Welcome all! I've been thinking about this roleplay idea a bit, and I'm hoping you will like it. This
is based on the future of Equestria, when Princess Celestia retires from her position and Princess
Luna takes her place. With Celestia out of control, all over Equestria disapproved of Luna
becoming the new ruler. They thought she still had evil lingering within her. This made Princess
Luna enraged, and changed rules around a bit. She sent live guards of her own to each of the cities
so that they could ensure nopony said anything about her being a 'bad ruler.' These guards were
ordered to kill ponies, even fillies and colts of innocent families. Suddenly ponies began fleeing
from their homelands and regrouped within the Evergreen Forest. Together, they uprose against
Luna, their weapons to strong against the guards. The innocent ponies nearly won- when more
guards were sent in to kill them or to chase them out. But most of the guards were slaughtered.
Princess Luna, even more enraged that ponies had no respect for her, hired engineers and ordered
them to create robots. Although within weeks after robots were being created, Luna was assassinated,
leaving the leader of the engineers to rule. He was evil and brutal, and began to make robots that
had eyes and personalities like real ponies. But personalities that were brutal, violent. Once the
robots were sent out, they killed many with large, electric-ran guns and tazer-like weapons. But
these weapons killed ponies right on the spot. Although some ponies grouped within the Evergreen
Forest, making camps and regrouping with 'survivors.' They planned to overthrow this head
engineer and shut down the robots- but first, they must gather other suvivors.
So basically, Luna took over Celestia's position and brought evil to the land. She hired engineers
and made robots that would scare ponies, but then, Luna was assassinated and one of the
most experienced engineers took her place. He made robots that were brutal and violent, killing
ponies all over Equestria just so he can earn power. But a group of survivors are meeting in the
Evergreen and planning to overthrow him.
Robots kinda look like this -
But with large electric weapons and different colors. Dark colors, usually.
- No Alicorns! Sorry guys, unless your some type of ruler, you can't be an alicorn. But there are no
rulers beside the head engineer anyways so...yup.
- PG-13 roleplay! No sexual content, no extremely graphic fight posts, etc. Remember that there
are some young viewers on this site!
- No powerplaying, godmodding, or being a mary/gary sue. This is exactly why I don't allow ali-
corns. They cause mary/gary sueing.
- Please respect all players of the roleplay!
- Be warned, this is an advanced roleplay. See on the title there? Advanced means spectacular grammar, literacy, vocab(optional), and correct spelling. :]
- By the way, the call this time "The Marching" because when the robots walk, they stomp and make loud noises with their hooves. This scares the innocent ponies and gives them time to flee.
- Have fun!
List of Members:
- Lady Rose
(and so on)
Contact me if you have any questions! Thank you!