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Everything posted by Jangocoolguy

  1. Changeling vs. Dragon, coming soon to SyFy! ...no wait, scratch that. It's too good. Go figure guest characters would steal the spotlight from Spike in his own episode. Not that it took much... The premise is one that's been done to death in countless other kids shows & cartoons, along with several sitcoms. Done better too. So I can't say I was happy with it. Especially since Spike was a total idiot about it. It's even worse that he did one stupid, thoughtless, borderline counterproductive thing after another. Also not happy that the map choice him of all people to solve a friendship problem. Twilight thought it was reaching out, I thought it was being desperate. Especially when there was a friendship problem he was right in the middle of, but couldn't see the woods for the tree. Heck, he didn't solve crap since Ember and Thorax worked it out themselves... I'm especially annoyed about him and Thorax at the cafe. The fact he clearly wasn't listening is bad enough, but you'd think getting changelings to stop feeding off love would be a fairly high priority. Now that I got the bad parts of of the way, time to talk about the good with Thorax and Ember They pretty much saved this episode and made it (much) better than it should've been. Ember was a lot of fun thanks to her clueless-ness about ponies and being a tsundere. Likewise, I for one appreciate her not being able to tell Twilight and Starlight apart since Starlight is essentially a Twilght knock-off at this point (though how does one mistake pink for purple). On the flipside, Thorax was his usually sweet, dorky self. Spike was worried about their extremely different personalities making them hate each other, but it actually made a good pairing. (I think I can hear them over in the shipyard ). Another case of a subpar episode premise made better by some good characters.
  2. That's not so surprising. Talking about sequels before the first one it released it quite common these days (sadly). Though it'll depend on how this one does first. Shoot, it's happened several times when a series--or even a cinematic universe--was in the planning stages, then they had to quit because things didn't go as well as expected.
  3. This is another episode that reminds us why we like FiM in the first place. It's a weak story with a moral/lesson we've seen before, and better, (not just here, but other kids' shows) made MUCH better than it should be by its star characters. It's (almost) ALWAYS a fun time with Discord. Fluttershy was in good form too. Lot's of cute/amusing/fun stuff here. I just hope that John D. and Andrea were paid double since they were almost the only VAs here.
  4. Sometimes you think FiM is passed its prime and is just going through the motions...then an episode like this will come along to remind you why you liked it in the first place. That was the most emotional episode we've had a in long time, and one of the sweetest all together. Plus, it was interesting seeing younger versions of older ponies. Now if they could just tell Granny Smith's real name...Celestria knows that was the best song we've had in years. I just wished they'd done this a lot sooner instead of wasting all those years of acting like Ma & Pa Apple didn't exist.
  5. Pony Ball Z: Battle of Alicorns! This one of those times an episode helps the other characters than the main one. Starlight is just as much of a Sue than ever, and I find it laughable they said that going with her gut is okay when all that has EVER done is lead to bad situations. So I'll take this as a Celestria & Luna episode instead and it's a lot better. They both got some much needed personality and development--especially Celestia--along with some amusing moments. And I'm kind looking forward to the fanart those dream bubbles will lead to (ALL HAIL QUEEN DERPY!)
  6. "UNDER THE SEA! UNDER THE S--" "Quiet! Do you want us to get sued?"
  7. An lo, those who made Firefly RD's mom in fan labor felt a great sense of sorrow.Yay, though many of us saw it coming, it still hurts some...Bukcing litigation. You think they could've at least thrown in a little Firefly toy for the more attentive & eagle-eyed (who make up a good chunk of viewership)Though who else cracked up at seeing Derpy in first place? Suddenly her stealing the spotlight from the Mane 6 feels justified. She used to be the best, then kept getting knocked down pegs, and now she's out for revenge!Though this is makes things even MORE suspicious about about Scootaloo's family.It's bad enough Hasbro won't let them bring up her inability to fly, but even the little girls can notice the elephant in the room...
  8. Here we go again... I won't break any records, but I expect it to make enough to earn back its budget and possibly spawn a sequel (even if it's released directly on home media)
  9. It's usually a good time with Maud. Especially since this time she got some much needed extra depth and facets. (and Go figure she'd not notice a giant eel had ate her) But the episode loses points for having Starlight. Even if it did give her a desperately needed facet, and she told Pinkie what needed to be said. Them joking about her misdeeds is seriously getting old... What really bothers me is Pinkie. She redeemed herself in last act, but before that it was one of those episodes where she's thoughtless (both ways) nuisance. When you're own family is annoyed with you, you're failing. There were parts I liked and parts I didn't. I'm gonna have to think this over some Also, I think emerald jasper may or may not invite some Steven Universe references...
  10. RIP Grogar in Friendship is Magic. DHX, Imma EXTREMELY disappoint...
  11. All these years, I thought they were saving Grogar up for a premiere or finale. Heck, he could've been the big bad of a whole storyline! Instead he's reduced to being a children's book. And in an episode with Flurry Heart. This adding insult to injury, but I'm not sure which is which...
  12. ALLLVVVII-oops, wrong show there DIIISSSCOOORRDDD!!!
  13. Eh, just a teaser to let us know it's coming. Not much to get excited over. Though I do have one question... Was that Firefly, or just a pink pegasus with a blue mane & tail?
  14. They should release another trailer build around Pinkie's 4th wall breaking One thing they could do is have them talk about the new animation. Fluttershy or AJ: Does anypony else feel really different somehow?
  15. Gee, ya think? :-P Though FiM has more substance and depth beyond just saying "BUY OUR TOYS!!", which is more than I can say for Transformers, Power Rangers, and the last MLP Movie. So I at least HOPE it does more than pimp new toys and accessories...
  16. Not sure if official or not, but that could work. Not sure how I feel about making them more like mermaids than sea horses though. (especially since Twilight was Ariel's daughter )
  17. Sorry, Other 5, but you've been demoted to supporting cast (and glorified background ponies)!
  18. And here's something that just hit me...what if that dark dimension they're opening up leads to the return of this guy...
  19. They warned Starlight not to perform pony transmutation... Ya gotta say this about us: we don't mess around!
  20. Yeah...I think I'll save my expectations for a later synopsis/better translation. Though I won't give them too much flack if the plot if familiar. After 7 seasons, there will be little this movie can do that hasn't been done in the show by now... (Heck, the Storm King even kinda looks like Tirek) Just as long as it's entertaining and enjoyable I'll be happy
  21. Celstia's sweet flank, it IS on Easter Weekend again! :-o :awuh: _o:
  22. Some good, some meh, some bad. Not sure what to the total ratio will be, but I'm optimistic for more good than the other 2. Only time will tell. As for Starlight...I'm hoping she's demoted to supporting character. One my big issues with S6 is how she played such a big part after being added to the cast so soon (even if she did get some better chances at redemption). So I prefer she appear less and not steal the Mane 6's thunder as much. ...though knowing them, she'll probably become an Alicorn with Twilight as her mentor/sidekick (and the Other 5 (further) reduced to minor characters)
  23. I want to be about 90 minutes or so, but am expecting 80-90. Oh sure, that would make it short, but between you and me I doubt Hasbro really cares (animated) Movies based on toys and/or begat by cartoon shows usually aren't very long. As much as I want it to be long enough to tell a good story, it's not like Hasbro cares about telling a story (let alone a good one)...
  24. I wonder if it'll be on Easter Weekend again... (The weird thing is that it would be the 3rd year in a row. Could Jesus be a Brony?!)
  25. That said, I'll go with "PG that may as well have been rated G", like almost every animated film made in the last decade. Though the MPAA is a bad joke used more for marketing than parental advisory, so it's not like it matters much in the long run. Though if this movie is even less action packed than the show...
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