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Blog Entries posted by ghostfacekiller39

  1. ghostfacekiller39
    I know what y'all are thinkin' right about now; "Has this dude lost his mind?"
    Well, no; and while I don't dislike the episode, I just find it to be ridiculously overrated, especially since people praised this episode, yet criticized Rainbow Falls (an episode I like less, mind you) when they have the same flaws, from my perspective.
    First and foremost: Characterization, Characterization, Characterization.
    The OOC-ness in this episode was abundant.
    Allow me to begin with the most obvious example: Rarity.
    (she looks so good in this outfit )
    Rarity has been seen to be a bit demanding, honestly. She's a lady, and she expects to be treated like one, whether or not the expectations are always realistic given the surrounding circumstances.
    Rarity despising camping: that's in character.
    Rarity having an oversized and extravagant tent: That's in-character.
    This is not in character.
    Rarity can be a bit demanding, no doubt.
    But Rarity would not go to such lengths.
    This is almost slavery.
    Rarity is NOT a goddamn slave driver.
    Rarity does care about Sweetie Belle.
    Remember this episode?
    THIS is the relationship they have; they quarrel and fuss like siblings often do, and often do it in an immature fashion.
    When it comes down to it, though, the marshmallow sisters love and tolerate the fuck out of each other.
    Rarity hates mud, right?
    Even though she hated that, no doubt...
    She still did it because A.) She felt remorse for what she had done and B.) She cares about her sister enough to put herself through somethign she despises as much as running a race (she doesn't run races, she watches them from the crowd.) while covered in mud (self-explanatory.)
    Also, based off of what else we've seen from Rarity (turning her back on her dreams of fitting in with high society to stay with her friends in Sweet & Elite, masking her jealousy and remaining a good friend to Fluttershy in Green isn't Your Color, Running out on what could've been a career deciding contest to make amends with her friends in Rarity Takes Manehattan, and so on) I'd believe it's safe to deduce that she does NOT treat others this way.
    How does this relate to Rainbow Falls, as mentioned earlier?
    Sold Out Soarin'.
    Tried Manipulating Dashie, even started pushing at her loyalty.

    I don't even need to go on about how OOC she was in this episode. She was a bitch, plain and simple.

    But wait, what?
    (there was too many pictures, apparently: Think about how she was in "Wonderbolts Academy and "Best Night Ever," or when she was in character.)
    I hope this forces in some of Spitfire's actions from the past into your recollection, especially when so many people complained about her being OOC in Rainbow Falls (Hell, even I felt that way.)
    Think about what I said about Rarity in Sleepless in Ponyville, and compare it to Spitfire in Rainbow Falls.
    What the hell is the difference?!?!?!?!?!?!?
    And don't tell me something about Spitfire's role as an antagonist, either; I know what kind of hate Rarity got for that episode, and it was just as much, if not more, than Spitfire got in Rainbow Falls.
    What the hell is the difference?!?!?!?!?!?!?
    Don't gripe about two things that are the same, but hold a split opinion on the "quality" of those two things; that's hypocrisy.
    Eh, Powell wrote both of these episodes, and she couldn't write a decent episode to save her life. Dunno what I expected.

  2. ghostfacekiller39
    You knew this was coming eventually.

    For some reason, Twilight Sparkle's Fighting is Magic theme always gets me into that analytical sort of mood, and how I haven't made this a blog yet is boggling my mind
    Any episode that featured Rarity in a leading role will be counted, whether the spotlight was given to her or she shared it with somepony else
    I'll be starting with #1, since I'm in that kinda mood at the moment (and you all know it anyway, I think )

    So, let's get started, eh?
    1. Rarity Takes Manehattan
    :D :D :D :D :D :D
    For me, this is THE Rarity episode! It not only showcases her generosity extremely well (I noticed most of the people calling it "forced" also complained previously that she never showed it. Go figure.) But it also touched upon her dreams of being a high class fashionista; the part that got me is how she overcame her flaws in the end, though :D
    She was a broken mare; she had the fashion line she work SO hard on plagiarized from her (If I recall, she even made that fabric herself. That's a huge Rarity in the fashion business, believe it or not ) she had let her flaws get the best of her and was awful to her friends as a result.
    She had been so excited to go to Manehattan to showcase her designs in that famous fashion contest, but the outcome of it showed Rarity's true character
    She lost it; she was over-emotional and cost herself big-time. She was bad.
    She then realized her mistakes, and ran out of what would've helped her achieve her dreams, her passion, all to redeem herself of her sins she committed to her friends.
    That's who Rarity is. She'll be bad, but she's a great friend who realizes her mistakes and goes to the end of the world to rectify them.
    So many people write her off as being "snobby" or "bitchy," which, honestly, I question if the people who say that actually want to give her a shot, or watch the show for that matter (Hey, bronies are a big deal right now. You know people are going to claw to get that title, even if they don't like the show, and that leads to a lot of false claims.)
    This episode disproves that, though.
    I mean, she can be a bit uptight, but never looks down on others (although, she can be a bit assertive of her feelings when it comes to cleanliness and tidyness )
    In reality, she likes to be comfortable, and she likes what she likes. I read a fanfic the other night that characterized her perfectly on that matter; she kept telling AJ to "look after herself" for a while, instead of always doing things for others, but, in reality, she was worried for AJ and wanted her to be a bit happy and make things better for herself sometimes rather than just do things for others all the time.
    Rarity does quite a bit of giving, as seen in this episode, but also likes to pamper herself and is worried about her own happiness just as much as those around her. That's good; she loves to make others happy by giving and giving, but she also likes to be happy herself. She's balanced in that aspect, and it's honestly unhealthy to live your whole life pleasing others, and it's just plain rude to just please yourself. She's balanced in that regard.
    But, of course, people see her and think "ELEMENT OF GENEROSITY CARES ABOUT HER OWN HAPPINESS WTF" which, is ridiculous, honestly. She's generous as all get out, and it's been displayed NUMEROUS times throughout the series (I have a goddamn list, m8.) but it was always something you had to realize, other than just something up-front and obvious like Twi's Magic and Pinkie's Laughter.
    This episode put her generosity up-front for the world to see, which, was excellent; she's been that generous all along, guys; I have a list
    But the clincher was this one gave us the best of both worlds by showing us her passion for fashion as well as her element of harmony; the only other episode to do that, in this reviewer's opinion, was "Suited for Success." She went to fashion week, these lovely dresses in tow, and was utterly ripped off by that slimy, manipulative bitch Suri Polomare. Uggh.
    She was distraught, and, overreacted; she took it out on her undeserving friends, and, in return, nearly lost them.
    What makes Rarity special is that she's loyal, though, just as she is generous.
    She RAN out of the fashion show that might've elevated her to superstar fashionista status; it's her personal dream to be a superstar fashionista, ladies and gentlemen, all to fix her (what she felt) to be broken friendships.
    She was willing to toss out her dream, her passion, all to mend her mistakes and redeem herself to the friends she cared about so much.
    That's how Rarity is. She's generous, creative, overly-dramatic, generous, flawed, and caring.
    She's a wonderful, wonderful pony, and so many people seem to overlook that because of the negative stereotype bore by her character arc.
    And even though I'll get (metaphorically) bloodied, battered, and bruised, I don't give up defending her; I'm just that passionate of a fan.
    Whoa. Got a bit dramatic there. Anyway, this episode showcased who she truly is perfectly, and for that, 12/10, it's that fucking great
    Next Time: #2: Suited For Success

  3. ghostfacekiller39
    I HATED season 3.

    I'll say it. I can hardly watch most of the episodes.
    But, any of you who know me should be pretty accustomed to the favoritism I have for Rarity, so I hope it's visible why.
    Anywhom, Season 3 treated my best pony like dirt. It did. At least, I feel it did.
    However, even without this bias, I feel it was the worst season yet; it had its high points (One Bad Apple, Magic Duel, and The Crystal Empire are 3 of my favorite episodes) but it had lower low points than the two seasons before it, at least in my opinion.
    But, once you throw in my favoritism for my best pony, gahh, I hate it all.
    But, Season 4, on the other hand...
    It has given me faith in the writers once more.
    I hated the way Rarity was portrayed in S3, already talked about that.
    I hated the way Applejack was portrayed even BEFORE Season 3; come on, man, Applejack kicks ass!
    The balance shown between the characters were on opposite ends of the spectrum, in my opinion.
    It was crap.
    But dudeeeeeeeeeee....
    The balance is Season 4 kicks ASS!
    I love the way they're writing Applejack. She's so cool! Like, man, this is the kind of AJ I want to see!
    And, already, I think they're mending mistakes made by the marshmallow clone that took Rarity's spot while she went on a hiatus due to creative differences (I kid, I kid )
    Like, they've made her so much more...down to earth, you know? Like...
    In the new episode:
    "This is nothing to sneeze over"
    In Princess Twilight Sparkle:
    *Get Smacked with a giant vine*
    *Gets right back up without whining*
    YET, they keep her in character, as well, which, is still noticeable.
    Still got those posh, trying-to-act-high-class-flaws.
    I love it!!
    This is the Rarity I feel I can enjoy, rather than stick by her side out of loyalty.
    But, it's been the same for the other characters as well:
    It's restoring my appreciation for Rainbow Dash, which had been almost completely voided as I progressed throughout the seasons, they're writing Twilicorn in a way in which, I feel, is being pulled off. Not drawing too much attention to her Princess Status, but letting it be known.
    For Pinkie and Fluttershy, I don't think much change was in order, other than balance of screen-time, but that's already been fixed.
    Spike is somewhat noticeable, which is good too.
    I dunno...I feel that they needed to balance out characterization and plot, basically...
    ...and it looks like they're doing that!
    I feel safe again about Rarity's portrayal. Hallelujah!
    I'm so happy and excited about the new season! Any worries I was feeling have worked their way out of my system, and any problems I was having with the way the show was being written are eroding away.
    I'm just...

    DISCLAIMER: This is almost entirely my personal opinion. Nothing here is fact, don't take it that way.
    SIDE NOTES: I really should get around to making an OC.
    My incessant Rarity fanboying has got in the way of that.
    Also, it feels good to write a blog that isn't a downer! I should do this more often.
    Well, anyway, for those of you reading this directly after I posted it, goodnight!
    ~ghostfacekiller39, of the Sadists...err, team.
  4. ghostfacekiller39
    Hiya! I usually like to spend Saturdays almost exclusively in Show Discussion, but given I didn't get the chance to do that this Saturday, I felt like I needed to do something to keep the rust away
    I decided to write up a review for one of my personal favorites, which is also one that is horribly underrated, "A Dog and Pony Show"

    It starts off with Rarity in the boutique, adding a couple of finishing touches to an ensemble she's working on. She's carefully putting each gem in place, until she's finally finished (and out of gems.)
    Then, out of nowhere, Sapphire Shores, A.K.A. "The Pony of Pop" bursts in and sends my lovely waifu into shock, due to being in the presence of a celebrity of Ms. Shores' caliber.
    They babble about for a bit, Rarity (looking so cute as she did this, by the way) shaking in awe. Sapphire pops the big question, and if I can recall, it went something like this -


    "Hey there, Miss Rarity. I know that you're so much better than any other pony to ever exist at everything to ever happen ever, and that you're objectively the best pony, so I was hoping you'd be as kind as to grace a plebeian such as myself with one of your fabulous ensembles. Oh, and give that ghostfacekiller39 guy your number. You two are meant to be together."

    - Sapphire Shores


    So, once that's out of the way and we get serious again, Rarity shows her the jewel-encrusted ensemble she had been working on earlier, pleasing Ms. Shores (Yay!)
    Then, her celebrity clientele asks for 5 more of the same thing, each using a different gem.

    Celebrities, man. Can't please 'em.
    Anyway, to make matters worse, she's out of gems.
    So, she rallies the troops (if you can call a horny baby dragon "the troops") and sets out to get more gems so she can complete Miss Shores' order.
    She has a successful day finding gems (and Spike's day was a success, anyway, getting to spend time with that goddess of a mare She's mine, though, Spike. Don't forget that.) and is about ready to head out, when all of a sudden:
    This dude shows up.
    Now, I know his name is "Rover" from the MLP Wiki, but we'll just call him "Champion RD92"
    Anyway, Rarity find this little fancy doo-dad of a gem in a tree, and there was Champ, single and ready to flamingle.
    Rarity starts backing up, saying "I'm sorry, but ghostie is my one true love ( ) " but Champ starts being persistent.
    Finally, after all is said and done, they take Rarity down in their little hole to find them some gems.
    Spike, having witnessed the whole thing and failed to save my lovely waifu (another reason why Rarighost > Sparity), runs back to get the rest of the mane 6, flailing his arms like Kermit the Frog.

    The rest instantly begin assuming the worst is going to happen to Rarity, just because she's so much more feminine than they are, those bastards.
    Champion RD92 and his gang of merry men make all of the holes they've dug impossible to get through, dealing quite a beating to the remane 5 while doing so.
    Finally, Spike asks himself "What would ghostie do?" and pulls the gem Rarity had given him earlier out of her own kind and giving nature, and does the same with a fishing rod and uses it to send them into a flying frenzy down some tunnel, worrying about Rarity the whole way.
    All the while, Rarity was just screwing with them, with the famous lines "I'm not whining, I am complaining," "You want to hear whining? THHHHHIIIIISSSSS IS WHINING!!," etc., etc. Ultimately, she became their queen, because she's that fabulous
    So, a few manly Spike scenes later, they "rescued" Rarity and got all of those gems. Damn, Rarity is amazing.

    Anyway, now that story time is over, it's time to get serious with the actual review.

    Rarity She was amazing this episode. She was very witty in both a clever and humorous way, giving the best of both worlds. She also proved what a stereotype breaking character she is by managing to fend for herself in a dangerous situation. Most ponies as feminine as her would wait to be rescued, sort of like that manly Spike scene. Instead, she began using her wits and charm to outsmart her obviously intellectually-challenged opponents. This episode puts one of her most intriguing aspects in the limelight; that being that, while being as feminine as she is, she's still able to take care of herself and maintain a good-heart through it all.
    Humor/Dialogue. This episode was very humorous. The "Manly Spike" scene is one of the most hilarious moments in the whole series in my opinion, but there was also the equally funny lines Rarity had as she was pestering the Diamond Dogs into submission. Need I remind you of what those lines are? They're almost her signature saying by this point
    Pacing. This episode had a very nice flow, from Ms. Shores placing her order to the gem hunting trip/kidnapping to the "rescue" to Rarity's scenes, everything transitioned nicely while being engaging to the viewer all the same.


    Although it was a key component to this episode, and should be recognized as such, the remane 5's doubts of Rarity being able to fend for herself weren't really that good. It came across as pitying and stereotyping her to me, and I didn't like that. Of course, this isn't as much a criticism to the episode as much as it is something that bothered me.

    "A Dog and Pony Show" Overall Rating:
    :D :D /5
    One of the best episodes of the series, and something I'd be able to watch over and over again.
    (God, I love that mare )
  5. ghostfacekiller39
    [10:55:19 AM] *** Call ended, duration 19:00:18 ***
    [11:44:00 AM] Daring: http://i.imgur.com/tRaBqwd.png
    [11:44:28 AM] FadedSkies: Your getting there
    [11:45:17 AM] ghostfacekiller39: 19:00:18
    [11:45:19 AM] ghostfacekiller39: Goddamn
    [11:45:49 AM] Daring: We need to go for 20 hours
    [11:45:58 AM] FadedSkies: 19 hours are for quitters
    [11:46:07 AM] FadedSkies: gotta do a full day
    [11:48:10 AM] ghostfacekiller39: lol
    [11:50:34 AM] ghostfacekiller39: I just made the greatest post of all time
    [11:50:51 AM] ghostfacekiller39: http://mlpforums.com/topic/92896-your-favorite-pony-beats-you-up/?p=2465494
    @Champion RD92, , , @FadedSkies, Makusu, and myself embarked on a great journey last night.
    We had a 19-hour long group call on Skype.
    (Couldn't really find a vector to match anything, so settle with this)
    There's 24 hours in a day.
    That's our goal. It's like, a fuckin' marathon, though, I will say. I'm still tired.
  6. ghostfacekiller39
    I dunno if people have noticed this or not, but I never post anything besides Rarity...
    And I also never post anything but pony Rarity
    There's a reason for this, and I shall explain; and no, I do NOT mean just Equestria Girls when I say human form, also; there's a lot of humanized fan art out there outside of that movie's design.
    First off, let me say I don't dislike humanized ponies; I honestly found this to be one of the most adorable pictures of Rarity I've ever seen.
    I think I'm the only one to find that southern accent she tried sexy.
    Anyway, back on-topic.
    Have you ever stopped to think about what MLP would be like had they not been ponies?
    Now, of course, it'd be redundant; EQG already exists, but I'm not counting that, and the name is My Little Pony, but hear out my hypothetical scenario here, that the mane (yes, I did that on purpose) series itself was humanized, even from the beginning.
    Do you think it'd have the same sort of attraction? I think the fact that they're ponies makes the show more appealing; it wouldn't be the same if they were fairies or some shit like that, would it?
    Now, while the writers provide a great amount of depth and realism into their story-lines for each episode, alongside 6 AMAZING mane 6 ponies. each with a personality for everyone, it seems, I can't help but wonder if the show would lose its aesthetic appeal had they been some other animal/creature, especially humans.
    And, given that a good, GOOD percentage of humans are shallow and try to mask that so they don't look as bad to others (which is fine), I believe that without that aesthetic appeal that ponies bring to the table, this fandom would be much weaker than it is.
    Now, I'm all for creativity, but I can't help but get a bit irritated when I'm browsing through some fanart of my waifu and I repeatedly come across humanized pictures; had they been once every 20 or so pictures, that'd be fine, but I don't think the ponies being humanized brings the same element to the table as ponies being ponies.
    I dunno how y'all feel, but I do believe this show wouldn't be as appealing as it is, even if it had the same writing and everything, had the characters been something other than ponies

  7. ghostfacekiller39
    Given as I seem to be a central focus in this ridiculous fiasco, I'm going to try my best to hammer the last nail in the coffin here.
    This is stupid.
    Honestly. I can't think of a different way to put it. I've been getting insulted and EVERYTHING throughout this whole ordeal, and I'm getting flat out to the point where I wish the staff would concede to the will of these temper-tantrums being thrown here just to shut them up.
    I'm going to be blunt. Giving shoutouts to the people you call your friends is not "elitist" by any standards, you're simply choosing to take it that way.
    Do you want to be popular? Fuck, you can have my popularity. I'm here for ponies, first and foremost, and the 34 unread messages (on here and Skype combined, 25 on here, 9 on Skype) I'm trying to reply to and hold a decent conversation with people as to not make them feel excluded will happily be passed on to you.
    Keep in mind that A.) Real conversations are key and B.) People are going to go and talk shit to you and about you if you don't respond immediately because they'll think you're ignoring them.
    Balance that out with being at school from 8 - 3, work from 3 - 6, and participating in after-school activities, just like the academic meet I went to today and was wanting to blog about. I had pictures ready and everything, but fuck that, you're getting a rant instead because I'm tired of dealing with this.
    Quite frankly, being well known is NOT what you think it is. It's NOT all glamour and glory. It gets pretty stressful at times.
    Now, popularity exists EVERYWHERE. You CANNOT change that, and being a prick to the people in that position is just flat out unnecessary. You don't like the whole popularity chain? Neither do I. You want that favorites thread shut down? Several valid points have been made, even if I simply see it as giving a shoutout to my closest friends on here that, quite frankly, I don't mind making time for because we have fun hanging out together.
    Seriously. This has gone too far.
    Grow up. There's two sides to each story, if you would take the time to look.
  8. ghostfacekiller39
    But this song is horribly true

    Every, every, everypony should know, that Rainbow's overrated
    There's plenty of other mares in this show and Rainbow's overrated
    Rarity is gorgeous, and Twilight's got a brain,
    Fluttershy is caring, and Pinkie Pie's insane
    Applejack's hardworking and Derpy entertains. Oh oh oh
    Every, every, everypony should know, that Rainbow's overrated
    The background mares don't have her ego and she's overrated
    Mrs. Cake makes cupcakes, and Cheerilee's a peach
    Octavia is graceful, Vinyl drops fat beats
    Trixie's great and powerful, and Granny Smith is neat. Oh oh oh.
    Every, every, everypony should know, that Rainbow's overrated
    There's princesses and cute little foals, and Rainbow's overrated
    Applebloom's the leader, and Luna rules the night
    Celestia has wisdom, and Sweetie Belle is white
    Scootaloo is spunky, and Cadence is polite. Oh oh oh.
    Every, every, everypony should know, that Rainbow's overrated
    She's on every piece of merch that you own, because she's overrated
    Your belt, your socks, your buttons, Your stickers and your phone
    She's on your favorite t-shirt and even your cologne
    Hurry, hurry, hurry, there's something you don't own. Oh oh oh
    Ba Ba Baba Ba Ba Ba Baba Rainbow's overrated
    Ba Ba Baba Ba Ba Ba Baba Rainbow's overrated
    Ba Ba Babu a BaBa Ba Baba Rainbow's overrated
    Ba Ba Baba Ba Ba Ba Baba Rainbow's overrated
    (DISCLAIMER: I don't hate Rainbow Dash, dammit )

  9. ghostfacekiller39
    [11:16:41 PM] Champion RD92: i always wanted to dream about dashie, but the only dream i ever had that dashie was in, she was kidnapped by terrorists and i was master chief from halo and i had to save her, also she was my daughter for some reason

  10. ghostfacekiller39
    Howdy, y'all!
    I'm probably about to do something a bit silly, for a lack of better words, but I haven't gotten outside in a long, long time, it seems.
    Anyway, I bet most of you don't know that I live on a farm.
    I do.

    That being said, I'm going to give you a photo tour of my farm, because boredom
    This isn't the smartest thing to do, I know, but whatever
    First off, here's our barn:
    Quality on this puppy is pretty low, because I had to zoom in. Sowwy 'bout that
    Cornfield + Pasture:
    So, yeahh.
    There's the farm I live on!
    I dunno what prompted me to do this, honestly, but whatever. It was a nice excuse to go outside
  11. ghostfacekiller39
    This is a letter inviting me to take place in the ENVISION program. I dunno where it is with any certainty, but me thinks New York
    Sadly, it costs $4,000 dollars to go, and we can't afford it this year.
    But this isn't sent out to all that many people; it's an invitation only thing. They choose you.
    It's for building careers in Journalism (in my case, the written areas of it) and it's a huge honor that I'd even be considered, let alone invited.
    Now, although I won't be attending due to lacking in the necessary funds, I just thought that, although I've always been a halfway decent writer and have cited Journalism as a potential interest for my college major/future career, I can't help but think that I might really have a future in the subject with this letter coming my way.
    Maybe I do; maybe I'll be a journalist one day
    That just hit me hard, though, so I thought I'd share it.

  12. ghostfacekiller39
    So, I wake up at 10 this morning like "Oh, shit!! Today's a school day!"
    If my alarm clock doesn't work, my grandma will always come in there and yell at me. That works
    So I immediately ran in there and asked "wtf bro"
    The answer was "It's a snow day :okiedokielokie: " (That emoticon was fitting. We have a Spongebob & Squidward type relationship )
    So, I look outside, right?
    Here's our snow day:

  13. ghostfacekiller39
    You know, a while back, when I first joined the fandom, I thought up some headcanon for my favorite pony/waifu that I've just been itching to share ever since
    Well, it's finally happening!
    I've got the free time, a computer, and some energy, so let's do this!
    1. Her parents:

    Well, we already know Rarity seemed to be born in a working household, not that sweet & elite sophisticated society she dreams of.
    In my headcanon, Rarity's parents are very slovenly and hardworking people, like they're portrayed in the show (burnt food, mid-western accent, etc.) They were both very popular in high school, her father being a star athlete for their football team, receiving scholarship offers to go play for all sorts of universities. However, he was brutally injured in his last high school game and all the colleges dropped him off their list, and, since he had put his whole future on sports, he lost it all and had to get a job working at the docks to support himself.
    Her mother was his high school sweetheart, and, she managed to go college, planning on becoming a teacher. However, when she became pregnant with Rarity, she dropped out so she could focus on her family and got a job slinging hash at a diner in Ponyville.
    Her parents officially married shortly after Rarity was born, and she was the flower filly at their wedding.
    2. Rarity Enters The Picture
    Rarity was troublesome to raise, naturally; she was a baby who cried a LOT.
    The financial situation they had only got worse when Rarity's mother quit her job, as was needed so she could raise her child. The house they lived in grew less and less tidy, and began to borderline on a pigsty.
    She developed a great relationship with her mother, but her father desperately wanted a colt to raise to be an athlete. He remained distant for most of her childhood.
    Rarity was a also a very intelligent filly, learning at a very accelerated pace compared to others her age.
    3. School Starts
    Rarity started school, and had an average, yet happy, elementary school experience. She made a few friends with some fillies that were a bit better off than her (but not rich, just JC Penny compared to her Clothing Aisle in Wal-Mart) and always dressed for success. She wasn't always fashionable like her friends, though; as she grew, she became more and more discontent with her slovenly, budgeted family and being so much more plain than the rest.
    She would find herself drawing designs for lovely dresses and gowns in the middle of class, often losing focus on the actual schoolwork itself. As her grades started to slip, a rift between her parents and herself began to form. She became more rebellious against them, particularly her mother, since her father was always distant from her.
    Despite how many arguments they had gotten in about her grades, she kept drawing those designs, and put her heart and soul into daydreaming about what she ever so desired but just couldn't have.
    She wanted to be beautiful, and she wanted to dress nice; but not being able to have those two things created a burning fire inside of her to one day get what she couldn't have.
    4. Sweetie Belle Enters the Picture
    Rarity got her first sewing machine along with some startling news: her mother was going to have another child.
    Now, at first, Rarity was fine with this. However, as time progressed, her mother and the child required more attention, creating a lack of attention for her.
    Rarity became jealous; she felt like the ignored, red-headed step-child of the family; the black sheep, if you will. In a sense, it was true; while her parents still cared about her, she was neglected in terms of attention, given almost none, if any at all.
    She would often retreat into her room and work on making her designs come into fruition; she began beautifying her mane, putting on make-up and false eyelashes, and, as time grew on, her designs grew to become more and more acceptable for wearing in public, which she did; and by this point, she was no longer turning heads, but snapping necks as she walked by the stallions in her school.
    When Sweetie Belle was being delivered, she got her first taste of the real fashion world in the waiting lobby in terms of a fashion magazine. She saw that this was her dream; she was going to be a fashion designer. She saw how these designers who made it in the business were thrusted into the high-life that was so different than the tightly-budgeted, slovenly, middle-class home she lived in.
    She began just giving away the outfits and ensembles she made for no charge whatsoever, and people around began taking notice of that.
    Still a blank flank, she volunteered to make the costumes for her school's yearly pageant, but, of course, we all know how that turned out...

    Well, that was part 1 of my Rarity headcanon
    I did this in my computer class, and as I was furiously typing, a friend was standing behind me and said "Wow, Riley, you have no life." (You could tell he was joking )
    I proudly exclaimed "Nope. Not anymore "
    Well, I hope y'all found this to be a nice read or whatever, and I'll be publishing the other half to it when I can, because, you know how I can go on and on and on about my waifu
    See y'all around!

  14. ghostfacekiller39
    Eh. I saw the big Buffalo Man do something similar to this, but I don't feel like typing out a review for a bunch of episodes.
    Besides, it should be fairly obvious as to why I like/dislike all of these things, but if you're puzzled, then just ask in the comments section
    1. Rarity Takes Manehattan
    2. Suited For Success
    3. Hurricane Fluttershy
    4. Sweet & Elite
    5. Apple Family Reunion
    6. Look Before You Sleep
    7. Power Ponies
    8. Simple Ways
    9. Boast Busters
    10. Sisterhooves Social
    1. Sonic Rainboom
    2. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
    3. Sleepless in Ponyville
    4. Rainbow Falls
    5. Spike At Your Service
    6. Flight to the Finish
    7. The Last Roundup
    8. Magical Mystery Cure
    9. Just for Sidekicks
    10. Too Many Pinkie Pies
    1. Rarity
    2. Applejack
    3. Fluttershy
    4. Twilight.
    5. Rainbow Dash
    6. Pinkie Pie
    7. Sweetie Belle
    8. Trixie
    9. Luna
    10. Colgate
    Not applicable, considering I don't dislike any of them on a personal level.
    3 of them irritate me with how overrated they are, honestly, but 2 of those 3 are in my top 10 favorites, so go figure.
    1. Becoming Popular
    2. The Art of the Dress
    3. Smile
    4. Generosity
    5. Winter Wrap Up
    1. Apples to the Core (Again, things I find to be vastly overrated bug me. Song itself was average, in my humble opinion )
    2. The Entirity of Magical Mystery Cure
    8 or something: Pinkie's Lament
    Anything I'm missing?
    Eh. I know I didn't really give reasons, but that's because I don't want to type out that stuffz. You wanna know why I like/dislike something, just ask. I can provide my reasoning behind all of the stuff on the list
    Anyway, later!

  15. ghostfacekiller39
    DISCLAIMER: I do know this is not Rarity hate.
    But seriously; it's gotten so miniscule and so...stupid since S4 began that I'm hella proud of it
    Like, it used to be hard to look up Rarity pics without getting something bashing on her or something.
    Now what do we have?
    *RariCow is the most offensive thing about her, and that's not even slightly offensive compared to some of the stuff I've seen.
    * = RariCow -
    If you looked at that picture and found it offensive, then you must be new to the internet I'm a hella protective Rarity fan, and I'm not offended at all.
    I think the tides are shifting in the fandom; every where I look, I see more and more Rarity and Applejack fans; it used to be those two were duking it out for last place; now I think they're duking it out for 3rd and 4th places. I see less and less Fluttershy and Pinkie fans, but more and more fans of AJ and Rarity. It's unfortunate for the other two ponies, but I think it's the truth.
    Rarity isn't a punching bag for the fandom anymore, I think it's safe to say; she doesn't get any more hate than the other ponies now, and, currently, I think less than FS and Pinkie Pie, and about even with Twilight and RD (which, is a huge step-up.)
    I finally felt it safe to share this, and yes, I do know that Rarity hate still exists (I do use other MLP sites other than this one ) but it isn't nearly as bad as it used to be!
    I just thought I'd share that, given it's got me so giddy lately

  16. ghostfacekiller39
    This is something that has always bugged me, and I'm going to blog about it, because #YOLO.
    Now, there's this thing called "canon."
    It's a beautiful little thing, m8; it's the cold, hard, facts of the show that sometimes fucks up what we want to happen, but in the end, is generally for the best of the show; not always, but usually.
    Now, the ponies (barring the background ponies, naturally) have canon personalities.
    But NOTHING irritates me as much as when someone tries to blur the line between canon and headcanon to make one look like a total bitch.
    Like, take Celestia;
    "OMG SHE BANISHED LUNA TO THE MOON 4 1000 YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!1"
    Because, you know, Luna didn't want to cast eternal doom on Equestria because ponies slept at night and generally ignored it, when they basked and played in her older sister's sun.
    Definitely didn't deserve it.
    Now, is Luna a bad pony? No; she was a villain as NMM, but as Princess Luna, she's a total badass, and best princess.
    Celestia was literally trying to protect a whole country, but, you know, she sent her sister to the moon. So she's a tyrant.
    Oh, and here's my biggest pet peeve: Spike Abuse.
    Fucking Spike Abuse.
    Alright, lemme begin by saying "Abuse" is MUCH too strong of a word.
    While, admittedly, Rarity could stand to improve her treatment of Spike, they all have flaws that they need to work on. All of them. None of the mane 6 are flawless.
    But ABUSE?!?!
    First off; Spike volunteers himself and subjects himself to helping her. I DO NOT see too many people getting "abused" with a smile on their face, unless they're...um, into that, and I don't think Spike is, nor do I think he even knows what that is :okiedokielokie:
    Second off, all Spike does is carry Rarity's large amount of luggage and follows her around whenever she's doing something important and needs help.
    You have to be fucking kidding me if you call that "abuse." But people do.
    By this logic, when your parents make/made you carry in all the groceries, that's abuse. Totally abusive.
    Name one time she did something with the intent to physically or emotionally abuse Spike (and if you do, be prepared to have it discredited.)
    Last, but not least, the thing that pisses me off most is the pseudo-intellectual aspect of it; people call "SPIKE ABUSE" whenever he steps into a bucket and trips, but NEVER say anything else about Spike.
    I mean, you're kidding me. People calling "Spike abuse" is my biggest pet peeve, because of the sheer lack of understanding, slander that comes with it, not knowing what real "abuse" is, and, of course...
    It's twisting canon to match what THEY want to see, not what is actually true.
    Essentially, all people are doing is twisting what actually happens.
    Spike abuse. God, please help this atheist.
    Now, different interpretations are magic; but there's so many false words being slung around, and it makes the poniez look bad, when the majority of the ones being made look bad are NOT bad.
    Now, I get that we, as humans, live vicariously through negativity, but come on.
    Analyzing is good, but some of this shit is just...wow. Untrue.
    And, honestly, it makes it look like people don't seem to understand what happens in the show.
    Alright. Rant over.
    Spike "Abuse" is bullshit, and Tyrant Celestia is horsecrap.
    I'm a good noodle.
    ~End Rant~

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