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Syannax the Changeling

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Posts posted by Syannax the Changeling

  1. "This building is safe for now, and it is base of operations until we get started on making a settlement to protect us from the zombies"


    I say reassuringly, looking at broken as i say that.


    "I say it is good for about a week, Which by then we should be started on making a settlement out in the woods away from any zombie population. So... no, we are not going to be here for long, but if we where to get supplies and bring it here as we get ready, it makes it less painful and less time consuming when we should be focused on building a wall around our settlement."


    I keep my words calm and as reassuring as possible to everyone here.


    (Thanks @@Sekhayet)

  2. I look over at Frozen and make sure he fine then i say to him.


    "I will go, but we need to go to our house to get the supplies we left there"


    I look over at Philipe and tell her.


    "Well that works too, though we will need a grate to keep the fliers from flying in on us."


    ((OOC: i found a good picture.))

  3. Oh, i don't care about facebook anymore. Only use it like.... once a month now. But seriouslu. Facebook has its vaules, and i say buck a bunch of that because i really don't care for facebook anymore. So... MLPforums is for me. :) i am on everyday, most of the day. Except for every other friday, and every saterday set aside form gaming with my friends and family. Hoping to get back to LARPing on sundays with my group again. Anyways...



  4. Have you guys ever thought about joining up with equestriagaming.com? Or .net i get confused by that some times. But have you guys thought about it?

  5. I watch for a momment and look over at frozen to see if he was alright.


    "How is the magic back lash?"


    I ask to see how much the drain was, and i look at the sky lights to see what time of day was.


    "Hmmm... we need to find a hardware store for philipe... we'll get that done when we bring back the supplies from the house we were at earlier"


    i hear my stomach growl low and i ignoe the hunger, knowing somepony else has gone longer than me.


    ((Night all. Last post for the night. See you all in the morn'n))

  6. I watch broken deal with the pain from the failed spell, almost in awe too.


    "That has to hurt...."


    i comment watching him just absorb the energy without a grunt or a snort from the magical energies entering through lightning arches. I look at frozen, hoping this kind of spell casting doesn't wear her down any like using telekinesismto lift an extremly heavy object would to a high level caster.

  7. "Hey... i will make sure no harm comes frozen"


    i say walking up close enough to hear you.


    "I will trust that he won't hurt you either. Right broken?"


    I say glancing and turning to broken as frozen contenues the spell circle.


    "And also frozen, don't exert your self with spell casting, if you try. We will need to find a mana battery for you to proform the higher ended spells"


    i stop and watch broken walk into then unfinnished circle

  8. "Not yet. Right now it is meet and greet."


    I look at flame to tell him and everyone else.


    "Main reason why the rest is because it was a long walk for earth ponies in the group. Soon me and the other pegasi wil be going to get our stuff from the house we were in. And we also have to do one final thing before we come back"


    I look at dust and thunder, refuring about spirit who passed away shortly after our leave from the house.


    @ @@SkyHeart


    (Broken's wings not yous silly :) oh and it is[ b ] @ [ member = ' name ' ] [ / b ] to metion someone also remove the spaces)

  9. I look over at Broken, kind of wondering what he has gone through.


    'I could ask him... then again it could bring up an unpleasent conversation with him.'


    I think to my self, and then i looks at his wings, wondering if how painful those implants where.


    'Hmm.... i will ask later'


    I return to what i was doing, and then wonder how much food we have gathered so far

  10. "Yeah. Camping gear to sleep out here in the tents. When we are all aquantied and buddies we'll get set up for making a community outside the city"


    I tell philipe and set a tent down at the cornor near the restrooms. Then after setting it up i walk to the clothing isle and pickout a set of camo clothing.


    "Tommorrow we are going back to the house and take what we have there and bring it all back here."


    I say as i get back from the center wearing camoclothing.

  11. (ah. that is all good sweets. post when you can :) )


    "Come on everypony, lets get things here and move to somewhere easily defend able "


    I look at everyone and everything.


    "Sleeping bags, food, water, weapons and survival items, also anything that can be used for materials to improve items"


    I go ahead and get the camping gear that is in the area except of what is out for the group of new ponies that where there.

  12. (It is actually pretty good, look up forest rain and look in his playlist, go to upheaval breaking point, that is the start of the series)


    I nod to Dust and smile at what she says. Then I look over at Frozen.


    "Unfortunately no... though i wish i knew what happened to them. Maybe we will find a way to end them ourselves after years of shaping our community to take on the threat."


    I look at the other ponies that are here


    ((OOC: to see if your on :P@@Sweets. only to see if you'll respond soon.))

  13. I nod in agreement with Broken.


    "Alright then. I am fine with that. Is there any other idea's that you guys can spout out? I don't want to be the only one making these decisions. I would like it to be more of a democracy instead of a bureaucracy, or a monarchy type of community"


    I say kind of getting worried that this might end up the wrong way I wanted things to go.


    'Then again,' I think to myself 'I might be able to rule the kind of community that has a monarch that works with their people instead of it standing there and looking pretty. Eh... then again... things can change the way we do things... I seriously don't want to be a Monarch... only if Princess Celestia and Princess Luna where here. They would be able to cast away these zombies and rest their souls in the Eternal Herd with the King and Queen.


    ((OCC: Sorry guys, but I reference quite a bit out of the upheaval series of mlp))


    ((Also morning everypony :)

    • Brohoof 1
  14. "Yes. That would be nice. We should make this base of operations. We need to find a hardware store for philipe to make weapons. Ofcourse the we will need to loot the department store for supplies that haven't been looted by others."


    I look at the group to see if they support me or not about what actions we need to take for now.


    "Oh and ofcourse. I don't like to have fillies and colts go out on missions. Not unless they are acompaniedwith a few armed stalions and or mares."


    I smile as i watch flame fall asleep.


    ((My last post of the night. Night all)l

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