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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by RainGloom

  1. I wish independent artists were more prepared.....not like I'm (much) better :/

  2. Confound you Blender Python API! Confound you!

  3. Making an audioviz animation to the classic "Awoken", I hope I won't screw up this time

  4. Oh look! Only 7453 frames left render!

  5. Aaand Blender is still rendering....but volumetric water is sooo cool

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. thegoodhen


      Oh my. :3 I never realised those are can be used for water. :3

    3. RainGloom


      Oh, they can. And they look cool as hay :D

    4. thegoodhen


      Yay! I can't wait till I have enough time to use Blender again!

  6. I guess I should make a profile pic in Blender....

  7. Well, seems like everyone I know is depressed. Perfect time to watch S2E1 :)

  8. Reinstalled XP, but it's so ugly, I went back to Ubuntu :D

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. CMQuickfireTK


      imo win8 > win8.1


      but that's just me. I have Windows 7 installed on my desktop and I'm currently wondering if it was even a good idea to install it on there.

    3. TheChosenPony


      I like to design and customize my OS, I have windows 7 but let me tell you one time I turned it into a totally diff operating system

    4. RainGloom


      I need more RAM for Win 7 :(

      I originally needed Ubi for cross-platform testing, but I fell in love wih it :D

  9. Blendaaaaa 2.7!!!!! Wooohhh!!!!!

  10. my crush....................gah, feelings are, like, complicated and stuff

  11. I sweat I'll write something useful online when I have time!

  12. Blender 2.7 can't come too soon...

  13. A Summer in the Stars, symbolizing everything that keeps me going through the school year.

  14. Coughcoughcoourrrrgghhhhharrgghhh....kehem...much better

    1. zev_zev The outcast

      zev_zev The outcast

      *cough* nice weed man... Wanna more ?

    2. RainGloom


      if it can help one's throat being destroyed to the ground... :D

      meh, there is a first time for everything :D

  15. I luvz modling! Must. Resist. Need. Study.

  16. I looove being absent from school :D

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