the battle...by sacrificing herself and sealing both Nightmare Moon AND herself into the moon. (The moon depicting two unicorn heads instead of one) Princess Cadence nows rules over Equestria and the sun/moon are moved by the unicorns once again like the olden days. ...now tell us your headcanon~!
  8. Oh I would love a Pegasus or a Griffin villain. Maybe a society of isolated pegasus and griffins that live on a floating island. Their lack of Earth ponies that can make food for them drives them to attack and kidnap ponies from Equestria. The villain would be named Prince Atlas, ruler of Skyhalla~! WINGS UNITED!!!
  9. I want a Princess Celestia episode. Maybe like an episode about Celestia's relationship with the Royal Guards. Celestia decides to surprise visits the Royal Guard training camp. The Royal Guard and their novice trainees freak out and scramble to make everything perfect for the princess. Hilarity and Trollestia ensues~!
  10. Starlight Glimmer has now joined the main cast as Twilight's new student. ...so...does that mean Starlight will eventually create a new element? If so, what would her element be? Will Starlight create the element herself or will the Tree of Harmony grant her that gift?
  11. She is now Twilight's student...of course she is part of the main cast now. Her NOT becoming part of main cast ruins the whole point of the finale. Starlight Glimmer is too powerful and dangerous to left on her own to learn the magic of friendship. To push her into a background pony will just make her go back to old habits. She needs guidance and the Mane Six is EXACTLY what she needs.
  12. 1. Princess Spike - A pure waste of time. He already learned his lesson about greed and lying in "Secret of My Excess"...why does Spike need to learn it again??? 2. What about Discord - This is how NOT to write Discord in a episode. Little to no payoff on the jokes set up and Twilight is made to look bad for no reason. 3. The Lost Treasure of Griffinstone - The lack of interaction with Dash and Gilda bugged me in this episode. Why would the map want Rainbow Dash on this adventure if her role was only to be a last minute damsel in distress? Pinkie Pie did all the work!! 4. Party Pooped - The moral was something both Pinkie Pie AND Twilight should have known from very beginning. Not to mention why is Twilight trying to make relationships with another country WITHOUT telling Celestia about it!?!? 5. Rarity Investigates - The weakest of the Rarity trio episodes. The story could have been salvageable but they made it WAY too easy of a mystery to solve.
  13. This episode is pure fanfiction fuel and I love it~! That alone will keep fans occupied until season 6. This season seem to have challenged the status quo in more ways than one. We saw more world-building than in any other season. Background ponies and even one-shot characters are given more spotlight. CMC are now advisers for identity problems of young ponies. Princess Twilight now has a student and we added a new member to the main cast. As long as the writers are able to avoid retelling past morals and story arcs, the future is bright~!
  14. I want a chorus of Wonderbolts singing to the sound of military marching band music~!
  15. The show couldn't keep them as "blank flanks" forever. If "Appleoosa's Most Wanted" taught us anything is that the CMCs were getting repetitive over their schemes of obtaining cutie marks. Change NEEDED to happen.
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