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Status Updates posted by Nuke87654

  1. Only a vote behind, vote for Rarity and provide her a victory she deserves! Oh and here's the webpage for you to vote for Rarity! http://mlpforums.com/topic/89885-2014-mlp-forums-march-madness-tournament-south-region-elite-eight/page-38#entry2477916

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Stellafera


      Ghostie when will you believe my favorite pony is Applejack?


      Do you want me to post Rarity hate messages or something to prove my veracity as somebody who does NOT have Rarity as their #1 favorite? ;)

    3. Nuke87654


      I didn't meant insult anyone, just merely making points in a cynical manner that I can't shake off readily. Sorry Blink.

    4. ghostfacekiller39


      @Stella NEVAH '^'


      My headcanon doesn't lie :P

  2. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-10755-leap-of-faith-episode-review/ Sorry I was late but here's my review for 'Leap of Faith'. Please come and read and offer your critiques for my review.
  3. I've exhausted all options for my computer and I can't solve it. I'll go to our local computer guy so he may check it out for what is wrong or what we missed.

  4. Having 'no dvi signal' issues with my computer, everything else that concerns the motherboard and power supply as far as I can tell is fine. I'll try and readjust the graphics cards to see if it will start those up. If not, I'll just have to try the CPU. Any advice?

  5. Thought today's episode was very good, not as great as Pinkie Pride or Rarity takes Manehattan but it's around their neighborhood.

    1. Guest90210


      Same. It taught a good lesson and was entertaining

  6. Well Ghostie you can start worrying about Inspiration Manifestation as Corey will be writing it alongside Meghan, pray Meghan went and helped this episode because giving Corey a Rarity episode is a very bad idea with her track record with her

  7. Good Morning everyone and happy birthday to me as well.

  8. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-10618-for-whom-the-sweetie-belle-toils-episode-review/ I have my review for 'For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils' up. Please enjoy my review and offer whatever critiques you have for my work.
  9. I loved today's episode, a nice christmas carol like story from Dave Polsky. Seriously, he has been awesome this season and if not for Daring Don't, I would call him the best writer this season hands down, which he still has a good chance to grab it.

    1. Moved to Elsewhere

      Moved to Elsewhere

      Yeah Polsky has been kicking it this season

  10. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1527/entry-10550-fim-comic-issue-17-review/ I have posted my review for FIM comic issue #17. Come read my review, enjoy, and offer any critiques you can give for my work please.
  11. Welp, first impressions for comic issue #17 are a rather interesting set up with a few questions left me wondering about it's execution of the comic.

  12. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-10511-maud-pie-episode-review/ Posted my review for Maud Pie. Please come and offer your critiques please.
  13. Finished watching the final arc of Clone Wars on Netflix. Wow, what a way to end a series.

    1. Khaoios


      We can thank Disney for doing that. Once they obtained the star wars franchise they immediately cancelled it. B

    2. Nuke87654


      Yea, sad thing to hear, but at least they allowed them to give a more meaningful and better ending with the final episode Sacrifice and that awesome Yoda arc. Helped fixed alot of problems the prequel trilogy caused I believe.

  14. Remember that thread where they argued over whether Earth Ponies are stronger than Pegasus ponies? Yea, I think today's episode, Applejack, and Big Mac, further provide evidence that Earth ponies are indeed physically the strongest of the three ponies.

  15. My first impressions are that it was a nice episode. Definitly the best episode since 'Twilight Time' at least.

  16. If that EW sneak peak is anything to go by, I think I'm going to like tommorow's episode, especially with Maud Pie's dead pan expression.

  17. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1527/entry-10446-friends-forever-issue-3/ Posted my review for the FIM's Friends Forever issue #3. Please read and offer any critiques or points in my review please.
  18. Just finished reading the 'Friends Forever #3', easily one of the better comics for many reasons. I'll postmy review up for it hopefully today.

  19. http://mlpforums.com/blog/1500/entry-10411-somepony-to-watch-over-me-episode-review/ Posted my review for the latest episode of the show. Please read and offer your critiques please.
  20. I've decided to hold off my episode review post tommorow as I wish to rewatch 'Somepony to watch over me' some more to understand if my disliked for the episode is justified.

  21. Just posted my latest blog entry 'Why Has Romance in MLP:FIM Not Succeeded? Come and please offer your critiques please.

  22. First impressions for today's episode is confusion and anger for how badly flanderized and annoying AJ was throughout the episode.

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