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Everything posted by rainbowdashlover19

  1. Miyu blinked, watching the three. She cleared her throat, walking over. "I-I'm sorry to interrupt, but we do have a job to gwt to," she said, a hand on her hip. Dispite the slight dirt on her clothing, she looked like a punk rocker straight out of a band. She sighed.
  2. Midinght giggled, kissing his cheek. "It's alright, dear. We're all intitled to a brain fart every now and then," she laughed, ruffling his mane. She walked up to the doors of the castle. Lunar smiled, snuggling close to him. She looked up at him, blushing. She kissed him, closing her eyes.
  3. Celestia blinked, looking at the raven. "More importantly... How in the hay did it get in the castle??" Midnight blinked. "Why would I tell Luna? She isn't my mentor," she pointed out, confused. Lunar blushed, laying down beside him. Luna nodded. "Set the book on the table."
  4. Miyu sighed, a little tired now. "Well, I hope you feel a little better now," she said, smiling a little. She then began walking. "Let's get going you two." She began walking towards the town they needed to go to. -The sooner we get to this inn, the sooner I can pay them back for their kindness...- she thought.
  5. Miyu blinked, looking back at him. -Wow... he's fast...- she thought, watching as he helped Evelyn up. She put her swords back in their sheaths, sighing. "Well, that definitely proved my theory. We're still in town. A safe zone. And we just killed players..." she pointed out, looking defeated. "This game just got a lot more serious..." Suki nodded, looking at him. "What are you waiting for? Remove your cloak. We aren't LC members anymore." She then looked at Charlotte. "So, where is this house of yours? I could so go for a nice bed right now."
  6. Celestia blinked. She smiled sheepishly. "So you made an explosive?" she asked, tilting her head slightly. Lunar blinked, opening her wings. She followed him, smiling a little. -Gosh he's perfect...- she thought, blushing a little. Midnight slowly opened her eyes, still holding onto him. She smiled brightly. "We're home!" she exclaimed, giggling. Luna sighed, shutting the door behind them. Seth blinked, looking at her. "What do you mean? I don't see anything," he said, looking around the room. The room was spotless...except for a small spider web on the wall. He tilted his head. "Are cobwebs normal in your room?" He stared at the web and the spider, curious.
  7. Miyu smirked. "Have it your way..." She charged at them with lightening speed, slashing a giant X in the member that struck Evelyn; he soon dissolved afterwards. She then charged at the others, slashing them one by one, each of them disappearing soon after. Now there was only one left; she had taken the others out in less that 3 minutes. She turned her attention to the last member, blades pointed at him. "Run now and save yourself, or face the same fate at your fellow comrades..." she growled again, her blue eyes glowing in the dim alley. Suki nodded. "Did he respond?" she asked, taking off her cloak and tossing it to the ground. She opened her menu and scrolled though it, clicking a couple times. She took a deep breath, then clicked "confirm", officially resolving her from the guild. She then sent Evelyn a message. Evelyn, I apologize in advance for what you will soon find out. I have left the guild. If you wish to join me, let me know. I hope to hear from you soon. Good luck in whatever it is you wish to accomplish... ~Suki~ Suki sighed, pressing the send button, then closed the menu.
  8. (oh crap. I'm sorry. I've been super busy between getting the new house ready and getting ready for a con this coming weekend. I must have skimmed past it on accident ) Celestia blinked, hearing the knock. She got up, walking to the door. She opened it, blinking. "Oh, hello. What van I do for you?" she asked with a smile. Luna shook her head. "We're gonna take a look at that book. And cut." She walked into the war room, holding the door for Crystal and Leif.
  9. Miyu blinked. She glared at him, walking in front of her protectively. She drew both her swords, standing in a stance similar to Kirito's. No one has ever seen her use both swords, so naturally they thought Kirito was the only duel wielder in the game. "I don't know who you are, but you will leave her alone. I'm a solo player. I don't mind becoming orange or red for a day or two..." she growled menacingly, her eyes narrowed.
  10. Luna walked down the hall, sighing. Midnight nodded, grabbing onto him and closing her eyes. She took a deep breath. "Ready when you are." Lunar blushed, smiling. She snuggled close, walking up towards the castle doors. "We're here," she said with a smile.kkk
  11. Moyu blinked, clumsily following her. She looked back, noticing the LC member running off. She gasped a little, looking back at Evelyn. -How did I not sense them???- she thought. Suki smiled sheepishly. "I kinda tossed cooking to the side... B-but I maxed out my stealth and chain weapon stats," she admited, sighing. She looked at Grell. "Who'd you just message??"
  12. Miyu sighed, looking at Evelyn. "Look, I am currently a member of the front lines. So, if you don't mind, I will be leading you guys. I don't want them to think I'm letting some LC member leadimg me around.," she said coldly, walking in the opposite direction. "Oh, and we changed our location because someone leaked our whereabouts to the LC. Our new headquarters is this way." She started walking.
  13. Miyu blinked. "Here. Let me help you." She said an encantation as fire swirled around him. Instead of burning him, however, it made him regain his energy and magic. She smiled as the flames disapaited. "Not all my flames are distructive," she said with a smile.
  14. Miyu blinked. "Um...you do know they're part of the front lines, right?" she asked, puzzled. Suki smiled, nodding. "We can take them no matter who they are!" she said, smirking. She put her blades back in their holsters and extended her hand to Charlotte. "Welcome to our new guild."
  15. Suki thought for a moment. She looked at Grell. "Well, what do you think? Make her a member or...start our own...?" she asked quietly, keeping her eyes down. She knew it wasn't easy getting out of the LC, and that meant being a target for them again. Miyu nodded, looking at Oliver and Ikaru both. "So, what do you all say? Wanna become part of the front lines?" she asked with a smile.
  16. Miyu looked at the girl, then Ikaru. She sighed, taking her hand off her sword. "What do you think? Should we trust her?" she asked both Ikaru and Oliver, sighing. She knew the dangers of trusting an LC member - former or not. -What would Asuna and Kirito think...?- she thought, biting her thumb nail as she usually did in stressful situations. Suki blinked, watching Grell. She then looked at the girl, waiting to see her reaction.
  17. Miyu sighed, hand still on her sword. "And how do I know your not trying to trick us so you can kill us later?" she asked, her eyes cold. Suki laughed, twirling the other blade bu the chain. "You sound pretty tough for a little kid going up against someone like me." She walked over to her, looking her over. "Hmmm... But you definitely look like good guild material..." She turned to Grell. "What do you think, Grell? Would she make a good addition to the team?"
  18. Suki blinked, smirking. "And what would a little girl like you know about anything involving us?" she asked, her hand on her hip as she clutched to one of the chained blades of her weapon. When she moved, her cloak moved off that side of her, revealing the Laighing Coffin tattoo on her wrist. Her outfit was also revealed; an off the shoulder flopr length dress with a slit going from the bottom to her waist, a metal plated piece of armor over her torso and chest. The dress was crimson red in color, with flecks of gold in it. Miyu blinked, looking at Pipi. She then looked at Oliver. "I can handle this, Oliver. Bring Pipi back." She then looked back at the girl.
  19. Suki blinked, feeling a presence behind her. She drew out her weapons, whirling around. "Who's there?!" she yelled, her Laughing Coffin stamped cloak billowing behind her. She narrowed her eyes, seeing Charlotte. Her voice was almost a growl. "Who are you and how did you find us?" -Great. How much did she hear? Does she know I don't want to be a member anymore? I have to keep up this act...-
  20. Miyu shook her head. "I don't want to be a bother to you, Ikaru. I can buy more once we finish this assignment. Shouldn't we get going anyways? We'll be late," she said, smiling. She brushed herself off, fixing her hair. Her hands kind of hurt from the flames, but she brushed it off.
  21. Miyu sighed. "True, but I can manage this myself." She stepped out from behind his sheild, walking over to the girl. "If you really want me to believe you, show me your player name and your guild. I need to make sure you aren't LC," she said coldly, keeping her hand on her sword. Suki blinked, blushing at the hug. "I dont want to be part of Laughing Coffin anymore. I want to help you get those bastards. I dont want to kill innocent players anymore..." she said quietly, laying her head on his shoulder.
  22. Suki looked at him. "Let's leave. Start our own guild. I'm tired of all this useless fighting. If we're gonna be stuck in this world forever, I don't want to live my life as a murderer..." She had tears in her eyes. Miyu blinked, looking at him. "Put down your sheild. She can't attack and neither can I. We're in a safe zone..."
  23. Luna smiled, walking up towards the castle doors. She then tirned to look at Leif. "We have a special wing to the left of the castle. That's where the refugees can go." She then looked at Crystal. "And you may follow me." Midnight looked at him, smiling. "Let's go home," she said. Lunar yawned, nuzzling into him.
  24. Suki blinked, looking at him. She sighed, looking away. "Hey Grell... Do you ever...get tired of killing players...?" she quietly asked, keeping her head low. It was risky, asking a LC member something like that, but she had grown close to Grell in these past 2 years that she felt she could confide in him about anything. Miyu looked at her cautiously. "If you are just a normal player, why can't we see your player name or your hp?" she asked, narrowing her eyes. -She may be one of them...- she thought, keeping her hand on one of her swords. She knew that pking wasn't allowed in safe zones, but she couldn't help but stay defensive. She was not leaving this world as another victim.
  25. Miyu blinked, looking at her. "A-are you sure? I don't want to be a bother..." she said, blushing a little. Even after being such a tyrant to Autumn, she was will to have Miyu live with her? -Maybe we really will be amazing friends...- she thought, smiling to herself a little.
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