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Illiad Easle

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Everything posted by Illiad Easle

  1. @Randimaxis Illiad chuckled, "I suppose my own lessons are finally rubbing off on me. Taking my own advice after giving it to others, who knew it would be even more effective this way?" The appearance of the items caused Illiad a bit of hesitation given their in-congruence with the scents that had brought him down the stairs, "Um, you sure you didn't accidentally mix my paints into these? They seem rather... colorful, especially considering what I had in my cabinets." Regardless, despite their vibrant colors they still looked more appealing than what Illiad usually prepared for himself, so he overcame his hesitation to actually try them, seeing if the third sense would break the tie between their scent and sight. Texture was of course to be considered as well. Illiad wasn't wholly surprised by how well they tasted, they of course tasted even better than they smelled, but he had come to accept that Dax had a talent for making good food. Illiad thought for a moment, "I think it would be a good time actually, it wouldn't be much out of the way for them to drop off their gifts on our way out of the city." But wasn't the concert in the city auditorium? Dax may not be too familiar with how Deltrot was laid out, but the picture of the map seemed to indicate that the auditorium was near the city center. It wouldn't be much longer before there was a knocking at the door, the same as when Swift had come with the mail the previous day, Illiad looked over to see the pair standing on his porch, "Perfect timing," He'd look back at Dax, "Better go get those gifts ready, I'll greet them to give you some time." By the time Dax would return they'd have moved to join Illiad in the kitchen, also partaking of the varied dishes Dax had prepared, leaving of course enough for Dax if he hadn't had any yet.
  2. @Crescent Moon Hard's confusion only increased, "B but, you're the governor, you could fire the guard, hire new ones." A bit of anger rose up in him, "You put me in danger on purpose! What? Got tired of waiting for the perfect mare to fall into your trap so so lured me in specifically? I could have died!" Part of his anger was from how he thought Enigma would react, the rest was personal, he had voted for this apparent scumbag foalnapper after all.
  3. @reader8363 (Solstice) The golem paused in its progress to face Solstice when it was approached. It's face was stylized to look like a pony, which was different given most minotaur golems had minotaur faces. Someone had also put a cowboy hat on top of the golem. It's speech was rudimentary, considering the damage it had sustained, but Solstice was ignorant as to how all the runes worked. "Howdy Partner! Might I say you're looking fit as a fiddle. Say, wasn't there another one with you?" (Eclipse) In front of the saloon was an old stallion who smelled a bit like explosives, he would nod to Eclipse as she passed, but wouldn't engage with her unless she spoke to him first. Provided she didn't address him, and continued in to the saloon, she'd be greeted by the somewhat aggressive bark of a large dog, "Cheyenne, stay." A yellowish earth pony mare in light leather armor and a rifle strapped to her back stepped forward, "Don't worry, she won't bite unless I tell her to. I'm Sunny Smiles by the way, and you are?" The room wasn't too big, the air slightly clouded with the ever present dust of the wasteland. The central feature of the room was a pool table which looked like it was actually in good repair, along with a jukebox that likely only had the lights working in it. There was a hallway out the back of the room, and the sounds of a bar through a doorway to the left, as well as the murmurings of an unpleasant conversation.
  4. The Doc would open the door for them, revealing the town framed by the high sun overhead, it was a small collection of derelict and repaired buildings, with a smattering of creatures going about their business, no more than a dozen or so in total, most appeared to be farmers. "Before you leave town, you should talk to Sunny Smiles. She might be able to help you two learn to fend for yourselves a bit better in the desert, she'll likely be at the saloon there down the hill. I reckon some of the other folks down there might be able to help too, and that clay feller Odis, who pulled you out of your graves." Almost as if summoned by talking about him, said golem happened to be passing by on a nearby road, (shaped like an iron golem from minecraft only without the head as its face is in the middle of its chest like a protectron) made of clay and covered in runes, some clearly damaged and others only glowing weakly. It didn't react to the mention of it's name.
  5. @Crescent Moon Hard would look, and feel, confused by the sudden change in tone. Nonetheless he would maintain the fearful disposition, apparently cowed into silence by the clout the stallion held. "Wha... what d do y you m mean?"
  6. @Sherem The mare looked surprised by the compliment, but gave a cheery smile and wave back as he left with Midnight. Midnight rolled his eyes, "I spoke mostly in jest, referring to the fact that just last week he managed to nearly take down Canterlot were it not for my intervention. Nonetheless, I'm sure the element of surprise played strongly in his favor then." (Celestia) Magpie nodded, "I'm not wholly privy to the information, and I'm sure that Sir and Lord and give the full story, but from what I'm aware there have been no incidents with Sheoreth since Knight Sherem's arrival here. Pertaining to before," she paused "My brother Nightshade, twelfth of his name, was cursed by a letter sent to Midnight by Sheoreth, and spent several days in recuperation afterwards. When Lord fought Sheoreth he suffered a number of physical injuries, with a few days recuperation, they were not severe enough to prevent his return to the castle, and he holds no ill will towards Sherem." With that they had arrived at a large set of doors, at which Magpie stepped aside and motioned for Celestia to enter. "Sir and Lord await within, I shall wait without until your meeting has finished." (Both) Midnight and Sherem would arrive at the room from the other side, and moments before Celestia. Midnight would simply enter and expect Sherem to follow. Within the room was a central table bearing a map of the Equestrian Continent, four large chairs sat around the table, with rows of smaller chairs forming circles outside those four. In one chair sat Sir, imposing as ever in his armor as he looked though a number of documents before him. He nodded to Midnight and Sherem as they entered, adopting a more relaxed pose as he turned his gaze to the doors through which Celestia would enter. Midnight would take an adjacent seat to Sir, and would motion for Sherem to sit on Sir's other side, which would leave the only open chair for Celestia to sit exactly opposite Sir, with Sherem and Midnight to either side.
  7. @Blitz Boom The buck blushed, but looked thankful. "I appreciate it, thank you." He took to gripping the stress ball in his forehooves while he turned his attention to the books she had brought, ignoring the pencil for now, but he did eye it occasionally while Null cut away. The buck flinched at that, and looked back at her with a worried look, "I, um, take it you had some bad experiences? I don't mean to prod of course, especially now, but I hope you find me unlike those you wanted to, um, 'cut into'?" (Void) Their mother would come give Void some physical affection, "We'll get there when we get there. And we'll be together for it. We can only hope that whatever she ends up doing, it's what makes her happy, fulfills her. It's all any of us can do." (General) Convoy nodded, "The Consul's been good about that, streamlining things while the nation is still small. There's just not a lot of bureaucracy left to get in the way. But believe me, there's still weeks of negotiations before we get even a single sand dollar from the Council for the reconstruction." Seeing that the General didn't have a destination in mind, Convoy set to start leading their path. "Perhaps it would be best if you had a more official meeting with the remaining Equestrians, I could get the word out for those interested to gather so you could speak in a more official capacity, those with power would more than likely attend. From there we could introduce you directly to them and work on getting things streamlined with the council."
  8. @reader8363 The Doc nodded, "Understandable, I grew up in a Stable too, but I left soon after it opened. That was a long time ago though." He looked like an idea struck him, he went into another room and came back with a box of things. "Here, these belong to the two of you, was all you had on you when you was brought in." Within the box was whatever they had been carrying when they had been abducted by the unicorn and his goons, as well as Eclipse's book and the note they had been given by the Palomino Express when they had taken the job to deliver the disk. "I hope you don't mind, but I gave the note a look. I was hoping it could help me find a next of kin, but it was just something about a golden disk." (You can pick from the starting equipment of New Vegas and any of the expansions for your starting gear, or anything you think would make sense for them to have.) The Doc would turn towards the door, "If that's all I'll walk you two out. Don't be afraid to come back if you need medical attention, just don't get yourselves killed again."
  9. @Blitz Boom Looks like I'm getting hit, should make a fun reunion for Dax and Mystic
  10. @reader8363 The doc had a slight smile on his face as they stood, "Good, why don't you walk down to the end of the room there, over by that couch. Take it slow now, it ain't a race." The room they were in was small, but comfortable all things considered. It was definitely cleaner than most places in the wasteland were, but it was far from the most sterile environment. Across the room from the medical cots they had been resting in there was a small living area, a pair of couches and a sitting chair near a burned out fireplace. The doc would walk with them, helping as need be, until they were able to make it to the couches. "Now, I see you two have pip-colts, you grow up in a Stable?"
  11. @Sherem (Ahh, that doesn't explain the clouds or grass though. It's not too important regardless.) Midnight didn't look to surprised, "Was this before the time when he put the whole city to sleep? Because he appeared to have the princesses well trounced then." But he nodded, "I'll keep that in mind. Having a common enemy is a quick but short term way to make a friend. Hopefully this will be a first step towards more open cooperation, but given the list that Council has for her... I don't envy her position." One of the castle staff entered the courtyard, relieved to find Midnight, "She's arrived." Midnight nodded, moving towards the exit, "Well then, we shouldn't keep her waiting long." (Celestia) Magpie nodded, "That will also work, they will of course be free to avail themselves of the castle's hospitality nonetheless. I realize you are not familiar with myself like the other dignitaries, I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, I am chief ambassador Magpie, twelfth of my name, and I will be your guide and liaison for the duration of your stay here. Anything you might need, do feel free to ask." Magpie would lead the way in to the castle, the doors opened by the Archback guards as they approached. No doubt there would be a bit of silent comparison between the guards of both sides, each sizing the other up. Nonetheless, Magpie led on, "Sir and Lord would like this matter resolved as quickly as possible, so I do hope you forgive that we are not going first to your accommodations. Sir and Lord desire to meet with you at the earliest possible convenience."
  12. @Crescent Moon Hard would follow meekly, as if the fight had gone out of her. He didn't want to try the boundaries just yet, see how strict this politician was on his definition of undamaged. Idly he wondered how many of his staff were actually slaves. Nonetheless, it was again a show either of stupidity or arrogance that he was allowed to see that he was at the mansion. They clearly expected that he wouldn't be leaving to tell anyone.
  13. @reader8363 The old stallion nodded at both of them as they spoke, "Huh, can't say that's what I'd've chosen for you. But if those're your names those're your names. I'm Doc Pitch, welcome to Sweetwater." He looked around for something as he continued, "Now, I hope you don't mind, but I had to go rootin around in yer noggins to get all the bits of lead out. I take pride in my needlework but, well, you should see for yourselves." He pulled a mirror out from a number of assorted equipment on a nearby table and passed it to Solstice. If they looked into it they'd see that, besides from a faint scar on their foreheads, indicating that the bullets had struck them just above and to the side of their horns. Any further down or to the side and it would've likely damaged or removed their horns, if not outright killed them. As it was, it was a prime example of why one shouldn't dual-wield accuracy based weapons with magic. Provided they didn't object to their appearance, the doctor would come over to their bed. "Okay, no sense in keeping you in bed any longer, lets see if we can't get you on your hooves."
  14. @Crescent Moon Hard didn't want to risk anything, while they apparently hadn't noticed the magic of Enigma's charm disguise, or apparently his own disguise magic, that was likely only because neither of them looked like unicorns and as such didn't need to be searched for magic. Besides, not knowing exactly where he was he couldn't easily look for Trace. Worst case scenario, he could just kill his way out. The ring would be dealt a blow, ponies would know of their existence, and they could get another infiltration point later. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, he hoped he could at least discover a ring-leader or two first.
  15. Illiad Easle

    New Pegas

    OOC: https://mlpforums.com/topic/190549-new-pegas/ @reader8363 War, we thought we knew what it meant. When the forces of Tartarus ravaged Equis, those who survived did so in underground Stables or Vaults. When they opened, their inhabitants set out across the ruins of the old world to build new societies, establish villages, form herds. As decades passed, what had been the Mild West and San Palomino Desert united beneath the flag of the New Lunar Republic, dedicated to the principles of the old Trojan Empire, being democracy and common rule. As the republic grew, so too did it's needs. Scouts spread north, seeking territory and resources among the ruins and wastes of the San Palomino Desert and Southern Equestria. They returned with tales of a city untouched by the forces who had ravaged the world, and a great access point to an untapped ley-line. The NLR mobilized its forces, sending them to occupy and develop this access point. But to the east, another nation had risen, under a different flag, a vast army of slaves, forged from the conquest of 86 herds, Discord's Legion. Four years have passed since the NLR held the access point, barely, against the Legion's onslaught. As before they did not retreat. To the east they wait, gaining strength with each passing week. From the north now comes another force. Scouts, claiming to be from the Solar Empire, have been seen by the NLR, and captured by the Legion. The Empire claims that it is the rightful heir to Equestria, and therefore the access point and the city. Throughout it all, New Pegas has remained open for business, under the control of its mysterious overseer, Grey Mane, and his army of recivilized herds and minotaur golems. You are a courier, hired along with your sister by the Palomino Express to the New Pegas strip, what seemed like a simple delivery job has taken a turn, for the worst. Solstice and Eclipse come to, and find themselves bound and gagged before a trio of creatures: two ponies and a griffon. One of the ponies and the griffon bear the marks of belonging to the tribe known as the Talons, a mostly mercenary group known for doing the more brutal jobs. The pony in the middle, a light grey unicorn stallion in an oddly nice checkered suit, seems to be in charge. In his magic he holds the golden disk Eclipse was meant to deliver. The unicorn looks directly at Eclipse, "You've made your last delivery fil'. Sorry you got twisted up in this scene." He puts the disk in his suit coat, and pulls out a pair of ornate pistols with his magic, holding one to each of the twins heads. "From where you're laying it must seem like an 18 karat run of bad luck. The truth is, the game was rigged from the start." A pair of ear-splitting bangs, and everything goes dark for the twins. Some time later, they come to again, this time in what looks like a house, an old stallion standing over them, "Whoa, easy there." he speaks with a tired, yet kind voice. "Easy, you two've been out cold a couple of days now. Why don't you just relax a second, get your bearings. Let's see what the damage is. How about your name? Can you tell me your names?"
  16. @Crescent Moon Hard was getting more and more worried with every new name added to the list. If this keeps up, it'd take nothing short of the princesses' direct intervention to break up this ring. Even then... with enough nobility involved... there could very well be a coup if we don't do this right. Ra would nod as she left the room, "I'll have those collected for you then. Again, feel free to ask anyling for anything you need. You are our guest after all, and we aim to please."
  17. @Blitz Boom "Whoa," the buck stepped back at first, "If the magic still works, then it won't need a joint added, it's already flexible enough as it is." He'd move it to demonstrate. "I just need it shaved down to the right size is all, if the magic does go out of it then I'll come back for a joint." The buck would cautiously get into position. He wouldn't react until the knife touched his leg, at which point he'd shudder. "Sorry, I do have some feeling in it, like a numb feeling. When I do it I at least know when the blade it about to cut, but I'll try to hold still." He'd look around to see if there was something he could grasp in an effort to keep himself still enough for Null to do her work. (Void) Their mother shuddered at the mention of the Grey, "One can only hope, we at least haven't had any run-ins with them since we were discharged from TrUST, and we can only hope we don't run into them again later. If ever there was a pony who could take them down, Null is the one to do it." (General) Convoy looked contemplative, "I don't recall if it was there exactly that the legion had set up a fort, but there might have been one thereabouts. Stars know if they're still holed up there or if they moved on when Discord was defeated. We should prepare just in case we need to fight them for it." He'd look about, "So, we headed back to South Port now? Or was there something else you needed to do while you were here?"
  18. @Crescent Moon Hard would flinch from the slap, but otherwise remain submissive, I'll have to watch him closely, perhaps the best way to take this down would be to replace him, force a confession with his own mouth in a public place, that could blow a big hole in this. But we need to see who else is involved.
  19. @Crescent Moon (The investigation won't end if the side with Hard doesn't move) The new changeling didn't say anything until they were well out of the throne room, walking down a number of ornately carved hallways passing a number of undisguised changelings. All the changelings looked at Enigma as they passed, the smaller ones with amazement and the larger ones with curiosity. Once they had gotten far enough away from the throne room, the changeling guide finally spoke, "This is a real honor you've been given. Queen Sleipnir does not often allow guests to remain within the hive. Perhaps if you are still here in a weeks time you'll be allowed to join us for the concert, HexComb is coming to town and they always give a special performance to the hive when they do." They arrived at a large open room that looked like the interior courtyard of a fancy motel. A giant glowing crystal hung from the ceiling to cast an indigo light on the whole room. The guide led the way to one of the doors and peaked inside before opening the door fully. "Here's where you'll be staying for the time being. We don't typically have assigned rooms in the hive, so don't be alarmed if another changeling walks in by accident. Word will spread quickly enough that this one is yours I'm sure. Now, the bed is a special blend of changeling gel made to give it a gelatin-like texture not wholly unlike a waterbed or memory-foam mattress. It can be made firmer or softer through the careful application of magic, though I would recommend you allow a changeling practiced in that sort of magic to do it, lest you turn it solid or liquid by accident." The guide turned to leave, "If you need anything, just flag down anyling and tell them you need to speak to Ra, that's me, and they'll fetch me for you. Before I forget though, I heard you needed some things from your van and room? Where are those, and what things do you need?"
  20. (Windows can be interior, which is the window I mentioned, being a window from the dining area to the kitchen. But rather than make you change it I'm going to say there's another window that looks out on the courtyard and by extension allows Sherem to see the clouds.) Midnight would follow Sherem out of the dining area and into the courtyard, as early as it was they were alone there. Midnight was hesitant to interrupt what looked like fond musings, but it was important, "So," he sighed, "I can't say I've interacted with Celestia in a long time. The last time I saw her I was a slave to Princess Luna by Celestia's orders. Provided things go civilly today it will be the first civil discussion we've ever had. Sir too, though he may count her laments to his petrified body as civil enough." He sighed again, "Any advice? You've interacted with her the most out of anyone on this mountain, what's a good way to talk with her?" (Celestia) Upon landing the gangplank was extended to allow Celestia and her accompaniment to disembark, they'd be met at the other end of the plank by an equal number of Archback guards as well as Magpie, twelfth of her name, dressed as an ambassador. She would bow regally to Celestia when she disembarked. "We are honored to receive your honorable presence, Princess Celestia, while we prepared a space for you in the castle we were not expecting so many guards to join you, as such their accommodations may not be to the same level of quality as they might otherwise expect. The castle is not used to hosting such a large number of guests at once." Nonetheless she turned to lead the way into the castle itself, "If it pleases her highness, you are expected within."
  21. To clarify: Archback was founded by the Children of the Moon, Luna, and Midnight. Mohotma City, the neighboring nation which is united to them, was founded by the freed slaves. No need to change anything as it's a distinction most outsiders would miss anyway, so it's understandable Celestia might not know that there is a difference between the two.
  22. @Blitz Boom "You couldn't have known, no need to apologize." The buck nodded, "Of course! This whole thing came about from some rather unique circumstances, so I doubt you've ever seen anything like it, even I don't know exactly how it works, if it's magic or not, but I guess I can live with it not growing anymore if it comes to that. If you look here," he'd turn about to give Null a better view of it, pointing to where it met his fur, "you can see it sort of melds into my skin, going underneath. When I was a much younger buck, pretty much a fawn, I lost my original leg in a stupid accident, it was removed all they way up to the socket. I was far from my glen then, would likely have died had some zebra doctor not found me. They cleaned the wound but put some sort of strange seed they pulled out of a potion in the empty socket where the bone used to be. I thought it was just to keep there from being a pit there, but a few days later it sprouted out of the stitches, and it's been growing ever since. I started carving it once it was thick enough to support my weight and long enough to touch the ground, and it's worked as a good leg ever since. Keeping the leaves off it grows slower, but I never found the doctor again to find out what exactly they did." The buck pondered for a bit, "I, hadn't thought of that. I'll have to get back to you on that as there is a certain pattern that comes to mind, but I'll have to show it to you. For now though, I'd like it to look as natural as possible, you might as well use my other leg as a reference, given I can't remove it I kind of have to be present while you do it." (Void) Their mother shook her head, "Don't get me wrong, the war was bloody and terrible, just that most of the fighting happened on the Cervidian continent, hundreds to thousands died on both sides before it was over. But one thing that is central to Trojan culture is their deep respect for the dead, especially those who died in combat. They have a saying: 'I may not agree with you, but I admire your willingness to die for it.' That's why they have graves in the Dead Oasis for both sides of the war, even their war for independence. To most Trojans Equestria is dead, and therefore ought to be respected in death, so I don't think they'll pose much opposition." (The General) Illiad shook his head, "Not at all General, the pleasure's been all mine." Convoy shrugged, "Even if you did do something stupid, I think the Consul's relieved to have North Port off his plate. Before you showed up there was talk amongst the Trojan guard of going up there themselves. Now that the Coalition is going to take care of it they don't have to worry about it as much."
  23. @Randimaxis @Flow Mystic would grip the offered hoof tightly, following quickly as Bloom led her away from the edge and out of sight of the height. She would refuse the blindfold however, her eyes were closed tight enough as it was. She would continue hyperventilating, though the longer she listened to Bloom's calming words the calmer she became. Mystic would be able to feel Dax and Blitz approaching even before she'd be able to hear them, and simply knowing that Dax was near, and growing closer, did wonders for her nerves. Only then would she risk opening her eyes again. If she could still see the edge she'd go back to having her eyes closed and her nerves would flare again, but not as strongly. If she couldn't see the edge anymore however, she'd take a number of steadying breaths before finally turning her attention to Bloom, "I... I, I'm m s-sorry a about th-that. I... d-don't know wa-what c-came over me." She'd brush herself off, releasing her titanium grip on Bloom, for such a small mare Mystic had some serious hoof strength as her grip had likely left some sort of mark on Bloom.
  24. @Sherem The mare nodded, "Of course, I'll get you that food right away Knight Sherem." With that the mare turned away from the window to head deeper into the kitchen while another set about slicing one of the cooled loafs of bread. It was then that Midnight himself entered the dining area, looking surprised and relieved to find Sherem there, "I see you've found breakfast, and just in time too. I just got word that Celestia's airship is approaching, she'll likely want to see us as soon as she arrives, which won't be long now." The mare returned to the window with the bread and some blueberry jam as well as fresh blueberries on a plate for him. "Here you are sir, I do hope you enjoy it." (Celestia) So long as all the paperwork was in order the guards would finish their inspection quickly, "Alright then, Princess Celestia, you're expected and welcomed to Archback. We'll guide your ship into the air docks if you'll follow our ship in." They'd return to their ship and it would pull away, slowly at first so her ship could get moving, then at a reasonable cruising speed as it circled around to the back side of the mountain where a sizable airship docking yard had been carved into and built out from the face of the mountain. A number of creatures on the docks would guide them in, flying up some tethering ropes once they got close enough to pull the ship in manually once they were close enough.
  25. @Crescent Moon The queen nodded at Enigma's explanations, "That sounds reasonable, it's good to hear that the arcade will be put back in operation, it's been too long closed." Another changeling entered the room, younger than the others, who approached and bowed before the queen. The queen motioned towards the new changeling, "Ra here will take you to your accommodations, if you'll follow her?" Looking towards Trace, "You're dismissed, you've got quite a bit of work ahead of you if you're going to bring the ring down. I'll have infiltrators prepped for whatever you need them for." Trace bowed and left the room while the new changeling waited for Enigma to join her.
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