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Blog Comments posted by 123



    Are you kidding me?!   If you or anyone out here honestly believes there's merit in bashing and attacking the writers, you kidding yourself. Many of the episodes (and cartoons) written by them are mediocre at least and awful at worst. But there's absolutely ZERO excuse to bash or attack the staff, period. The second he bashes the staff, the quality of the writing and word doesn't matter anymore. Instead, the quality of his character gets called into question, and his opinions are nullified.


    First off, leave your interrobang for fiction when I'm not around.


    Yes, it's bad to be angry at the writer, but it's his style. I don't agree with an angry style (I get the idea though that you do, based on your counterargument's tone and your "it's for kids" blog entry).


    I do need to agree on one thing, personal attacks are unprofessional; it was uncalled for that Mr. Enter was that angry at a TV show writer. But it's no excuse for saying that he deserved this.


    But think about it, is it worth defending writers that write episodes that lack thought and are ruining television.


    Once again, its his style you cant punish a critic for his style. First amendment. If you don't like him, ignore him, okay?


    Finally, calm down. Please just calm down and if you want a debate, I'm fine.


    On one condition, I don't want to debate a person that uses caps lock in his arguments, says "are you kidding me" and forgets that debate is the art of a peaceful, calm rebuttal between two parties. I don't know what kind of grudge you have on him, but this is mlp forums.

  2. "*Saying you regret what you did and apologizing for it isn't enough when his past reviews were still up. If he wants to look truly honest, every one of his reviews that attacks staff should never be uploaded ever again, and he's got to publish a public apology for it."


    Is it me, or are you on the side of one of the stupidest companies on earth. I don't like to get into an argument but you need to realize something: art (including animation) needs criticism. Criticism is the first step to improvement and better art.


    You say that Mr. Enter was far too harsh. True, he could be rude and blunt.


    However, Just because he was personal with his reviews doesn't say that he was making legitimate threats. You could say that the Nostalgia Critic uses too many bad words but that isn't enough to completely say “every one of his reviews that attacks staff should never be uploaded ever again, and he's got to publish a public apology for it.”


    It’s impressive that you can say something this harsh when a reviewer like the Angry Video Game Nerd (who has had an entire episode with a character that is a piece of feces) gets away scot-free. I’m not bashing on the Angry Video Game Nerd; but I’m making a legitimate point when I say that being blunt isn't a reason to axe an account.
    Finally, and this is a matter of opinion but I’m certain other people can agree; Mr. Enter made legitimate points to bash on the writers. He only got extreme when the writers truly had a reason to be bashed.
    I’d like you to watch this scene (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_HqBvv_cJd0) and the episode “The Splinter” from SpongeBob. Also keep in mind that the writers didn't just make a few mistakes, they wrote many, many, many terrible, stupid and sometimes cruel episodes for a children’s show.
    Simply put, the world needs criticism, the world sometimes needs harsh criticism; Mr. Enter wasn't the calmest of reviews but it’s another example of why Viacom  is one of the worst companies on this planet, and why this world will never get better if it doesn't grow up. I wasn't even that big of a fan of his reviews (I thought they got harsh at times) but when I read this I needed to respond. 
    “Criticism may not be agreeable, but it is necessary. It fulfills the same function as pain in the human body. It calls attention to an unhealthy state of things.”
    -Winston Churchill
    I respect your opinions, but I never will agree with them.
  3. I'm no Gmod expert but I need to say these are pretty good.


    Also, you used spongebob music like a pro. music choice is important


    My only improvement tip would be more motion in between to make it look more fluid



    Also, anyone going into gmod or any kind of animation, should read up on this:



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