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Tricksters Pride

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Status Updates posted by Tricksters Pride

  1. Went on a bit of a hiatus there... Back now though, i had a bit of an idea for a roleplay! ^^

    1. Steelstallion


      Quick question. What exactly is hiatus

    2. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      1. a break or interruption in the continuity of a work, series, action, etc.

      Basically i've been gone for a real long time and just resurfaced... Kinda out of touch by now though :P

    3. SilverHeart


      It seems you're back.

  2. Hahahahahaha Internet is back, now im gonna... Do stuff?

    1. GuardianFenix


      How coincidental. I'm about to lose my internet to a tornado.

    2. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      Owwww... Tough luck man, here's hoping that that can fix itself.

  3. huh... my internet is gone and i work online..... so fired :P

  4. One day off the site and i get like 50 notifications??? What madness is this that states that everything happens when i can't do anything?

  5. Might be getting kicked from my home soon so if i just stop posting... Well that'd be why. :P

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      Yeah i'm good... Suppose i aught to upgrade my living conditions while i've got the inclination. :P

    3. The Elusive Cinder

      The Elusive Cinder

      Ever the optimist: good to hear - just take it easy and give us a shout if you need anything.

    4. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      Bits of good in everything after all, picked that up from a scribe. ;) Though it'll be a dark day indeed when my pride actually lets me ask for help of any sort! XD (Thank you though... its appreciated. :) )

  6. Wow... Everything got real slow this weekend..... Hope it picks up soon.

  7. Notifications started working again... And things promptly slowed to a crawl. :P

  8. That moment when you notice the DM browsing your char when they've promised to 'personalize' each 'invitation' to the meeting in the RP... Terrifying! :P

    1. Torrent505
    2. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      And worth every minute of the terror XD, totally altered everything with one letter... I must say that if this is any indication of your skill then this is going to be very fun indeed. :)

  9. (sigh) seems like the notifications are broken again. (Not that i even get any most of the time. :P) Bloody things must be a real pain to break this often.

  10. Wow... Life is confusing as hell.

  11. Its interesting to be proven right about others over and over again.

  12. Thank you for your hard work in getting the sight back up Mods, its much appreciated.

  13. ... I really hope that this community doesn't die... its too much fun to die :(

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      Heh no kidding... and yet i don't have any regrets being a part of it. :)

    3. AnonBrony


      Why should you? This community is darn right brilliant and amazing!

    4. Tricksters Pride

      Tricksters Pride

      Exactly my thoughts as well.

  14. Wow i spend all day watching pony art while playing and planning RP's... about ponies...... I need a life.

  15. The cnadian Brony convention is in BC... i just moved from BC..... 'bangs head against a nearby wall'

  16. Ha first shadow gets a awesome pic and now Gear, hehe so happy right now.

  17. Ha first shadow gets a awesome pic and now Gear, hehe so happy right now.

  18. What am i saying to get people to not respond? I don't think i'm that bad am i?

  19. I wish that the pace would pick up a bit... I'm getting bored and inactive and that's no fun.

  20. Of corse things start to move forward in my RP after i get blackout sick...

  21. Ugg i hate being sick.

  22. I got a portrait for Shadow Hunter and its..... AMAZING!!!


  24. I'm tired so i'm going to sleep for a while, so goodnight everyone!

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