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About mysticdash

  • Birthday 1994-11-01

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    cam dutton

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    well i like computers. Well i must if i am doing an I.C.T course in college. (so-post to be in uni but parents fort it was too expensive)i have a scollaship but i cant go until 2016 so I am doing this. I am very friendly and I have been a brony for 2-3 yrs now. I am the only one in my class, my friend moved to uni and now I am alone.

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    Earth Pony

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  1. its been a while and still no pony has go on my topic

  2. so you think you were a brony after one show that does not make you a brony. what makes you a brony is if you enjoy it or not if not then no. i have only watched 30 eps and i am a brony. so yeh if you like it you are a brony.
  3. hay welcome to the forum. i hope you can become a bigger brony by the day. its a load of fun so welcome.
  4. if a brony is sexist then they are an Hippocratic, (sorry if spelt wrong) that is if they are a boy but most people are. They don't mean to be but they are same with racism. It is only that if the person that says it is. for example say a person is talking to a girl and said get in the kitchen where you belong. someone might see that as sexist but on the other hand the girl might not and see it as a joke and the person saying that it is sexis seems to look like the sexist one for thinking that.
  5. can anypony please check out my first topic i need help making an OC

  6. BYE (do not reply

    1. Moonbacon
    2. deleteduser12304978


      Reply. Deal with it B|

    3. mysticdash


      I thought I said no reply at least I know pony's read my status.

  7. going in 5 gota get the bus

  8. so sad no views on my first topic damn :(

  9. 12 rounds 2 it was a ok film but before that (right before that I mean). I watched fire with fire good film its got the guy from die hard (forgot his name)
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