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Fire Lily

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Everything posted by Fire Lily

  1. It may have been dark aside from the candles but Dusk's eyes quickly adjusted to the setting. Her eyes were big as she reached over and tapped on Cresent's menu. "Well it's right here, just above the romantic dinner for two special." She added the last part without even thinking about it and blushed slightly when she said it.
  2. @@Dapper Charmer, Lily stopped dead in her tracks when she saw Mist and Sparkle. She wasn't really paying attention to where she was going but at least she didn't get completely turned around and lost by herself. She noticed Mists wing around Sparkle and fell over crying like a filly. "It's Steel...he...he..." She curled up on the ground crying too hard to finish.
  3. Well like I said I could try to post more if you still want me to, otherwise yeah.
  4. "But Steel..." Lily said with her voice full of concern. She couldn't just run and leave him here. Especially not after what had just happened. She watched as the whip cracked off to her side. She could feel the heat and knew it would cut through her armor like butter. Without even thinking she quickly kissed Steel's neck, not wanting to risk moving in front of him and ran back the way she thought they came with tears in her eyes.
  5. sorry not dead, just been busy, I guess if I'm getting written out though whatever.
  6. sorry, not dead, had family stuff going on this weekend.
  7. Lily gladly stepped behind Steel, she was worried about him but an alicorn was way out of her league. She was prepared for a monster, but nothing outside of some of the amulets sold by the vendors in canterlot would be protection against an alicorn. She couldn't afford one of those with three of these trips anyway. Trying to show him she wasn't a little filly anyway even if it wouldn't help much she threw off her coat and pulled out her sword too.
  8. Lily smiled when when he wrapped his wings around her, she thought it felt right, which was something she hadn't felt in what seemed like forever. All of a sudden when they were only about 10 feet away from a bunch of shadows she immediately stopped and looked up at Steel, feeling something wasn't right.
  9. Lily walked along beside Steel with her side against his. She had a slight blush when she thought that iw wasn't just for the warmth, though it was nice to be out of the wind at least for a little while anyway. As she walked along she saw some unopened crates here and there but she figured that there wouldn't be anything good in there anyway since nopony in their right mind would leave behind anything expensive.
  10. Lily kept staring at Steel still at a loss for too many words. "Oh..um..yeah, just one more thing first." Without any warning Lily leaned in and gave him a longer kiss. "Ok, now we cam get back to looking around. Maybe we can find a clue as to where the mayor went and why the town isn't worried about it."
  11. Lily looked up into his eyes. "What do you mean I didn.." She was cut off when Steel leaned in and kissed her. She definitely wasn't expecting it but as soon as the initial shock wore off she started kissing him back. She was blushing too when she pulled back and stared at him without saying anything.
  12. Lily kept staring at the ground. "Well you just think I'm nice because you just met me, and I kissed you because you're pretty much the only stallion that cares if I'm monster chow...or hasn't tried to feed me to one...and I kissed you because I liked it...and I messed up already." She turned around like she was going to go back to the mansion.
  13. Lily stopped dead in her tracks and took a couples steps back away from him. "Oh, I'm sorry...you didn't like it..? I was just trying to show that I cared about you.." She said while staring down at the ground now, unable to make eye contact or think about anything else that he had said. Even if there were more questions than answers.
  14. Lily looked back at Steel and giggled a little as she watched him but she decided not to comment further on it. "Come on Lily, for once in your life do not mess this up." She thought to herself. She wasn't sure what any of that meant or where it was going but she enjoyed it and he seemed to like her too which was really a first for her. She walked back beside him and kept her side pressed against his.
  15. Lily nuzzles into Steel again when he hugged her, trying to make it last a few more seconds. "Well it's not just her, I worry about you too." She kissed him lightly on the cheek and started heading deeper into the mine to hide her blush. She looked at some of the few remaining stones on the walls. Most of them wern't going to be worth too much but they might make a nice gift for herself or Angel she thought to herself, if she wouldn't have to explain it away when she got back.
  16. Lily stared at him for a moment. "Really? You were worried about me? Nobody's ever really worried about me...I'm just kind of there." She said managing a small smile to try to help him feel better. "It's ok, nothing got in and ate us at least that I know of" She softly nuzzled Steel's neck. "Not that it matters much, I know you can take care of yourself, but I worry about you too."
  17. Lily was still too busy staring at the ground to really notice Steel's blush. "I'd say it was a little more than uncalled for when I was just trying to help." She said while looking at Steel with a hurt look on her face. "Besides who else could you be worried about anyway?"
  18. Dusk look up and down the menu, she was surprised that a place like this had so much food, then again with her usual hours it's not like she got out to eat very often anyway, she usually just made something quick and simple or herself at home. "I think the spaghetti sounds pretty good myself actually."
  19. "Well I was going to mention something but after the whole blanket thing I think it's better if I don't...I do like my wings attached to my body after all.." Lily said while looking at the ground. "I've never fought any demon before or really ran into one besides you. Pretty sure I could manage to not die though"
  20. Lily noticed that Steel was smiling again. She thought it odd after the way he had cut up the blanket earlier she threw on him just by being nice. She got a weird look on her face as she remembered that and decided very firmly not to mention anything about it. She enjoyed her wings attached to her body. "Well the only thing i can think of would be the monster, is there anything else here I should know about that might try to kill me?"
  21. Lily giggled slightly when she noticed Steel almost trip but didn't otherwise say anything to him about it. She thought to herself that it seemed kind of cute actually. Lily watched him tie up the rope and started following him into the mine. "Well as long as I'm not on the list of things to use as bait, I'm pretty sure i'm not very tastey anyway."
  22. "Well if you're really sure about that." She said and softly nuzzled him reassuringly. "I'd prefer not to be used as bait too if that's at all possible." She said with a small smile. As they approached the mine Lily noticed that it wasn't boarded up like she thought it would be. The thought of the monster being outside too suddenly hit her but she tried to act cool and collected.
  23. Lily smiles back at Steel. "Well if you're really sure you'll be ok, I don't want you to be too tired when we get to the mine in case we run into anything big mean and scary." She said while slightly moving closer to him. She wasn't a big fan of catching her coat on fire but she had to admit to herself that she really liked being close to him, maybe for more than just the warmth she thought with a small blush.
  24. "Well you can say that all you want but I don't exactly see anyone lined up." Lily glanced at Steel's map as he pulled it out. She saw some minor differences compared to hers and figured one or the other was out of date. She decided to ignore it for right now and follow him to see if it was his or hers. She moved over closer to Steel to try to keep warm, her side almost touching his."Thanks, I hope that doesn't tire you out too much".
  25. Lily huffed slightly at his comment, "The day there's a stallion that thinks I'm worth the time of day is the day I'll start looking out for flying pigs." She started walking along with Steel. "I didn't really bring most of my supplies with me, I left most of them back at the house. I think I'll be ok though as long as we don't go too deep or looking for too much trouble." Lily said while shivering slightly, even with the coat being outside in the cold so much was starting to take it's toll.
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