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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by Iamp

  1. My friends have been hurting me a lot lately. worst thing is that it's not even their fault.

    1. True Rarity

      True Rarity

      That sounds awful. I hope things get better for you.

    2. KoGy



      / hug

  2. People tell me to be myself, then I get judged for my personality by those same people :/

    1. KoGy


      It happens.


    2. SCS


      I'm sorry that happened to you. You should just not care at all what they think of you.

    3. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      ^ Exactly. They have no room to judge someone's personality if they are free to express theirs.

  3. Nooo my favorite catt Mittens just died! :'( I was closer to that cat than probably almost all my friends.

    1. Moonlight Magician

      Moonlight Magician

      Oh no.. :( I'm sorry for your loss. At least he lived a good life...right? :(

    2. KoGy


      That's sad to hear.


  4. Today is the last day I can go on the MLP forums on School computers! Which indirectly shows today is that last day of school for me! ^.^

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Iamp


      I'm probably going to try my hardest to make friends right when school starts ^.^

      and the ponies will always be posted :3

    3. KoGy


      Good luck to you!


    4. Iamp


      Thank you!

  5. Battlefield 3 is free on origin for a limited time!

    1. SnipSnap


      EA wants people to get Origin THAT badly huh?


      Still not convinced.

    2. Iamp


      Well they are still getting no money from me. I'm just getting a free game! ^.^

    3. SnipSnap


      Lol, i just checked... scratch what I said. But it's only for Windows... Aw crap. :(

  6. Well, just lost like all my friends. So I think I'll crash here for the rest of my life.

  7. My school just blocked a lot of websites this week. MLP forums and the only web page i have now D:

  8. Sorry wallet, the steam Christmas sale is on and I already missed some deals

  9. I have been a busy pony with my birthday that happened three days ago, I feel soo awesome right now! :D

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