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Everything posted by SharpWit

  1. Well they haven't been active since pie day of 2020, but there's a few examples on Derpibooru, though I'm not sure whether they're appropriate for here or not.
  2. @Mirage Knights of Harmony sounds great! We stand for Inclusivity, Chivalry, and general Horsing around
  3. All kinds of things, but I think the two most prominent was a soldier or a dinosaur. I still do the latter sometimes, especially when I'm at the beach. When I was 3 I had this set of Superman Pajamas, cape and all, and I wore them out to a local park. It used to have this big merry go round, and all the older kids would run as fast as they could to get it up to speed. I had the fun idea to leap off thinking that I could fly. Somehow I maintained the pose, and little ol me made it nearly 20 feet before crashing into the woodchips. I wasn't badly hurt, but I was bawling my eyes out. It could've been a lot worse because my head was inches away from the curb.
  4. @MirageYour situation reminds me of a few things. Last night I had many strange dreams. The one that sticks out the most to me, was about being a police officer investigating this set of elevators. A few people had gone missing in them, and it was because they were passing through parts of the floor that otherwise looked normal, and falling down the shaft. Stranger still, was these elevators had doors on either side. When they opened, I could see police officers on the other side who were also investigating, but they couldn't see me. And the other elevator was the reverse. We could talk just fine but it made cooperstion very difficult. To add to the confusion, they seemed to be police from the 80s. I woke up before we could really get anywhere.
  5. I build a Building Department to implement penalties for code violations and a means to apply for building permits. The exterior is made up of black marble, with oversized steps and tall columns. Do you go inside?
  6. That made me chuckle given how insulting that technically is for a sentient being that should be otherwise equal. I just picture him and smolder going through and she gets to be human and he's like, "What gives?" And she responds with, "Guess you should've walked around with your head higher" or something other. I didn't realize the Diamond dogs had an EQG appearance. That's a nice reference to see after they were largely written off from their one episode appearance, unless they showed up in the latter seasons. I remember it used to be a whole debate on whether they should be considered Canon. Given they of all creatures were shown as Human, I think it's fair to say that the young 6 would most likely be as well. Though it'd be funny if Ocellus wasn't and didn't have her ability to shape shift. Maybe changeling magic would allow them to just go through as they are?
  7. In what way, it's condition? For now I'd say my host performs adequately, but we'll see what the neurologist says after the MRI next month.
  8. Didn't know G4 existed, hadn't even seen any memes, but midway through the second season, two friends of mine, back in the 8th grade, said I should check it out. They were part of the Fandom for a few years but moved on to other things and places. Another friend of mine briefly got into it since he's a fan of animation in general, as did another. I'm the only one I know who's stuck it out, and I'm way behind!
  9. I'm a night owl, who likes to explore story ideas, bits of science and food concepts, and my brain doesn't usually get to spin its gears till I'm home. For some reason it was easier to do during highschool. I guess the workload was less in time and capacity. Brush off school work? Sure, and stay up till 3am on Wikipedia reading about how the cantons of Switzerland came about. My last one was looking into cows for a personal speculative evolution project.
  10. Well,,, Anyone can use a book if they can read. Same for CDs and DVDs as long as you have a player which most people still do. Cell phones are a little iffy, but there's a market. Parents on a budget getting their kid's first phone, the elderly, or simple devices for employees out in the field. Consoles and Desktops are easy to generally easy to repair or use for parts. TVs and Monitors are a different story altogether. Monitors can be quite cheaply made, and if they need repairs, I'm guessing it's to a major component. Even if you can get what you need, it may be cheaper to just get a new one when you account for cost and time. There's also the matter of quality. Modern visual media, looks best on a modern screen. People aren't looking for a lesser experience. The final thing is to ask yourself, why am I getting rid of this? Because chances are more than likely thats the same reason others don't want it.
  11. As someone who works with animals, I have decided I don't want to have anything considerably dangerous, and we'll knock off anything that comes with sentience as well, so I'm saying a Golden Goose, whether it's the one with gold plumage or laying golden eggs.
  12. I do love him, but he knows me as Food Man, not mommy.
  13. Twilight might do things Mark Rober style so the pranks are light hearted and educational, like when science teachers blow up pumpkins or have them do the toothpaste fountain without telling them what it'll actually do.
  14. I'm not very musically inclined, but until recently, Dire Straits was my favorite band by default. I have the Brothers in Arms album on cassette and listen to it on an awesome but less than perfect portable player. Also, it's just one of those songs that just gets me going and I would jam out to it with my dad and brothers.
  15. Is the candy market competitive in Ponyville? Do you produce a variety of blueberry candies, or just one in particular? Blueberry aside, what's your second favorite flavor? What allergies do you have if any? Any upcoming projects or products you'd like to share? What's something others would be surprised to learn about you? Do you prefer yellow or white lighting? Do you enjoy blueberries outside of sweets and baked goods? If I have three baskets with seventeen blueberries each, and you have two baskets with twenty one blueberries each, but have eaten a third of your berries, how many berries would I have to eat so we have the same number of berries in each basket? What was the last sticker you had?
  16. My opinion changes on the order of the image, and these don't appear to be in order, so I'll make my best guess. I think the French is better given that it's supposed to be a French cookbook. Baka sounds better, and Bug Off doesn't sound right. Maybe an incredibly sheltered child would repeatedly shout that, but there were better translations or alternative phrases available. Spike refusing to get up seems janky? Again, seems like a translation issue. Rephrase the line and try again. His image of being upset, or maybe one of him sleeping with some Z's would be recognizable enough. Also, his face doesnt jump out at us because he's a cartoon in a cartoon world, but wouldn't that be a hyper realistic image to everyone else? The student driver driver image doesn't work at all for me. It needs to emphasize that they're a student more than just nervous or cautious? Change is fine to make things work for a different audience, but it should only be done to maintain flow, remain subtle, and actually work? Otherwise what was the point.
  17. @ZiggWheelsManning Hold up, you use an icecream scoop for your peanut butter? I honestly forgot I made this topic
  18. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the wedding rings are usually simple because, 1. They're meant to represent an eternal promise to one another, a symbolic contract. 2. Under traditional judeo-christian beliefs we're probably supposed to show modesty when making a pact or swearing before god right? Also the reason for the white dress for purity and everyone else dressing well but not to extravagantly? 3. Under feudalism everyone who wasn't nobility was generally poor, so a plain metal band was all anyone could afford? Meanwhile, the engagement ring is a more recent addition to marital tradition. An offering to a potential partner that proves you're willing and able to provide for them, pushed by romantic media and the daimond industry. What's important is making your partner happy. For example, I had a rough design and jewelry company in mind for my girlfriend, whom I'm still not engaged to, but we've preemptively gone over quite a bit over 5 years. However, with the complete lack of privacy that comes with carrying a recording device at all times, she received multiple ads for engagement rings and happened across one she absolutely fell in love with, and has very much expressed that's the one she wants. It may have taken away that part in the creative process as the would be groom, but that's ultimately what she's eventually going to get. Also, I've come up with so many ideas for how our actual ceremony will go that she loves, that that kind of makes up for it. Someday, will be a day to remember <3
  19. One of my chiropractic therapies involves hanging my head off of a ledge for 10 minutes. If you start with having ben up for 2 hours without any breakfast, exercise for 1 hour, then lay on your back on your bed with your head hanging off to where it's not resting on anything, then I'm pretty sure you'll be feeling a bit lethargic for at least half an hour, and you'll have burnt a good chunk of energy. Then again, you said without doing too much.
  20. In Fallout Equestria, the battle saddles operated by a lever the user would lean into right? I feel like that combined with a general sitting position would let them operate a mech just fine.
  21. Oh absolutely not. Think of it like this. The Lord of the Rings has a very dedicated fan base, and while the books have a lot of detail, they're dense. If more effort is required to get into something, then there's a good chunk of people who'll find that off-putting. Radio plays, audio books, and theatre portrayals will help immensely, but there's no denying how much the Peter Jackson trilogy brought out the fans from decades prior, while providing an ease of access for a whole new generation. Without the visual medium, Fandom would be nothing like they are today, and the nerds would never have risen to a mainstream status in society.
  22. @Slappy Bird @Otaku-sempai Depends how they're done, but Brussel sprouts are pretty difficult to stomach. They're in the same family as cabbage and can even cross pollinate. @Retro*Derpy None of them? I've never liked watermelon or honeydew, but I love Cantaloupe. My mom is the opposite and the smell makes her nauseous.
  23. Vinegar, it's like poison. Anything pickled is out to get me, and yet the process is fascinating.
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