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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by JustAnotherBrony

  1. goodbye

    1. dinomaster626


      buddy dont hurt your self :(

    2. Carbon Maestro

      Carbon Maestro

      Ah dude, if you're reading this, remember you have us!!!

  2. Thanks for your guys' help. I'm ok.. for at least now

    1. DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      Don't mention it, me and many others here are happy to help. :)

    2. dinomaster626


      thats right we are all here for you :) hugs

  3. all i can say is.. Im sorry dino, I'm sorry to everyone.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. JustAnotherBrony


      Thanks.. i already come here for help

      sometimes it works

      sometimes noone seems to care and it just makes it worse



      but i came today

      the one good day

    3. DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      DryGuy84 (Inactive)

      If you ever are feeling down, just PM me k? I'm here pretty often, but I am also fairly busy. I may not be able to answer you right away, but I'll respond within 48 hours at most ok? :)

    4. JustAnotherBrony
  4. its on my mind again (╥_╥) im sorry if i dont come back.. or cant

  5. 01101000 01100101 01101100 01110000 00100000 01101101 01100101

  6. i cant take it much longer

    1. JustAnotherBrony


      i lost one of my last friends to suicide


      just take me out with you please

    2. dinomaster626


      im so sorry :(


      if you need someone to talk to im here for you buddy :)

  7. It's getting worse. Help me.

    1. dinomaster626


      what is?


      if you need my help send me a pm i promise to do my best to help :)

  8. im supposed to understand ; why cant i understand

    1. dinomaster626


      what to chat buddy? :)

  9. Feels = Snowdrop, My Little Dashie, etc.... If you haven't read any of those two you should, like, right now.

  10. french pancakes give me the crépes

  11. Guys.... I'm so sorry... I let myself go... My IRL Friend commited suicide and I was just.... So sad, I actually thought about suicide. Thank god I had some friends talk me out of it... I'm just happy to see you all again....

    1. Delernil


      I'm glad you're ok :3

    2. dinomaster626


      thank god you did not talk with me soon okay i miss you brother you konw what time to catch up sending you a masage respond plase :)

    3. Commander Frost
  12. i'm going to lie down and go unconscious for 10 hours and wake up feeling like it was merely 1 minute

  13. 410 updates OMG AHHHHHHH

    1. dinomaster626


      hi man want to chat

    2. JustAnotherBrony


      I'm going to see The Second Hobbit Movie, so let's chat while we can!

  14. Missingno was ruined for me when I read the actual story on 4chan. Thanks, /b/ for ruining a great thing to me! :(

  15. 115 updates what did I miss? IM 2INACTIVE4YALL SORRY

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. JustAnotherBrony


      no tears

      only doge


    3. Swick (ded)

      Swick (ded)

      Much knee

      So slap


    4. JustAnotherBrony


      Such reply

      very bruise

      much sting


      such cry

      very eat

      much happiness

  16. It's my birthday. \o/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SCS


      Happy birthday!

    3. NothingIsEverything


      Happy birthday! *hugs* :3

    4. dinomaster626


      hugs man have a great birth day okay your a great friend

  17. It

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JustAnotherBrony
    3. dinomaster626


      ok just know not to read the ealry pages of the chat show spoilers and also know i am recovering from last night so dont juge what you read about me i beg you

    4. dinomaster626


      but read one page back so you can know what happend to me

  18. I just realized that we're nearing 2mil posts! :D

    1. dinomaster626


      thats cool i also gave you some advice friend im here for you

  19. I used to be addicted to the hokey pokey.....

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. JustAnotherBrony
    3. dinomaster626


      i told you my secret i trust you please respond in the chat!

    4. JustAnotherBrony


      Ok, I did, friend. :)

  20. I just put vanilla icecream in what was left of the nutella in my jar. Jesus christ it's soooooooooo gooooood

  21. That was one long AFK streak! Back, everypony! <3

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