Meanwhile, a silver pegasus blearily woke up, feeling for all the world like a hurricane of anvils had been dropped on his head. "Ugggghhh..." he groaned. Then his vision cleared, revealing two hooves in front of him. He blinked in surprise, wiggling them a bit. "No way." he whispered, looking at them in awe. Getting up from the ground, he took a look around the clearing he was in. So far, it appeared desolate. No, scratch that. There were a bunch of colored horses in the clearing as well. Alright, now I know I've gone off the deep end, he thought. Well, if this is insanity, it's not so bad. At least there aren't growling monsters and fog everywhere.
He noticed a unicorn a few feet away, and decided to approach it. Trotting unsteadily (He was still getting used to his new form), he managed to make the distance without falling flat on his face. "H- hello?" he asked her, for upon closer inspection he noted the unicorn was female.