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Bow Heart

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About Bow Heart

  • Birthday 1996-01-23

Contact Methods

  • deviantART
  • Steam ID

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Somewhere in Ohio, USA
  • Interests
    Drawing, watching cartoons, anime, hanging with friends, singing, other random stuff.

Bow Heart's Achievements


Butterfly (5/23)


Brohooves Received

  1. I wish Sombra got a little more sceentime, or at least a bit more information on him shown. Obviously he's quite evil as the mere mention of his name kind of puts the crystal ponies off. Other than enslaving the ponies and making them build stairs, stairs, and more stairs forcing them to live in his dark kingdom to reflect hatred and fear across Equestria, we don't really know much else. I just think it'd be nice to understand his motives a little more other than leaving it at power hungry. I feel it leaves his character a bit empty. Was he just wanting to be atop everyone else his only motive or did he have something more? Why did he like stairs so much? Why is his horn straight-edged and sharp unlike normal unicorns? What exactly did he do during his reign of power? Speaking of power, how powerful is he? I just feel there are many loose ends and open questions regarding him, which kind of devalues his character in my eyes.
  2. I have a killer headache right now. Blah.

    1. Riclo


      Headaches suck :/

    2. Bow Heart

      Bow Heart

      Worst headache I've ever had too. Feels like someone's splitting my head open with an axe DX

    3. Riclo




      I remember a time I had headaches just about every single day for awhile. I just forced myself to get used to it, instead of waiting for it to go away.

  3. Omg the ending. THE ENDING.

  4. Sorry I haven't been online lately. Got a new phone and have been figuring it out and playing with it.

  5. I have a new phone. It's a Samsung Galaxy Smart. It's pretty sweetles

  6. I had a similar predicament when I was 6. Our house is old, and the locks and door knobs and stuff sometimes don't work (well, used to. The doors we didn't close got removed (due to an incident of my sister smashing her head into one), and the ones we did got new locks because of this fair incident). I locked the door as I went to the bathroom (my parents love to traumatized me and had pranked me on several occasions and I was sick of it), and the lock got stuck. I was in there for a good hour before my dad busted down the door. Thinking back on it now, I wish I would've listened to my parents when they told me the lock was screwed up. But then again, we got a new lock on it now, so maybe it was for the best?
  7. LOL NO ONE :3 We didn't pass out candy this year cause the entire household was out and about. My dad was at a friend's house, I was trick or treating, and my mom was walking with my brother and sister.
  8. Goin to bed, goodnight forums~

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