I know what y'all are thinkin' right about now; "Has this dude lost his mind?"
Well, no; and while I don't dislike the episode, I just find it to be ridiculously overrated, especially since people praised this episode, yet criticized Rainbow Falls (an episode I like less, mind you) when they have the same flaws, from my perspective.
First and foremost: Characterization, Characterization, Characterization.
The OOC-ness in this episode was abundant.
Allow me to begin with the most obvious example: Rarity.
(she looks so good in this outfit )
Rarity has been seen to be a bit demanding, honestly. She's a lady, and she expects to be treated like one, whether or not the expectations are always realistic given the surrounding circumstances.
Rarity despising camping: that's in character.
Rarity having an oversized and extravagant tent: That's in-character.
This is not in character.
Rarity can be a bit demanding, no doubt.
But Rarity would not go to such lengths.
This is almost slavery.
Rarity is NOT a goddamn slave driver.
Rarity does care about Sweetie Belle.
Remember this episode?
THIS is the relationship they have; they quarrel and fuss like siblings often do, and often do it in an immature fashion.
When it comes down to it, though, the marshmallow sisters love and tolerate the fuck out of each other.
Rarity hates mud, right?
Even though she hated that, no doubt...
She still did it because A.) She felt remorse for what she had done and B.) She cares about her sister enough to put herself through somethign she despises as much as running a race (she doesn't run races, she watches them from the crowd.) while covered in mud (self-explanatory.)
Also, based off of what else we've seen from Rarity (turning her back on her dreams of fitting in with high society to stay with her friends in Sweet & Elite, masking her jealousy and remaining a good friend to Fluttershy in Green isn't Your Color, Running out on what could've been a career deciding contest to make amends with her friends in Rarity Takes Manehattan, and so on) I'd believe it's safe to deduce that she does NOT treat others this way.
How does this relate to Rainbow Falls, as mentioned earlier?
Sold Out Soarin'.
Tried Manipulating Dashie, even started pushing at her loyalty.
I don't even need to go on about how OOC she was in this episode. She was a bitch, plain and simple.
But wait, what?
(there was too many pictures, apparently: Think about how she was in "Wonderbolts Academy and "Best Night Ever," or when she was in character.)
I hope this forces in some of Spitfire's actions from the past into your recollection, especially when so many people complained about her being OOC in Rainbow Falls (Hell, even I felt that way.)
Think about what I said about Rarity in Sleepless in Ponyville, and compare it to Spitfire in Rainbow Falls.
What the hell is the difference?!?!?!?!?!?!?
And don't tell me something about Spitfire's role as an antagonist, either; I know what kind of hate Rarity got for that episode, and it was just as much, if not more, than Spitfire got in Rainbow Falls.
What the hell is the difference?!?!?!?!?!?!?
Don't gripe about two things that are the same, but hold a split opinion on the "quality" of those two things; that's hypocrisy.
Eh, Powell wrote both of these episodes, and she couldn't write a decent episode to save her life. Dunno what I expected.