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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by DragonKing235

  1. Its been forever since I have been here how you all doing?

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yo yo, when's the last time you dropped by? :o I feel like I recognize your name. 

    2. DragonKing235



      i have been really busy with life and stuff but i do follow you so how you been?

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I've been a rollercoaster, best way to describe myself. Mental issues abound, struggles a plenty, but I'm still me. The same weird me.

  2. Hey everypony i'm back to say hi

  3. Hey my friends sorry that i'm not here as much as I used to be that's because I'm busy working on new projects for my youtube group Brony Entertainment Network and my own solo channel Jonathon Moline/Vision Wave Media  and it;s not just youtube stuff that i'm busy with in my life I have more my job spending time with my family and friends so yea that's where I have been so if anyone wants to chat with me sometime my skype and discord are there but one thing that I may ask if you add me please do not be a jerk or troll to me and my crew i'm not down for that also if you add me tell me your from here and if you want to help me with projects just ask and tell/show me what you can do if your up for it that is anyway Vision out peace.

  4. sup my homies sorry that I have not been on here in a long time been busy with somethings but I just want to say sup.

  5. chilling and rocking out too some cool music.

  6. Well i'm now 28 years old so let the good times roll.

  7. My Life is fun and crazy at the same time  and you know what I like that.

  8. chilling like the new update.

  9. how long will this fandom go on

  10. family and my friends mean more too me then anything else in the world

  11. what's life without fun

  12. sup my homies what's happing

    1. Varrack


      I got my first mlp plush :D

    2. DragonKing235
  13. man 3 years of being a brony and I still like it

    1. Whirlwind


      same here! Almost 4 years for me


  14. being sick sucks but hey i still got to live my life

  15. my b day is today i'm now 27 years old ha good times

  16. just chilling right now

  17. rocking to some good music

  18. having fun with my friends makes me happy

  19. just rocking out to my fav music

  20. today update just chilling

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I woke up[ really late, but I will mostly be chilling today too. :)

    2. DragonKing235
    3. DragonKing235


      hey man want to be friends on skype since I have know you for a bit so mine is jonathonm21

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