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Status Updates posted by Nuke87654

  1. After seeing 'Simple Ways', my first impression was an awkward episode that feels rather out of place for the sake of some silly romance. Though the lesson was very good, which I feel is the episode's strongest mark.

  2. Posted my review of Pinkie Pride on EQD

  3. Posted my review for Pinkie's Pride as my first blog entry on this forum. I'll post my review on EQD as well when the discussion post airs in the next hour.

  4. Posted my review for Pinkie's Pride as my first blog entry on this forum. I'll post my review on EQD as well when the discussion posts ai

  5. Posted my review for Pinkie's Pride as my first blog entry on this forum. I'll post my review on EQD as well when the discussion posts ai

  6. Watched Pinkie's Pride again, it's still my new fav for season 4 and probably my favorite Pinkie Pie episode too.

  7. Gave into temptation and watched 'Pinkie's Pride' episode and my first impressions are that it's probably not only season 4's best, but one of the best episodes of the series as well.

    1. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      why do i feel like you've betrayed me...

    2. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      why do i feel like you've betrayed me...

    3. Nuke87654


      Because the dark side is good.

  8. Posted my review for 'Three's a crowd' on EQD's episode discussion comment section.

  9. First expressions of latest episode, a slow buildup but hilarious and trollish episode. Definitely a very good episode.

  10. Mr. Enter's review for 'Rainbow Falls is up and holy crap was he vicious with this episode.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      By that you mean..?

    3. Nuke87654


      Oh I thought you meant a commenter but you meant the actual post itself, my mistake.

    4. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yep, that is what I meant, was confused there for a second.

  11. A funny comment I've found on youtube in Voice of Reason's review for Rainbow Falls, which damn can the fandom be sensitive to critiques. While Merriwether Williams has been blasted for starting off so bad in season 2, ever since then her solo episodes have been improving immensely. It is in stark contrast to Corey Powell, the season 3 darling, who has only gotten worse with her episodes ever since starting off so well with 'Sleepless in Ponyville' and has now wrote the season...

  12. Well just posted my review for the first issue of *Friends Forever* on EQD. Happy they removed that stupid down vote button.

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