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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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  1. Alright, everyone has finally been added and the rules have been altered. I'm going to start the roleplay thread now.~ Oh, by the way, all of these characters seem spectacular.
  2. Oh, yeah, of course. I'll add that once my computer stops acting up. ._.
  3. Alright guys. c: I'll add all your characters to the list. Hope you all enjoy the roleplay! (Oh, Scratch, do you have a profile for Fidget?)
  4. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Dear ---, You have just been invited to Rosie's house party in celebration of summer! Rosie will be hosting the party in Canterlot tomorrow, at sundown. Don't waste a minute! In fact, get there early! Right when the sun begins to drop! You can bring your own food- but Rosie will have plenty of her own in the house to share. She also has a large pool and two diving boards. Make sure to bring your swimsuit and towels! Don't worry about sunscreen- it'll be midnight by the time we are really getting the party going! Your welcome to bring friends or just random ponies standing around! See you there! - Rosie - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Well, there you have it. If you don't understand the roleplay by now- well. You must not know how to read. -points up there at the title- Nah, just kidding. My main OC is having a house party in Canterlot. She needs a second host if anyone is interested. But mainly she is looking for lots of ponies to just roll on in to have some overnight fun. <3 Oh, there will be alcohol included into the party. Just so you know! Rules x. respect everyone OOC, alright? don't take IC behavior seriously. it's just roleplay. o. not too much cursing, alright? I don't want complaints or anything. x. there will be alcohol in this roleplay! please, if your not okay with this, think twice about signing your character up. o. pg-13! no sexual/mature content at ALL. this is a nice fun party, not a night club. x. because i'm nice, i'm allowing alicorns. only if they aren't mary/gary sues or showoffs. o. it's not an advanced roleplay- but I do not one sentence. for example, I do not want this: "the mare leapt up onto the diving board and jumped in." come on, that's a pretty bum post. this is what i'd love, "The mare had just finished her lovely conversation with that feathered stallion within the house. But now she felt the sudden need to cool down- to feel water through her mane. Her hooves carried her over to the diving board, stepping up carefully so she wouldn't slip. Then, she would stride to the edge, bouncing in place a few times before throwing herself into the cool water of the pool." it doesn't have to be that long but xD. x. romance IS allowed! - - - - - - v - - - - - - Alright. If your interested, just give me the link to your character's page and tell me Rosie will be expecting a guest! c: Simple as that! Stallions Riley Thunder Dash Flame Stryke Mares Rosie(host) Anala Winter(co-host) Firecracker Color Spark Anna Bayonet/Shivity
  5. Is anyone else so tired, or is it just me? x-x;

    1. Khaoios


      I'm stressed and tired, so your not the only one, :)

  6. Rose<3


  7. -dying fish noise-

  8. Welcome, welcome, welcome! I'm Lady Rose. <3 Some call me just plain Rosie or Lady, but either is okay with me. c: I love the amount of Rarity fans we have. Rarity has been needin' some loving lately. But anyways...I hope you have a great stay here at the forums!
  9. -dying whale noises-

    1. Dsanders


      *dying cat noise*

  10. Ooh, sorry to barge in on the conversation. Well, I'm not exactly 'joining' it, I'm just- nevermind. This seems like a really interesting, fun roleplay to be part of. And I'd love to join. Here is the OC I may use - http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/tighty-r6161 Tell me if there is anything wrong. ^-^
  11. Rose<3


  12. Beware///Of///The///Marching Welcome all! I've been thinking about this roleplay idea a bit, and I'm hoping you will like it. This is based on the future of Equestria, when Princess Celestia retires from her position and Princess Luna takes her place. With Celestia out of control, all over Equestria disapproved of Luna becoming the new ruler. They thought she still had evil lingering within her. This made Princess Luna enraged, and changed rules around a bit. She sent live guards of her own to each of the cities so that they could ensure nopony said anything about her being a 'bad ruler.' These guards were ordered to kill ponies, even fillies and colts of innocent families. Suddenly ponies began fleeing from their homelands and regrouped within the Evergreen Forest. Together, they uprose against Luna, their weapons to strong against the guards. The innocent ponies nearly won- when more guards were sent in to kill them or to chase them out. But most of the guards were slaughtered. Princess Luna, even more enraged that ponies had no respect for her, hired engineers and ordered them to create robots. Although within weeks after robots were being created, Luna was assassinated, leaving the leader of the engineers to rule. He was evil and brutal, and began to make robots that had eyes and personalities like real ponies. But personalities that were brutal, violent. Once the robots were sent out, they killed many with large, electric-ran guns and tazer-like weapons. But these weapons killed ponies right on the spot. Although some ponies grouped within the Evergreen Forest, making camps and regrouping with 'survivors.' They planned to overthrow this head engineer and shut down the robots- but first, they must gather other suvivors. - So basically, Luna took over Celestia's position and brought evil to the land. She hired engineers and made robots that would scare ponies, but then, Luna was assassinated and one of the most experienced engineers took her place. He made robots that were brutal and violent, killing ponies all over Equestria just so he can earn power. But a group of survivors are meeting in the Evergreen and planning to overthrow him. Robots kinda look like this - http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/217/c/9/rainbow_dash_robot_by_xxmoonwish-d59vawq.png But with large electric weapons and different colors. Dark colors, usually. Rules: - No Alicorns! Sorry guys, unless your some type of ruler, you can't be an alicorn. But there are no rulers beside the head engineer anyways so...yup. - PG-13 roleplay! No sexual content, no extremely graphic fight posts, etc. Remember that there are some young viewers on this site! - No powerplaying, godmodding, or being a mary/gary sue. This is exactly why I don't allow ali- corns. They cause mary/gary sueing. - Please respect all players of the roleplay! - Be warned, this is an advanced roleplay. See on the title there? Advanced means spectacular grammar, literacy, vocab(optional), and correct spelling. :] - By the way, the call this time "The Marching" because when the robots walk, they stomp and make loud noises with their hooves. This scares the innocent ponies and gives them time to flee. - Have fun! List of Members: - Lady Rose - - - - - - (and so on) Contact me if you have any questions! Thank you!
  13. ''And may the odds be ever in your favor...'' Welcome! Greetings, and welcome to my thread! I'm working real hard to make this live...so I hope you guys appreciate that all you can. Anyways, onto the details. This roleplay I'm trying to set up is obviously one based off the series, ''The Hunger Games.'' The first book though, not the second or third. If you haven't read the books/watched the movie...I prefer you don't try and sign-up for the roleplay. You'd be confused and very...well, lost in the middle of the roleplay. I'd be glad to tell you abit about the movie and book though if you are really interested in joining though. ^^ Yeah, yeah. I understand that the games end eventually. I will set up another thread for the next hunger games and it will start all over again...if everyone decides to roleplay and be active on my thread. But I really doubt the games, in roleplay, will end that quickly. Like in Catching Fire I have set up a completely random setting and map for the games. Pretty neat eh? Basic weapons will be included. Bows, hatchets, knives, etc. Only one victor. Unless, like in the first movie, the game maker is tempted to have two victors from the same district. 12 districts, a mare and stallion taken from each, and one programmed map ready to be painted in blood. Have fun~! ----- - Be nice to others. I really don't want people to leave because they are treated unfairly. Please...don't bully. - All MLP forums rules apply. You know where they are. Go ahead and read 'em if you haven't already. Thanks. - Act Mature I love derps. I'm a derp myself...but not an inappropriate derp.(PG-13 RP HERE) Not one who curses and acts unnecessary all the time. Be a fun derp, not an inmature derp. - No Auto-Hit, Powerplay, Etc. I prefer, considering this is a Hunger Games roleplay, that characters do not, ''-flings ninja star at pearls leg and kills her-'' This is what I expect, ''Pearl lowered down against the soft brown earth and lifted her hoof up with a throwing knife, aiming at Starshine as she flung it forward.'' - Respect the head game-maker. Etched, my character, is the game maker. You may choose two characters to roleplay with. One for the games, and one that could be used for sponsers, trainers, other game makers, etc. Your choice. - No Alicorns. Sorry, but no. Too many mary/gary-sues to deal with if any join with an alicorn. OH, oh. If you are a unicorn, you may not use harmful powers. Only weapons came harm. Your character may only use teleporting, moving, etc etc. ----- Game Makers - Etched (Head/Master) District I - None District II - None District III - None District IIII - None District V - None District VI - None District VII - None District VIII - None District IX - None District X - None District XI - None District XII - None
  14. Active again. :D Excuse my disappearance. School, y'know?

    1. Scootalove
    2. Rose<3
    3. Scootalove


      No problem! If you need anything, just let me know. :)

  15. Yet another pony she heard walk into the crammed shed. Annoyed, the young mare sat up and pulled the coat cover over her head, pushing her wings under her jacket before stomping over to the door and shoving it open powerfully with her hoof. Without a word the mare escaped out into the icy coldness and slammed the wooden door behind her, trudging through the thick snow wondering why she did it. Soon after walking for awhile, she regretted this and tried looking to see if she could see the hut, but it was almost invisible to see. Rosey pushed forward, on and on with her hooves becoming red and numb. Finally, she patted a wall. A brick wall as she guessed. A door was nearby, and she pounded on it with her legs before it opened immediately. Instead of running in, the mare fell forward onto her stomach with a loud groan, but managed to twist around and shut the doors with the little power she had left. Rosey weakly lifted up off her stomach as the room went pitch black. She felt around to see if there was a wall of some sort, but none was to be found. It was a lot warmer in here then in the shed since it was bigger and seemed to have thicker walls, but where was she?
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