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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Firehearted

  1. @@Handsome Changeling, "It's Patches. Come to think of it I don't have your name either" Do Changelings even have names? Am I being a bit prejudice? Well they did nearly kill ponies back in Canterlot... "I've been referring to you as "that Changeling" this whole time" Um... Now what? This really didn't feel like the place for small talk... We were going to be stuck here for at least a few days though. Hurry up, Atlas, will you? "Soooo... Since we've both been thrown into an unknown jail cell in and unknown location and seemingly only two people know we're here what's with you? Did they drag you from the Changeling hive or something? I've probably said this before but I'm still scared out of my mind you're going to eat my love by the way" ((And I have chosen who will get letters from Midnight AKA Charlotte. I'm writing up the first letter now))
  2. @@RhythmicBrony,@@Handsome Changeling, @@Shadow Dancer, @@LunaFlower226, DAY 2: It's so lonely here. *Click* The windows slide open bringing what little light the sun had to offer at this time of morning. *Poof* A plate of yet more mush appears on the floor with a spoon and fork. "Whoedy do..." I looked up at the time. Six o clock. I've got some time to kill. I levitated the food to me and began to eat. I've tasted worse and I need to eat. If this is what that Dr Bit says it is *FFFFTTT* Patches, Well... It looks like I went clear past my target. I walked all the way to the other side of the forest! Ugh... I'll try to find the ruins but I'm probably just going to head back home and get you out of that damned prison. Why'd you even get locked up? I know you're not a felon or anything and no one wants you dead... Weird. Ah well! Just don't die of boredom. Atlas I guess he doesn't know... Wait... If he doesn't know and he's only been in the woods for a day... This thing spread fast... Or Dr Bit isn't to be trusted. Yeah, probably that. He's trying to mess with our heads and break us... If we break he can toy with us as much as he wants. But why? He's given no clear reason why he wants us here. *FFFFTTTT* Dr Bit would like to wish all of you good morning. Well at least he's cordial. "Mornin' everyone!" I shouted knowing everyone could easily hear. I hardly knew any of them but did I really want to? Yes... Yes I do. I need to get to know those I am stuck with. They could save my life and I their's. "Mornin" I said popping up to look at the Changeling in the cell over. I was still a bit scared of him but he hadn't sucked the lvoe out of me yet so maybe he wasn't out to get me. By now I had forced any thoughts of Silver Cast our of my head. I can't think about it. If I did I'd just break down.
  3. Worth Ever Penny "Don't waste your strength" I called into the Changeling's cell. "It's no good. If they plan to keep us here pounding on the door won't do anything" I was thinking then it hit me like a freight train. Silver Cast is out there... She's out there... She's got to be okay... She has to be. She'd know. She's still at the medical collage. She has to know... Elsewhere... "It's all going just as planned..." He sat in his chair looking out the window and at the slowly dying land. "Soon... Soon..." He had plans. He wasn't out for power. No. He already had that. Celestia and Luna were already in his hoof. He was ready for the bigger leagues. "A league no one else has been to yet" He smiled to himself as his plan played out. Soon his little investments would be ready. Soon. *THUNK* All the windows slammed shut cutting off the slowly fading light from the setting sun as well as cutting off any forms of communication between the prisoners. Lights out. I felt for the bed and snuggled into the uncomfortable combinations. I tried to force the thoughts out of my head as I tried to sleep.
  4. @@RhythmicBrony, I choose not to answer and pretend I didn't hear. Truth be told I didn't know it Atlas would bust the rest off them out... Besides he didn't even know they were here. He would just have me released. I didn't know him anyway. For all I know he's a killer. Yeah. A killer! Don't want to talk to him no-sire. *FFFFTTT* Yet another letter in a long series dropped through everyone's tubes. @@Handsome Changeling,@@LunaFlower226, @@RhythmicBrony, @@Shadow Dancer, Good day, We are happy to inform you that you have been selected by me, Dr Bit ((Yes he is now a doctor and pretend he always was. He's got a PhD in money)) to join an exclusive program for inmates all over the country. We have noticed that due to recent outbreaks of a terrible virus the population of our beautiful nation has begun to dwindle. This is unfortunate. But there is still hope: you. Recent studies show over 98% of the population is infected by the virus. However many of the remain 2% are prison inmates such as yourself. We hope that you stay vigilante and remain healthy. We encourage you to remain in a good mental state was well despite the circumstances. Dr Bit I looked at the letter a bit shocked. How long had I been out... Let's see... If patient zero interacts with a normal amount of ponies everyday and is a city dweller and assuming the virus is highly infectious a virus could across the nation in... A week at the fastest... But I couldn't have been out that long. Atlas' letter talked about going on an expedition into the Everfree which he'd told me about two weeks ago... I couldn't have been out longer two days but I doubted that long. I'd have a whelp somewhere and a concussion if it was that bad. *FFFTTT* Patches, And I'm on my way... And I've already been attacked by Timber Wolves... Well now I've got some food for tonight's fire at least. I'm using this fancy rune that I got from some gypsy's shop. What it does is it will send the message to the post station nearest tot he destination just by placing the paper on it. Real cool and I can give you play-by-play updates on what I'm up to. And well, if you don't want a play-by-play... Sucks to be you! Don't get yourself thrown in jail next time! I shouldn't be too long. I know where I'm going and know what I'm getting. See you soon. Atlas Well at least Atlas was keeping on the ball. In the cell next over I could hear the Changeling talking to himself. At first I thought he might have a screw loose but then I remember I've been known to talk to myself in less than ideal situations. I slumped onto my bed and attempted to eat the mush on the plate. I tried to not think about this strange virus that for all I know may just be fake. @@Handsome Changeling, *FFFTTT* We would like to remind you ALL attempts to escape are futile. Please cooperate. Thank you. On the outside window and the window leading to Patches' cell a small magic field appears blocking anything from coming back and forth. It's clear by now they can hear and see you no matter how silent or discrete you may be.
  5. @@Handsome Changeling, Regret. Many, many regrets. "Soooo... Would you mind not eating my love? Pretty please" I ducked back down before he could give a responce. Oh my god they have a weird voice. Last time I saw a Changelings was... When they attacked Canterlot? ... Ugh... Canterlot... @@Shadow Dancer, "Hey, what do you think of this mess?" Came a voice from the other window. Hey! It isn't a bear! "Well... I don't like it... Then again who would? I've got a friend who's going to bust me out soon though" *FFFTTT* Mr Bit would like to remind you attempts to escape are futile. Remain calm and cooperate. Thank you. I put down the almost comically timed letter. Atlas could get me out. He's got the stuff. He'd blow a hole in the wall need be. *POOF* @@Shadow Dancer, @@Handsome Changeling,@@RhythmicBrony,@@LunaFlower226, ​In all the cells plates of "food" appeared on the floor. It was more of a brown mush. I took a small nibble. Tastes like... Mush? I couldn't pin it. It was edible though... *FFFTT* ​We would like to apologize for the quality of the food. We assure you it is nutritious and beneficial for your health. Mr. Bit Just getting better... "I'd wish Atlas would hurry up" I thought aloud.
  6. *FFFFTTT* Another letter dropped from my tube. Now what? Patches, Hey man, I heard you've got yourself thrown in prison. I don't know what you did but I'm going to whack you upside the head when I get back from the Everfree. If you didn't do anything I'm still whacking you for getting blamed for whatever happened. Well whatever the case I'll get you out once I'm done out here in the Everfree. Yes, I am leaving you in the dust for a bit but you know I've been planning this expedition for weeks. Don't worry too much (Celestia knows you worry too much), you won't starve or anything. I'll talk to one of my people in the Royal Guard and get all this sorted out. You probably won't be able to write me back being in jail and all so I won't expect response but I'll keep sending you letters anyway to keep you company. Signed, Atlas Atlas? How'd he know I was in here? He's got his ways... And seriously! He was leaving here while he went off to do whatever he was doing! Jackass. Whatever. He'll be here eventually. *FFFTTT* "AGAIN?!" I shouted before slapping my mouth shut. @@RhythmicBrony, @@Shadow Dancer, @@LunaFlower226, @@Handsome Changeling, In every cell another message fell. Dear, ______ We would like to inform your conditions here. At 6:00 AM, 12:00 PM, and 6:00 PM you will receive meals via teleportation into your cells. Exactly one hour later plates, utensils, and any food not eaten will be teleported away. Note this is the only thing that can come in and out of your cells save letters from your mail tubes. You are permitted to fraternize with those int he cells around you without hindrance. Finally we ask you do not damage any of the items in your cell. They will not be replaced should you damage them. Should your toilet fail to operate from circumstances outside of your reach it will be repaired promptly. We will know if you tampered with anything in the rooms. Good day, Mr Bit Just peachy. "I'm sure glad I have the best of accommodations" I muttered sarcastically. Where was I? Ow yeah, I've got a Changeling in the cell next door. Why wasn't he disguised? Maybe he was decloaked or whatever when he was thrown in here. He seemed alright... He wasn't trying to eat my love yet... He seemed a bit mad though and I don't know how bad my other neighbor might be. Changeling or the unknown? For all I know a bear or something could be next door if I've got a Changeling here. Changeling is is. @@Handsome Changeling, "Hey" I whispered into the window. "You know why we're here? Actually do you know what is going on at all?" I charged my numbing spell a bit just in case he tried anything.
  7. @@Handsome Changeling, A Changeling? I'd only really gotten a good look at only after I decided to shout at him. It's never a good thing when you're stuck in the same prison/house/anything with a Changeling. "Yeah... I'm stuck in here too" I slide back down onto the bed kinda worried about getting my love sucked out of me. *FFFFFTT* From each of the tubes drops a letter. The paper is just normal copy paper, nothing special. Dear,_______ As you may have noticed you are now imprisoned here. We ask you do not panic and remain calm. So, please, enjoy your stay. Mr. Bit I finished the letter while no more than I had before. That was... Weird... "Did you get one?" I called into the Changeling's cell.
  8. "Whoe, guys. All ya'll need to chill. None of you are even gay! Patches, what would Silver Cast think? And Hunter, go brush your teeth. Atlas... Just don't do that ever again" *Spins in chair to look back at computer* ... Wait a minute.
  9. OOC A bloody war between Equestria and the Griffon Kingdom (The East-West Conflict) has just come to a close. No side is declared a winner as both end the conflict due to the lack enough of able bodied soldiers to fight. The war has driven the world into debt with little to no money being left in the world's coffers. Out of the blue the Equestrian Government suddenly gains trillions of bits and pay back all their debts. From where the bits came from is unknown but is it really best to question it? Equestria now sits on a thrown of money with the world in debt to the mighty nation. It's good times for Equestria. This brings us to modern day. You are a prisoner. One second you're enjoying your life the next you're being dragged away. They knock you out and throw you into a tiny cell. When you awaken you don't know where you are or how long you've been out. You know you have committed no crime but to your captors that is irrelevant. All you can do right now is wonder why you're here. If one stood in the hallway the cells from right to left are as follows. Strong Hooves, Lance Flower, Shadow Dancer, Patches, Void. Cell 1 Cell 2 Cell 3 Cell 4 Cell 5 Void's cell only has two windows, one to the outside and one to Patches' cell. Same system goes for Strong Hooves, one window to the outside and one leading to Lance Flower's cell. The Each cell is as follows. One steel bed with a two inch mattress positioned in the back-left corner of the room which is bolted down, a toilet at the foot of the bed, and one round clock with a white face and black numbers, hands, and outside rim sit in your cell. Overall there is enough room to to stand next to the bed and take six steps forward until you hit the door. The cells are small enough if the prisoner in cell one was to talk just above a conversational tone the prisoner in cell 5 could hear clearly but they are large enough if one whispered to anther through their windows no one else would hear. The door is hard, gray steel and won't move. Not even when you shake it does it clank against the door frame. The room is made of steel walls that are slightly darker than the door. There's no punching through them either. Any attempts to teleport out will fail due to a magical enchantment on the cells. Finally just above your bed and to the left should you be facing the cells from the hallway there is what looks like a pneumatic tube with a simple steel plaque with a number with the first cell being "one" and the last being "five". There purpose these serve for the cells is unknown right now. Good luck. You'll need it. I sat alone on the bed in the corner of my tiny room. I was heading home to Canterlot and now I'm stuck in a prison cell. I was worried sick just sitting here. Why was I here? Did I do something? What's going on? Is Silver cast okay?! Whoe now Patches... Calm down... You've been in jams before and you can get through this one... I had three windows in my cell each not large enough only to slip. One that brought light in from the outside and two more on the cell sides. Where did those other two windows lead? I jumped up and put my hooves on the wall giving me enough height to look into the cell to my right ((Void's)). Hey! I can see someone! I'm not alone! @@Handsome Changeling, "Hey! Hey, you!" I called in.
  10. Emperor Ironclaw Headwind
  11. @, "What are we looking for? Well ain't that the one million bit question? What we're looking for is anything some Canterlot snob would pay big bucks for" I couldn't help but express my hate for Canterlot folk. "They will pay obscene amounts of bits for a piece of broken poetry. Their envy for the stuff I bring 'um is almost as big as their egos. While others bring arrowheads I bring runes, books, and magical items. If I weren't a pegasus who just crawled out of the woods I might get some respect out of 'um... But they pay and with as many people I've got under my belt I need as much cash as I can get" Come to think of it if I really wanted I could retire. I had millions of bits form what I did just thrown in bank accounts across Equestria. Ah well. "That reminds me. If you ANYTHING and I mean ANYTHING that looks magical DO NOT touch it. Don't even approach it. Shout for me and I'll deal with it. Just whatever you do, don't touch it" I was almost pleading by the end. "Those things can mess you up..." Yeah... Mess you up... The pike. I stopped frozen. The blood. I seemed to stare out at nothing at all. The blood on my hooves. I snapped out of it. It was no telling how long I was like that. "This is why I travel alone" I muttered. I got back into pace with Cosmo and pretended as nothing had happened and hoped he had't noticed.
  12. @, "Good, We won't have to spend much time scavenging about. If you do see something that looks like food grab it though just in case. DON'T eat it. I'll have to look over it first and I may not even know what it is out here. I thought you may not have had food since, ya know, you were a stowaway" Granted I probably couldn't say if anything out here was food. This place was too different. Even if we didn't find anything great we could eat grass. We're equine. "So... You want to lead the way for a bit? I'm sure you won't get us killed too fast" I joked. I had no idea where to go from here. Any guess would be good right now.
  13. "Yes, sir!" Altas shouted back. Hunter just nodded. "We got lost. My bad,sir" "Yes, yes. Get along then" "Hunter, get to the team and tell them I'll be there momentarily" "Yes, sir" He ran off, still a bit sluggish, toward the team I'd been assigned. How'd I get myself stuck here again? Oh yeah. I got caught behind enemy lines, found a Axis supply plane and crate told me and my squad to suit up, and then got assigned to an Axis squad. Great. "Do you still want my dog, sir? I'd like to take him on the mission. The enemy is known to use guard dogs so he'd fit in" If they were going to get out of here they'd have to wait for the mission to begin... Hunter found Atlas' team sitting around waiting. "He'll be here in a sec" A few nodded understand what he meant. They went back to talking to each other. "So who're you?" Asked a private who was a bit too friendly toward Hunter. "Don't fuckin' talk to me" "Gee don't be such a hardass" He backed off and went back to the others.
  14. @, After we'd ran I reasonable ways I stopped and waited for Cosmo. "There are three things in uncharted forests. Things that want to eat you, things that want to take everything you've got including your life, and things that want to gut you for the giggles. If you see anything that fits those categories shout and bolt. Got it? Good" I was probably coming across a bit firm but that's how it worked out here. "If you seem something that means you harm kill them before they kill you. Never give them a chance to act" Kill or be killed. A lesson many who accompanied me learned a bit too late. "Now where was I?" I asked quickly shifting gears. "Do you have any food on you?"
  15. @, This forest wasn't one I was used to. In the Everfree I could name almost every plant, animal, and all there dangers easily. Here I couldn't tell a thing. It was a bit unsettling for me. Oh crap... "Say, Cosmo... Would you happen to have any food on you?" I had food for myself and that was it. Even if he didn't have food we could live but we'd be low on calories which out here we'd need as many as we could get. @, "Hey!" "Follow me and run" I bolted in the opposite direction. I bore no allegiance to anyone but myself and Cosmo right now. Whoever just shouted alerted half the forest of his location and I wasn't sticking around to find out who he'd alerted.
  16. @, "We could just move inland and only set up camp in secure places such as ruins... Setting up here is bad idea. We need to make as much progress as we can muster" @@The Shadow Stallion, I didn't want to leave the warrior-librarian here but in the wilderness you hold you own which would be me and Cosmo right now. He was on his own. "Come on. We don't want to burn daylight wandering about here" I readjusted my pack and began to move toward the treeline and toward the unknown.
  17. @, "Follow me, Cosmo" I lead the two of us just out of earshot from the others. "When will that first mate bugger off?" I thought aloud. I spun around to face Cosmo. "Sorry for dropping the slave act on you. It was the first thing I thought could get you out of there... Not my brightest or most level headed idea but it worked. Once the first mate leaves I'm dropping the act and if anyone has any problems with you then it's two against one" Why was I helping him again? Because he was down on his luck and I wasn't think straight? Maybe but probably not... Too late to say anything about it now though. I was helping him. "I'm going to frank with you. If we get off this island in one piece you're going to be stuck with me for the next six months minimum. And that's once we get back to Equestria. It's going to take my friends time to get you a pardon from thin air and for me to notify my people you're in the network. Now if you prove yourself to be an irredeemable bastard all I'm doing is getting you of the hook and getting you on a more-or-less clean slate then you're on your own. If you prove to be more than that I'm letting you into my network which I'll explain later and only if you're willing to pay the price to get in. You seem like a decent guy and I'm willing to help a decent guy who needs a boost" For all I know he's a murderer. And what was i doing? Giving him access to a carefully constructed, global network that has taken years to assemble. My gut didn't like this one bit and I still didn't trust him. Only time would tell I suppose. "If you've got any objections say them now before we're potentially running for our lives away from Celestia knows what. If not then keep your mouth shut until first mate is gone so he won't run and get his crew"
  18. @@The Shadow Stallion, @, "Good idea. We do need a base camp but not here... It's too open, too easy to find. But it has its own advantages. We sure can see anyone coming... But if we set up in the woods we'd be a bit hidden but someone could sneak up on us" My skills I had gathered over years of exploration and survival kicked in. I was used to building a camp for just myself and maybe another but not for a large group such as this. No matter. I knew what I was doing. If they'd follow my lead, though I didn't know. "I think we should set up a bit inland. The skull here doesn't exactly help my thoughts of this area... But it's all your choices" I took my arquebus off my pack still being carried by Cosmo. "I'll take my pack once the first mate leaves" I told him quietly.
  19. @,@, @, @@The Shadow Stallion, I hoped onto land as the boat landed on the island leaving my pack behind. "Land at last!" It felt good to have my hooves on something that wasn't rocking side to side. Sure, it looked dangerous but it wasn't floating. "Come on, Cosmo. We've got places to be and get my bag would you?"
  20. @@The Shadow Stallion,@, @, "Thank you, captain. Come along, Cosmo. We've got places to be" I got in the rowboat keeping the same neutral look I had toward the captain. Once we were a ways from the ship I could drop the slave act. Since only the first mate was rowing us out I doubt it would matter if I dropped the act mid-row. Even if he did want to row Cosmo back it would be two against one. On second thought it would be best just to wait it out and get to shore. I nodded to Blackheart in greeting. I took a random seat and began to check my Arquebuse and waited for my 'slave' to get on with me. Loaded and ready and good, the powder wasn't wet. I slowly cleaned it with a rag to make sure none of the saltiness from the ocean would get to it.
  21. @, "This is my personal journal that doubles as a ledger, that's why I have it in a book. The document which I got with the purchase is in a lock box at my home" My real journal was in my saddlebags but I'd never show him and if he tried to take it out of my bag I'd chop his hoof off. I was running out of lies to think of. Soon enough this new guy would corner me. I leaned close to him and talked as to not let the captain hear. "Do me a favor and keep your mouth shut. I can explain everything once we're off this boat, trust me" I raised me voice. "So captain, will you let me off this ship with all my possessions or no?"
  22. @, Damn. He knows a thing or two. "Of course I am not, captain. You just saw the outer part of the Kingdom. If you remember the war ended after the Griffon National Army surrendered at the capital and we marched no further. If you had gone farther into the country you would have seen what I'm talking about" I dived into a fictional history of the Griffon Kingdom. "All tourist and diplomats see is the outer kingdom, the part the Emperor wants outsiders to see. It may look nice and civilized but that is once again, the part they want you to see. I, however, have access to the deeper parts of the Kingdom and I've seen the Kingdom's hidden nature. Deeper into the Kingdom serfs are treated as slaves and if they gather enough debt they can be sold to pay it back. Serfs in the outer Kingdom are treated MUCH better... Cosmo here couldn't pay up so he was sold to me" I dug in my bag and pulled out the book I was reading earlier. "This is the official rite of purchase. Both I and the Baron who sold him has one" I opened to a random page, acted like I was looking for something, then began. "In the Year of Our Kingdom 1421, a Mister Atlas Rainbows Lightfeather, citizen of Equestria and son of Quill Boxer Lightfeather, purchased one раб from Baron Highwinds Ralf Strongstrike, Baron of the Petty Shire Highnest, Vassal of Lord Swift Laker Hardbeak, and son of the Prince of Petty Ducky Hagard, Lowwinds Boulder Strongstrike. The раб was purchased with one bushel of Equestrian Apples, one sack of golden pieces which weighed three heavy claws, and one minor favor to Lord Randolf Flight Wingdance of Duchy Low Parker and all correlated Shires. This transaction of one раб to Atlas Rainbows Lightfeather has been approved by Lord Swift Laker Hardbeak" The page I was reading was actually about some ancient teachings from some wise man but I knew the captain couldn't read Old Griffon.
  23. @,@, "Oi!" I called to the captain. "He's mine, as in my slave. As for as I'm concerned he is property and doesn't require your letter. I bought him up in the Griffon Kingdom from a baron. He was a fifth generation serf who couldn't pay his family's ago old debts so the local lord allowed him to be sold and I bought him. I've got papers detailing the purchase need be" It was a gamble. If this captain knew anything about the Griffon Kingdom he'd know slavery in the sense I had it in was illegal. No baron could ever sell someone there. I gave a subtle wink to Cosmo. "And don't insult my fez" I added.
  24. @, My ears perked as I heard the announcement. "Go run and get your meds. If you want to show with us up on deck I'll vouch for you. If not just try and sneak off the boat if I don't come back below deck" I grabbed my pack and trotted up to the top deck to meet with the others I would soon be practically living with for the next few weeks.
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