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Strong Copper

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Posts posted by Strong Copper

  1. I feel like this would be a good place to put this. It is the first episode of a series about how the US Constitution actually came about... and all the bullshit that people had to go through in order to get that far.

  2. Strong Copper

    @skycoaster @pathfinderCS

    Strong Copper couldn't help but bashfully reach up to rub the back of his head as it became clear that Princess Luna remembered the last time the two of them had met... and had made something of a fool of himself when he asked her if Prince Blueblood was actually related to either of the royal sisters due to  his claims of being Celestia's nephew. It wasn't his grandest moment to be sure. Still, past was in the past so there was no point in bringing that little bit of it back up again. "Well considering that I have never attended the Grand Galloping Gala myself, I cannot fairly compare the two... through if you have selected the talented Lady Lulamoon to be your Mare of Ceremonies then I can trust that the  first Winter Moon Festival shall be a night to be remembered for many years to come."

    As he was asked if he knew Trixie, Strong couldn't help but chuckle almost shyly as he admitted "We have actually, through it was a little while ago. We met in a small cafe and after talking for a little while she convinced me to watch her perform her act. No pun intended but it was absolutely magical. I was entranced by your talented performance Lady Lulamoon, through I was somewhat saddened that we didn't get to talk afterwards, what with the autographs and all that." He couldn't help but look away, a small blush on his face as he admitted all of that to not just the mare in question, but a Princess of Equestria as well! 

    Thinking fast to try and change the subject, he asked "So... how did the two of you meet? That seems like it would be quite the story."   

  3. 1 hour ago, Star48955 said:

    Have you seen I posted something else?And yes,I understand.And you know she's going to try to make it up to Kabra'za...Even though she barely trusts him.Afterall,she just met him and she's not trusting of anyone,after Crimson Sun broke her horn...


    And remember everyone,until Moon wakes up after the teleportation she can hear thoughts.

    And our characters are meant to know this IC... how?

    • Brohoof 1
  4. The zebra frowned a little with thought as he looked over Moon's current state... the whole 'spirit' thing was strange, enough it would make one as educated on strange melodies and curses as himself pause to ponder its true nature.  The fact that the mare in question seemed unable to speak in this form... but could still physically interact with the world via drawing in the dirt with her horn only added further questions as to what was currently taking place.

    "And where did you hear that rumor?" He asked, curious about whom else he was going to have to happen to for failing to keep their mouth shut about the general area of their headquarters.

    • Brohoof 1
  5. 1 minute ago, Star48955 said:

    I know.Also...do you think Moon purposely almost killed herself from pain?You said " Moon to escape the very guards she alerted to their presence in the first place like the freaking moron that she was," She didn't do anything to alert the guards.Something happened to her,and when Moon wakes up she'll tell you why....or at least she'll tell you what she knows.

    Let us just say that considering the events that led up to her setting off the large flash of light that the guards noticed, he isn't sympathetic right now. 

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Considering that the rebellion was at least three years old, Kabra'za had entertained the thought that those whom had volunteered to join him in raiding would have at least been semi competent in order to have stayed free and alive all this time. How wrong he was...

    While the others bickered, fought and went all out to screw his mission up before it even had a chance to get underway Kabra'za took a moment to take a moment to close his eyes, take a deep breath... and decided to wait until they were all somewhere remotely safe before figuring out who to punish first. Taking advantage of the teleport provided by Moon to escape the very guards she alerted to their presence in the first place like the freaking moron that she was, the zebra had hopped into the circle alongside the others.

    Reaching up to hold his top hat steady as he forced himself to stand still and recover his bearings after the teleportation, he sighed a little as he glanced around at the area and tried to work out where the hell Moon had taken them. Taking a leadership role because clearly no one else was able to do so, he turned to those present and barked in a tone of voice that easily expressed the barely restrained fury that was building up inside of him "Secure the parameter and figure out where we are. Now!" he barked through gritted teeth.

    Orders given, he walked over to the downed Moon and allowed his gaze to wonder over her, attempting to get an idea of what her current condition was and thus the correct course of treatment to offer her.

  7. Kabra'za didn't know what the small town was called. It seemed like the kind of place that sprung up on the road in-between the actually important places because the road stretched on forever and a traveler could only travel so far before they needed to stop to rest, cook up a nice meal to fill themselves up and generally prepare themselves to hit the road again; In the grand scheme of things it wasn't an important or strategic location beyond being a resting place for travelers. 

    As such, it had largely been ignored by the occupying forces; While Sombra and Chrysalis liked to give the public presentation that they had eyes and ears everywhere and that all were under their iron horseshoes equally, the truth of the matter was that they only had so many troops in order to cover all of the lands that they had occupied and keep the very large population in check and thus garrisoning forces had to be divvied up based on value and importance. Towns like this might have had a squad of solders at most and even then it was more for the look of the thing then anything else because the best and brightest weren't given guard duty in a nowhere town unless they had screwed badly enough to be punished, but not so much as to be executed or imprisoned. This was the kind of posting that the useless and hopeless ended up at. 

    This made it perfect for Kabra'za purposes; It was a wonderful target. Giving the buildings one last look over from his position in the bushes, he quietly drew back in order to check on those whom had decided to join him for this rebellious raid.  

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Strong Copper

    @skycoaster @pathfinderCS

    For a moment, all Strong Copper could do was watch with his jaw slighty ajar as he watched the Princess of the Night herself appear seemingly out of nowhere, wearing a cloak that actually suited her rather nicely... and immediately start hugging Trixie like the two of them were old friends. Having largely grown up with the only Alicorn Princess being Celestia, seeing another alicorn of her standing be so... affectionate was kind of jarring.

    Of course the last time he had met Princess Luna, he had made a mess of things. All he could really hope was that she had either forgotten about it or pretended that the whole thing didn't happen. Offering a respectful bow, he politely answered "Yes your Majesty. I admit I was rather surprised to receive your invitation to such a prestigious event as this." 


  9. Name: Kabra'za

    Age: Appears to be a young adult stallion entering the prime of his life.

    General description:


    (There is no horn, but otherwise a good picture of him)

    The concept of a ‘Shadowmare/Stallion’ has long existed in Zebra culture; A mare or stallion that has sort out the darker, more… dangerous paths of curses and voodoo for their own selfish reasons. Many zebras were told bedtime stories where the Shadowstallion was… if not the outright villain, then at least an antagonist to the hero of the tale, who normally has to go on some kind of quest to undo the results of a bargain that they foolishly made with the dark master of voodoo.


    If the Shadowmare or Stallion is actually evil tends to depend on the story and the being in question rather than a judgement on the art as a whole, since plenty of tales have the dark magic user be nothing but a trickster out for a cheap laugh at somepony else’s expense or possibly even helping the hero by forcing them to acknowledge a weakness of their own character so that they might confront and overcome it. There are of course also those that are absolutely wicked to the core, petty bitterness and a love for causing others pain driving their actions. The general effect on Zebra culture is that it is a very naive, foolish or desperate pony that goes to make a deal with a Shadowstallion.


    Kabra'za left his homeland behind to seek out creatures and cultures less… enlightened about the nature of himself and his abilities a long time ago. With nothing but his cane, his top hat and his Shadow for company, Kabra’za has traveled the roads for some time as a traveling salespony who deals with exotic and interesting tonics, elixirs and cures for ailments… if one has a broad and vague definition of what an ailment is. After all, not being a fast enough flier or good looking enough to win the heart of the mare of your dreams are both tragic and common conditions that most medical professionals simply ignore. 

    And fair is fair, Kabra’za’s products will do what the customer asked for… through maybe not what they wanted. His cutie mark is that of a pair of tarot cards; One of the services that he can actually provide.

    Family: Kabra'za left behind his family on relatively bad terms due to his dedication to following the darker paths of voodoo. However, the one that broke his heart the most to leave was his little sister Zakrab, who was too young to understand what her big brother had done and why he had to leave.

    Likes: The thrill of the 'game', furthering his knowledge of medicines, plants and potion concoctions of varies affects, reading comedic fantasy novels. 

    Dislikes: 'Puritan' shamans, those who call him a fraud or talk down to him without getting to know him, beetroot.

    Fears: Pain, a puzzle he can't solve, what his sister Zakrab must think of him now...

    Best Friend(s): His shadow, which is a semi independent entity. 

    Friends: None.

    Rival(s): None yet, but it's only a matter of time till he gets on someone's nerves enough for them to come after him.

    Other: He is the Element of Hope.

  10. Dear Princess Celestia,


    Writing a letter to someone that you don't know all that well personally is difficult for me to do, but since I only really have this one shot and less then fifteen minutes to work with to try and share a lesson that I have learned I'll try my best. 


    Today I learned that one of the hardest things that anyone can do is to stop comparing themselves to others. It is hard to find happiness with yourself if you're too busy judging yourself for not being as 'successful' as a friend or family; Feeling like you've somehow failed at life is not a good state of mind to live with and the sooner that you can stop comparing yourself to someone else, the sooner that you can become content and happy with yourself. It is not an easy thing to do and it can be a struggle that someone has to battle on a day to day basis... but it is something worth fighting for.


    My time is almost up. If anyone is reading this, I just want you to know that you are an amazing being and as bad as life can seem at times the world is brightened by your presence, even if you can't see it yourself.


    Signed, Strong Copper.

  11. @@Skycoaster,@@Great Prince,


    Attention subjects of Equestria 

    All citizens are hereby invited to attend the Winter Moon Festival. 

    This years festival shall take place at Canterlot Castle, both in the Great Ballroom and Castle Gardens.

    The evening shall begin with the raising of the Winter Moon and end promptly at Midnight.


    This invitation here by invites:


    Strong Copper


    As Strong Copper read the invitation that had been given to him again, took a deep breath in order to attempt to calm himself down. He had been to Canterlot Castle before; Just about everyone went once or twice when they were foals and fillies in class school trips in order to see the Castle and possibly meet Princess Celestia (and now that he thought about it, Princess Luna now as well). To be invited to attend an actual Festival being held in the castle itself however... that was a new one.


    His old hoodie had been replaced with a a smart button-down burgundy shirt with a cloudy grey blanched navy waistcoat, a product of the lovely Lady Rarity and giving himself a bit more of a formal air about him for the event.


    Of course, he was a couple of days ahead of things but there was no harm in giving his outfit a bit of a wear in order to help break it in and be comfortable in it. As he slid his invitation back into a pocket of his waistcoat, he blinked a little as he saw a  familiar sight he hadn't seen for sometime now and it made him smile. "You know, I was worried that after seeing your performance, I wouldn't see the lovely magician behind the act again Trixie." He greeted with surprising warmth as he walked over to stand beside the Great and Powerful Trixie. "How have you been?"

  12. Strong Copper



    Strong Copper felt his heart stop for just a moment at the last thing that Trixie had asked him. Was she... inviting him to travel to Los Pegasus with her? Had he actually made that good of an impression? Stalling for time so he could think he quickly lifted his tea cup and had a quick sip, his brain considering a couple of things before he gave an answer one way or another. Things had been rather quite in Ponyville, which was somewhat surprising considering its location near the Everfree Forest so it wasn't as if he would be missed if he decided to go on a little holiday in the company of a beautiful and interesting mare. Maybe Los Pegasus would even provide him with a couple of job leads.


    Putting the tea cup back down and a great deal more collected, Strong smiled as he answered  "I haven't actually gotten the chance to visit Los Pegasus before; Not much in the way of dangerous wildlife to endanger ponies or property there you see so not a lot of professional reasons to visit..." Glancing away from Trixie somewhat bashfully, he offered her a slightly nervous smile as he answered "I wouldn't mind visiting it with you through..." 

  13. Silver Tongue



    Silver Tongue couldn't help but start to feel the excitement of hosting a party and making a big splash!... until something that Pinkie said actually made him stop and think a little. "Wait, why does the Princess of Friendship have dungeons in her castle?" If two ponies weren't getting along did the Princess throw them in a cell until they could calm down and work out their problems?

  14. @,


    "Don't worry, you've already made your sale." Strong answered with a surprising level of confidence and a warm smile... well, surprising to himself anyway.


    Having a beautiful mare playfully wink at him was so far off his social map that he show be freaking out and yet... he wasn't. Taking a moment to take another sip of tea while he adjusted to this strange turn of events, he quickly came up with a new way to continue the conversation. "From the sound of it, you must travel around a great deal. I'm honestly surprised I haven't heard about you on the road before... but then again I tend to go rather far off the beaten track for my job so that might explain it..." Pausing for only a moment to shake his head and get back to the point he was trying to make, he asked "Where do you consider the best place you've performed so far?"

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