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  1. Marcato's post in Url/Links in signatures was marked as the answer   
    What you need to do in order to make a link like that, is first select the text you want to make a link out of. LINK HERE

    Then you want to click on the link button in the editor like you were mentioning before. After that, just paste where you want the link to go and your golden!
  2. Marcato's post in What if we don't know what category to put something in? was marked as the answer   
    If you're referring to the questions section here, just choose whichever one you think is most suitable. In this case, this would be more of a general question.
    General Question: If it's a random question about the site that isn't really tech related (such as an issue with the site) then you set it as a general question.
    Tech Support: If you're reporting an issue or problem with the site, or are asking something about the website's functions and the like, then this is the category you want. 
    Roleplay World: If your question has to do with the Roleplay World sections down closer to the bottom of the main home page, then you set this as the category.
    Again, if you're not certain go with whichever makes the most sense.
  3. Marcato's post in Why aren't JPEG pictures allowed on certain threads? was marked as the answer   
    This isn't a problem with certain threads disallowing jpg's, it's usually moreso an issue with the link you posted. Often, the end of the link may have been twisted or changed slightly. Other times it's an awkward blurp in IP Board's system.
    I have personally experienced this problem in the past, and it almost always was fixed with a refresh or taking a look at the image link carefully.  
    I hope this answers your question adequately? 
  4. Marcato's post in Is it possible to remove a thread from your "my content" updates? was marked as the answer   
    Hello Justin ZW! I apologize for the rather late reply, things have been pretty busy on my end lately.
    As far as I and others are aware, it is currently not possible to exclude things from the my content list. As the standard IP Board forum software seems to suggest, it isn't built in. 
    However, this doesn't sound like something that would be too hard to implement via a little programming and modification, although what would more likely happen is the exclusion of all threads where your post count doesn't increase. Being able to pick and choose would be a little more difficult to do, but I'll see what the developers around here have to say.
    EDIT: Lavoaster has explained to me that this would be actually very difficult to do, and unfortunately will not be happening here. To quote him;
    Sorry if I got your hopes up for a bit there!  
  5. Marcato's post in Why should it matter what extension I use in my sig? was marked as the answer   
    Well, there are other ways to get an image-randomizing signature.
    For example, this is what I used until I learned how to code it all myself. http://www.random-image.net/ It supports images with different dimensions and file formats I believe... Albeit it kind of has a bandwidth limit. 
    There is obviously a way to make an image randomizer that works like this, it's just a matter of having the knowledge on how. @_@
    Anyways, if it was to "just work" then the forums could easily and quickly break. If it supported PHP script embeds then that could be not only dangerous to the sites  status as a working, functional and full site, but dangerous to security as a whole as well. (Not to mention it'd be incredibly difficult to implement.)
    Sorry this didn't quite turn out the way you had hoped. Either way, I think this is worth considering taken care of now and brought to a conclusion. Therefore, I'm locking this thread up. Thanks to all those who participated in this... interesting development of a thread!
  6. Marcato's post in How to be a subscriber in this site? was marked as the answer   
    Hey Lyeco!
    I'm afraid the only way to get those privileges is to donate to the forums. Subscribers is just the next step up from donator, as you donate to the website a fixed amount every month. 
    That being said you can become a subscriber here by signing up to donate every month. Your subscriber status lasts as long as you continue to donate each month.
  7. Marcato's post in Title problems was marked as the answer   
    Hey Rave Ninja!
    Unfortunately now that you have a title, you can't change it until you gain access to changing it by either becoming a subscriber (or donator) or by some other situation.
    However if you go and ask a moderator or other staff member I'm sure they would happily remove it for you if you no longer want it.
  8. Marcato's post in Skipping to Last Page on Mobile Version was marked as the answer   
    Unfortunately this isn't possible to do on the mobile version of the site. However, there are some alternate ways to go about it. 
    One way is to change the URL in the top of your browser so that it says what page of the thread you want to reach, in this case you would enter the number of the last page. (This is admittedly very annoying.)
    The other way this is possible is by clicking the link, and it will take you to the last unread post. (Unfortunately this doesn't really work either.) 
    The IP Board mobile skin is incredibly finicky and limiting, so it's difficult to modify it. Basically you have to use the full version of the website in order to skip all the pages and go straight to the last one. Sorry!
  9. Marcato's post in Keep getting signed out was marked as the answer   
    I'd classify this issue as resolved then. Although safari doesn't seem to be cooperating, it seems to be an issue with the browser itself if all of that wasn't able to fix it. Maybe in a couple days (or weeks?) try Safari again and see if it works. Sometimes these things just need time. 
    With that I'm locking this thread up. Glad to see you found a solution. 
  10. Marcato's post in Wifi and Site Loading Problems was marked as the answer   
    The first thing you should do, is clear your cache by going to google chrome's advanced settings and clicking "clear browsing data..." From there select "Empty the cache" and "Delete cookies and other site plug-in data." You'll have to login again, but it's a small price to pay for a potential fix.
    This should hopefully fix the problem. If it doesn't, try using a different browser just to be certain, such as Firefox. Better safe than sorry after all.
    If all else fails, just give it some time. There are a number of bugs that tend to be temporary for whatever reason and vanish a day or two later. (I've personally experienced them once or twice, including what you're getting right now.)
    EDIT: Oh! I almost forgot! If your phone supports it, you can use your phone as a wifi hotspot in a way. If you were to do this, you could check and see whether or not it's your modem causing the problem, or if it's your computer/browser. If your phone is an android phone (smart phone other than iPhone) it should be able to do this.
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