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Sir Hugsalot

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Posts posted by Sir Hugsalot

  1. It looks like "Blame Simon" is back on the menu, everypony :mlp_icwudt:

    I am very proud to announce, that @Simon will be a new administrator of MLP Forums, working with the rest of us on ensuring that the community keeps thriving with everyone making wonderful, new memories <3 

    Additionally, because of that @Cash In is going to become Head of moderation, having all the necesarry skills to lead our moderation team from now on. Congratulations! :pinkie:

    I already had a pleasure to be his friend several years ago and I can think of no better person to receive this kind of responsibility. The day when he returned to us was a bright day for the community and the way he performs moderation duties is exactly what we are hoping our moderation would be. He's responsible, takes his duties seriously, while still being an incredibly fun person to be around :fluttershy: Exactly the kind of person we need in administration!

    Also... he's a chipmunk! In fact, I have evidence. Check out his reaction, when the news was announced to him :toldya:

    Adventure Chipmunk - I Can Has Cheezburger?

    Everyone, give our new administrator a warm welcome <3

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  2. Greetings, everypony! Sir Hugsalot here! :mlp_icwudt:

    Before we get to the specifics, allow me to give you all a bit of history. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is the show that introduced a lot of people to concept of loving and tolerating each other no matter their identity. It doesn't matter what your gender is. What you believe in. So long as path you roam is paved with kindness and you're a sincere person to all those around you - you are worthwhile. It's a message that this community embodied ever since I joined it in year 2013. Back then topics, like LGBTQ, especially gender identity were not as widely discussed as they are today and were much more often a subject to unjust ridicule. MLP Forums was different. Here everyone was welcomed and encouraged to be who they really are. People made friends because of it. Were loved because of it. I, myself met my first transsexual friends in this community. This open approach is part of the reason why MLP Forums is such a wonderful community.

    And that brings us to what I wish to announce here.

    There's been increased amount of reports aimed at people openly expressing their identity. While I understand what people who make such reports aim at, I have to say this, loud and clear:

    User's gender identity is not a political statement.

    This means that any user stating their identity or using flag related to it (for example having LGBTQ flag on their profile page) is not a subject to moderation.

    We all came here with one goal - to discuss the show that we all enjoy no matter who we are. To this day this community never ceases to amaze me with how welcoming it is to others and how it offers a safe haven to anyone who knocks at its door. Let's all make sure that it continues being such a shiny beacon of happiness on the Internet. :fluttershy:

    Some of you may be wondering though, what about debate aspect of the matter? Gender related discussion is fresh and there's a lot to be said or discussed about its psychological, sociological, philosophical or biological aspect. Well, to that answer is simple - such discussion is permitted within Twilight's Soapbox, ran by our very own @Simon. Keep in mind however - while discussion is welcome, what's not welcome is hate speech and any other less than kind behavior towards others.

    • Brohoof 22
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  3. My dad in fact was who pulled me initially into video games along with cousin. 

    When I was a very small child we were playing on this ancient console


    STARA KONSOLA PEGASUS - NIETESTOWANA - 7024653084 - oficjalne archiwum  Allegro

    I don't even know what it's called tbh, but now when I look at it, it looks like undignified :| face xD

    And we mostly played games like Super Mario Bros (or the bootleg of it? Back then piracy was a common thing in Poland so I can't even say for certain), Indiana Jones, some Tom & Jerry game and many more that I cannot remember.

    Then when we got PC he LOVED shooters (I hated them myself around the time) and played games like Soldier of Fortune or Medal of Honor. He also enjoyed games like Tomb Raider for example. Eventually he dropped form gaming as he found modern games too "complicated" for him (that happened around the time when even shooters started incorporating relatively open worlds and progression systems, he just wanted to be given a gun and pointed a direction in which to shoot :laugh:). So he stopped playing at all for many years. 

    Now it changed, however as he's on a very long health leave (he's been on it for a year already and it's likely to be extended) so he got his hands on my "old" gaming PC (very decent one, it just won't run any brand new games properly). He's mostly playing "older" games however, currently playing first Far Cry game. Sometimes he harasses me to beat some levels for him :laugh:

    And mom? Mom steals PC from him a lot as when she discovered his Max Payne 3 game, she started spending a lot of hours in it. Same applies to F.E.A.R. 


    Overall, I have 2 avid gamers growing over here :fluttershy:

    • Hugs 1
  4. For year 2024 I was only aware of Dune part 2 when it comes to movies I really want to see. 

    The catch is, I've seen it already, yesterday (and was absolutely blown away by sheer size of it, somehow it managed to top part 1, which was already a great movie), BUT I saw it in "regular" cinema and friends did coerce me to go for imax with them on upcoming monday, so here's that. 

    I want to see Dune part 2 in imax :squee:

    • Hugs 1
  5. This took me a while, but it's with great honor that I summarize kindness for my February for pony who helped me to embrace my own innocent and soft side :fluttershy:

    The biggest thing that happened was great loss one of my friends experienced. They were struggling severely with grief and I was there with them through entire painful process of accepting what happened, making peace with it and finding a reason to smile again. While I won't even dare to say that the pain is gone, I believe help they received did put them on the right path to continue with their life, while still keeping their loved one in their heart, where that person should be. This one deserves a special note as handling loss is one of the biggest hardships in life and I myself know how important it is to not be alone during such events.

    Also today is my dad's Name day (for those who wish to know what that is, BOOP ). Unfortunately family did disappoint me a bit (not to mention his friends) as nobody gave him any wishes. So after work I, along with my beloved @Ice Princess Silky paid parents a surprise visit to gave him his Name Day wishes, which made him incredibly happy <3 So that was one wonderful way to end February :3 


    These can easily count as big events, but of course there's also everyday kindness, sharing care with each other through smallest deeds like making a coworker some nice coffee, reminding my lovely girlfriend, what a marvelous being she is or coming to visit grandmother, who is now struggling with health, so that she's not alone in her struggles :3 


    I hope this makes @Fluttershyhappy :yay:


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  6. 14 hours ago, Dynamo Pad said:

    It was only a matter of time for me to take my turn and I’ve been looking forward to it for a long time! Definitely worth the wait


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    As for who our next volunteer will be! That volunteer is…

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    @Aticus the Adequate! Your time has come, my friend! ^_^ 


    Okay, your "flop of pie going to the floor" far surpasses my own XD That was glorious

    ... please @Aticus the Adequate, don't touch that mayo jar... stay away from it... please... :sealed:

    • Delighted Giggle 1
  7. 9 hours ago, Ice Princess Silky said:

    Yes. In fact, I’m quite compatible with atheists since.. as a theist I’m already very enthusiastic about my beliefs.. dating another theist would probably be chaotic so I’m glad my soulmate is an atheist for the sake of grounding and balance. :laugh:  

    And I do enjoy company of my beloved theist here as her perception of the world not only enriches my own, scientific mindset and gives me more depth to explore, but also fascinates me <3 

    So, in short, my answer also is a "yes" :fluttershy:

    • Hugs 1
  8. 9 hours ago, Cash In said:

    Now you finally understand. :toldya:

    Not so sure about that. My singing career hasn't taken off like I expected it to. I went into the store last night and nobody asked me for my autograph! Heck, no one even asked me for a photo! Like seriously?

    And you complain? Autographs are fun, so you get exactly what you're asking for - no fun :orly:

    • Delighted Giggle 1
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  9. 18 hours ago, Cash In said:

    Today is the day where the world finally knows the truth. Cash In cannot sing.

    I spent hours putting this stupid video together, so I hope you enjoy. :3

    This is freaking glorious and made my day. 10/10, will frame you into singing again c: 


    Ps. Choccy milk is better. Even you agree. I can recognize acting when I see it c:

    • Brohoof 1
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  10. On 2024-02-05 at 6:08 PM, TBD said:

    Luna made the right choice joining up with HancockB) But..Oh my god…:( I love it so much, so much thought put into this. :(


    i just want to give my applaud to you Sir, the title “sir” you have live up by and carry it with such integrity . You’re a good and a noble friend of mine, who has  always been the one to put others before himself. Selfless, honest and fun. Thank you Sir, for everything you have done for the mlpf. For putting your strength, your devotion and your love to this forum. I also want thank  everyone who helped MCM. This has been the most genuine and honorable event. 



    Thank you so much :rarity: I am glad I managed to make a perfect gift and seeing you enjoy it made it so much worth it :fluttershy:

    And I am humbled by your words even if honestly, there's no way I could pull it off if not support I got, especially from @Silky The Smoll who was there for me even as some things in my personal life came down crashing on me amidst MCM and for entire events team as they truly did outstanding job during event as demanding as MCM:rarity:

    • Hugs 2
  11. 7 hours ago, Shiny Silvermoon said:


    Dear @Sir Hugsalot, you might have wonder who was your Secret Santa and why they sent you this badge with a cute pink pegasus on it! :catface:


    You might also be wondering who is the pony that stole your sandwich!

    Well, the two questions have the same answer...

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    That's right! I was the one who stole your sandwich to avenge my sister who have been banished to the Moon by you! I did it for @Silky The Smoll:fabulous:

    I was also your Secret Santa! But what is the deep meaning of this badge? There is none! The "True Love" badge is what it is! A badge to show everypony that you are worthy to be called the true love of Silky! You're a caring boyfriend and I know that the cute pink pegasus is happy with you! May the Moon protect you! :fluttershy:

    I adore the gift you got me so much, thank you, it's truly precious. Now Silky's smile is always with me whenever I do anything at home :blush: I hope I am a good boyfriend, for she truly is a wonderful girlfriend to me... :rarity:

    As for sandwich... dangit... so that's where it's gone... GIVEITBACK!!! Dx


    Now... my badge? The one made for @TBD Hopefully something that easily captures the image he has on the forum - elegant, classy. With his favourite princess as a bonus :LunaMCM: She needed some convincing, but what wouldn't we all do for fans now, wouldn't we? :fluttershy:


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  12. On 2024-02-01 at 9:57 PM, Cheerilee said:

    @Curious Ge0rge

    Thank you for your hard work for this forum. I may not be the most social or present person, but, I really do appreciate everything you and the events team have done to help the community feel included. I'll be saving this image, for if a day comes that this forum is no more, I will have a memory to keep of all those who cared to keep it alive. 

    Tempus Pecunia! Time is money, and your hard work has paid off. 

    Aww, thank you so much :rarity: Honestly, as far as I am concerned I am just happy that people are having a great time here. 

    I absolutely adore this image and it was an honor to set it up for Silky, who was... a bit stuck on some weird, distant planet during the time when the thread was made :please:

    On 2024-02-01 at 10:23 PM, Misty Shadow said:

    I'm very honored to be included in this banner and I love the kind words that were said about me and everyone else! :izzy-shine:

    And we are honored that you took part in this year's Making Christmas Merrier <3 

    On 2024-02-02 at 2:39 AM, Shiny Silvermoon said:

    @Curious Ge0rge Can I put the banner on my profile? I have a nice gallery where I put every artworks of Shiny Silvermoon! :mlp_yeehaa:

    I don't see why not <3 go ahead!


    On 2024-02-02 at 3:15 AM, Samurai Equine said:

    That sounds like me, but did I ever actually get that hug? That's real million bit question. :mlp_wat: Lives are depending on this!

    *tackle hugs* you will never escape from hugs!!! :Cozy:

    21 hours ago, North Star said:


    image.png.f4b97fbb463d2e9d28cbf288deb381bf.png<-- conspiracy that these are the same pony confirmed :P

    @Silky The Smoll... even when our OCs are together the conspiracy just doesn't end... :sealed:



    Thank you all for amazing feedback, seriously. It really warms my heart to see how happy you are about the new banner <3 

    • Brohoof 1
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    @Planeswalker Silky smiles at @Curious Ge0rge who looks back as they thank the community for the support! :yay:

    @Iforgotmybrain bursts forth in surprise and everyone looks her way with a welcoming smile! The antics and shenanigans begin! 

    @Dynamo Pad, the loyal friend sits near @Felis Amafeles, the happy and supportive friend of MLPF

    @Hadrien stands proudly and protectively as he admires the crowd wistfully! 

    @GeneralDirection smiles for the camera to greet the viewer in his friendly, approachable ways! 

    @Denim&Venöm is just looking as cool as ever as @Luna the Great of all the Russias quietly observes the community from afar in silent contemplation. She swiftly glances over her shoulder at the subtle shadow of Luna @SCS who shyly lurks behind in mutual understanding of an introverted nature. 

    @Skylight Scintillate poses cutely for the camera while @Silly Druid greets an old friend @Astralshy who look back to offer her some tea! @Chaos-404-Not-Found  is full of chaos and nurses between them also wanting some tea! “Hi dad!” He beams brightly and randomly “look at my crazy friends!” 

    @North Star notices a shy and scared @Trot Shuffle and tries to bring out her extroverted side! 

    @Rainbow Cloud protectively stands by Trot Shuffle but smiles at the friendly ponies gathering. 

    @Shiny Silvermoon, reminded of the contract she had to create back in the world cup to bring world peace - stand in front of the scroll that Silky and Sir made to offer her approval in thanks! She’s brought a stone rooster she is convinced is the real @ the rocksarooster. @Sophie looks back happily at her friends as she is inspired to make some music! 
    @TheRockARooster looks determined to hug a random pony whom he knows is a friend! @Samurai Equine just head the word hug and is beaming at the viewer in happy welcome! 

    @Lleys is suspicious of all the happy activity but grateful enough to carry @CocoCody on her back. “Where is my helicopter to carry me?” She turns her had towards him to pose the query. Coco Cody poses for the camera. He donated for his good friends to be here and so he stood near @Props Valroa who was never a fan of crowds and had his back turned towards it all  while observing
    @Captain of Fun angrily drink strawberry milk because @Rising Dusk had his tail on his head. “See the things I have to tolerate in this community?” The fun slayer uttered. 

    Rising didn’t even notice as he graciously receives a scroll of thanks from the skies that @Misty Shadow charges towards the sky in an effort to get back to the moon!

    Silky and Sir thank you for participating in making Christmas merrier!:oneheckofahat:



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  14. Guys, I am proud of you.

    You see, Luna was struggling so much with loneliness. Look what happened to her as she was stuck on the moon, all by herself :(




    Isn't it terrifying? ;-;

    And now you ensured that one and only @Planeswalker Silkywill go straight to the moon and cheer her up! :toldya: She's already so much happier, I mean... just look at her!



    Silky, darling, thank you so much for ensuring that one of our lovely princesses will smile once again. You're truly precious... :(


    *silent chuckles* c: 


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  15. 14 minutes ago, Planeswalker Silky said:



    Behold -- Sir takes a pie to the face. And also... ummmm spoiler alert but

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    I should've known you will put that part in the video, if I ask you not to :okiedokieloki:

    Thank you for ensuring that I do have a reason to ban you... At least @GodlyWolf is also caught in this and has to do the challenge now :fluttershy:

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