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Strawberry Cream

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Posts posted by Strawberry Cream

  1. Could Pen Quille be used as a oc? She' would be 3 and a shy, insecure Earth pony. Pen Quille loves reading writing singing and creating stories. I'd love if she could be part of this project. (:

    Sorry for the late reply, we've been on a break. Of course your OC can be in this project, we accept all OC's
  2. Hey Everypony!


    You might remember the earlier version of this post. It's now complete and ready : )


    My Baby Pony is soon to become a book series where your OC will be shown in the book. It basically will show a huge story about all the ponies when they were young and some older ponies which have now left. I have took a few months sorting this out now. I have phases which are to be completed and you guys can help.


    PHASE 1

    • Share information.
    • Get OC's and plan where they go.
    • Begin to create the cover work for the books.
    PHASE 2
    • Write the books.
    • Create the website.
    • Release the first confirmed book "The Ultimate Guide to My Baby Pony"
    PHASE 3

    • Complete the books.
    • Publish them online.
    • Send them to a publisher.
    You probably want more information, so here you are:


    The book series will probably start mid 2014 when the first book is expected to be released. Your OC will be used and the stories consist of the ponies such as Rainbow Dash as babies. The stories have got a basic story line which I cannot currently release. If you are to send in a OC I need the following information:



    Age: (1 0 - 6)

    Class: (God/Royalty/Rich/Pheasant/Celebrity)

    Powers: (Fire/Water/Air/Earth)

    Anything else you want to include.


    That's all I can release at this current time. However, I will be updating this and giving a little bit more information closer to the date of opening. Don't be commenting "More Information!" or any questions. If you have any problems. PM me and I may give you some extra information you require.


    Edit 1 (13/12/2013): I'm releasing a very important and cool character for Christmas. Also we will be making a newsletter for you all. We will be releasing the company name and logo and some new ideas just after Christmas too. I will need all your characters in by January 10th 2014! If you want your character mentioned send them in now! Also, some more information we can now release. In the book, there will be locations. The confirmed locations are Town, Market Place, Palace Grounds, Palace Exterior, Palace Interior and the Bridge plus Clock tower. Also, we have another confirmed god "Zorgan" who will have his OC profile revealed 16/12/2013. I will soon be releasing all of the OC's for the book in a huge list. Check back for more information soon! Thanks guys!


    Edit 2 (14/12/13): You won't believe what happened! I made a huge post and it is all deleted. So anyways, when I said I was doing scenes, well I have been doing them on paper and will scan them into the computer. I've been doing the bridge plus clock tower for about a week now. Also, it's 2 days until Zorgan the exciting new god character is released. I'm also releasing the logo's earlier than expected.


    My Baby Pony logo:


    Also the first e-book has been confirmed! My Baby Pony: The Ultimate Guide and the artwork was completed late last night.


    Check it out:



    and what you've been waiting for! The new company's name is



    and the logo is here


    Today is such a big update plus now you can submit your character a better and quicker way! Click HERE to submit it. The final updates is that the age limit has gone from 1-6 to 0-6 and there is a new class! You can now have a celebrity pony (their age must be 6). Also, I now only accept pony images when uploaded to Tinypic. Sorry guys, it's just easier. On the other hand, you will NEVER need to make a OC page just for this project because I don't need you to do it to get involved. I want everyone to be involved. So yeah, that's it for todays big update! See you in tomorrow!!!


    Edit 3 (15/12/2013): I promised to release Zorgan tomorrow however there is a slight problem I need to deal with. I promised to also release Zorgan's OC profile but it's now delayed until after Christmas! There isn't much news for day sadly and today's been a inactive day for us here at Cream Studios! However, we are soon releasing a blog on this forum to save room on this post because soon it will become too long for anypony to read. Anyways, Cream Studios is having a break until after Christmas so you better send in your characters so that we can confirm a place for them. Remember you can't submit after the 14th January 2014!


    Edit 4 (14/2/2014): Due to my stupid laptop the project will be delayed a little longer than expected. Sorry guys, however there may be a app releasing soon made by Cream Studios. We call it My Flappy Pony. It's similar to Flappy Bird but the pony flies through Candy Canes.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Hey, 


    I need a poster about 500 x 700?


    I need it to include my 3 custom OC's and any others you can think of.


    First OC < Baby Strawberry Cream


    Second OC < Adult Thunder Dream


    Third OC < Baby Rainbow Dash


    If you can add any others it would be good.


    I need the title to be "My Baby Pony"


    The text in the middle: " The exciting new book series showing the early days of the ponies "


    Just below the middle can you add: " 24/02/14 | Poster created by "your name" "


    And at the bottom " MLPForums.com " 


    Thanks guys!



  4. okay i am going to create the one you asked for regardless on how it looks but i will make a few more still with the theme of ben 

    okay i am done but the one you requested looked bad so i made 2 adaptations of it



    attachicon.gifben signature 1.png



    attachicon.gifben signature 2.png

    attachicon.gifben signature 3.png


    i hope you enjoy

    here you go i hope you like it if you have any problems with it please tell me

    attachicon.gifstrawberry signature 1.png

    I LOVE IT!

  5. While the sky was dark, it suddenly turned bright pink. A figure fell from the heavens and landed in the Strawberry Fields. Many ponies ran and crowded round the pony.


    "What is that" said Moon Beam


    "Strawberry Cream has returned" replied Rarity


    "STRAWBERRY CREAM! GET LUNA" said Celestia


    "Luna, who's this" said Moon Beam


    "This is Strawberry Cream, the daughter of the sun. The most powerful force on the earth, together with mine and her power we can both create a force so strong it can wipe evil from the world. Strawberry Cream is really special" said Luna




    The whole crowd went wild agreeing with Celestia. 


    "SILENCE" Boomed Luna. Her voice was so loud that thunder boomed. 


    The crowd was silent.


    "She will stay" said Luna 


    The crowd again disagreed and roared.


    "MOONBEAM SPARKLE" roared Luna.


    The whole sky went pitch black and left the moon on it's own glowing.


    Luna suddenly turned into Nightmare Moon with the dark blue eyes. 


    "SHE WILL STAY" boomed Luna


    The crowd stood speechless. 


    Strawberry Cream has returned.



    (come back on 25th for the christmas special)

  6. Wow, I was on a forum which was similar to this but with different subject and it was the worst place ever. All people done was down rep everyone and critize. This place is so kind :) I LOVE IT :*

    • Brohoof 2
  7. 30jmkyg.png

    Name: Strawberry Cream

    Where do you want her to be: Anywhere peaceful like a garden or forest.

    Personality: Quite and shy

    About her: When she is crowded and confronted she has little pink tears on her cheeks and when they hit the floor they bounce the opponent back. If they go towards her again she will make her horn shine and charge at the opponent. When she touches the opponent they will be stuck in a pink cage which is only breakable by Princess Luna // Nightmare Moon. She is the cousin of Luna and together they make a unbeatable force which combines purple with pink. (The Candy Beam) No ponies can destroy it.


    I think that's it for Strawberry Cream.


    PM me for more information or more characters.

  8. Hey,

    I'm Strawberry Cream. I'm 16 and I LOVE  to make custom ponies. You can pm me if you want one and i'll give you a full list of  customizations. Anyways, i'm really kind love to help people out. I love roleplaying and graphic designing too. I think i'm going to enjoy it here :)


    • Brohoof 3
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