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Syannax the Changeling

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Posts posted by Syannax the Changeling

  1. "Yup" i say and strech out my wings then i start soaring into the sky with thunder watching thoe two below us and for any fliers.


    (Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filer filler filler filler filler filler filler filler)

  2. "I'm ready too. Lets go thunder" i head out side with the others, amd waits for him so we can ascend into the air and help with any situation needed, and also help guide dust and spirit to the store. I think to my self and reflect back while i watch my surroundings.

  3. "Spirit" i say and go outside to catch up to you "don't run off you may end up walking into a walker or a flier..." i say concerned about you running off like that. "It's dangerous to do such a thing.." i say hovering and looking at spirit "wait until thunder and dust come out then we'll go.


    (Ignore this.... i'm in my tablet so i text slow)

  4. "Thinking about it, we should check out the surrounding houses too, too see if they have supplies that the department store may or may not have." I suggest to the group.


    (This so we can bring in the newcomer, or you can post when you see an opprotunity to do so ;) )


    i ready my self by equipping my armor.

  5. "I agree with you about the department store too spirit and i'll fly by your side thunder, to help keep a eye on you both while helping out with the search." I reply cheerfully only wanting to help. "Oh, have i mentioned to you folk before about my skills? I don't remember if i have or not, but i can bash a head in pretty hard with tramplers (refercing upheavel)"

  6. "Umm... ok, alittle discriptive...." i comment as i keep watch. "first thing to do not fo is go farther into the city, that would be unwise, though we could find a spot if some one scouts ahead, we would have to do that soon just incase" i explain about a possibility of doing. "Then again if we go outaide into the wilderness we'll need camping gear and more supplies to keep us fed for awhile while things calm down enough to scavage some more supplies"

  7. "Alright. We will keep an eye the fire" i look out watching and observing, hoping that none catch fire, for it would be bad. Thinking about it, "if any where to catch fire, what should we do? They will pose a threat on the neighborhood, not just becase of them on fire." I remark to everyone in the room

  8. @


    "nothing happening right now" I reply looking outside at the hoard still looking at the smoldering fire of the house down the street. "I wonder if anypony else is out there looking at the same fire" I say to my self mainly but others still hear me that i am sure of.


    (btw -1 food and water for @@Twinkfeather for needing food earlier that i got for him and gave to him)

  9. well, almost all of us are taking shifts...

    your playing a filly. Fillies in my oppinion should sleep until they are fully rested, need to wake up in dire situations, or if it is morning and we all have to get moving.


    also sorry skul, i don't usually see you on this late, so i took initiave and gave him that answer above :/

  10. "Yeah, and you do too" i say with a smile "i am Warfluttershy and you are?" I ask kindly as i wait for twink to get up and follow me to the kitchen for food and water. "So... why are you wearing you hood? May i ask...?" I ask alittle out curiosity. And only note that your hiding something that you don't trust me or twink about it yet.


    I wake up use to this type of sleep. Waking up only for guard duty, or if i have to jump into action immediatly. But after being shaken awake for duty, i sit up and eat the rest of the can and drink until there was 1/3 left to save for guard duty. I walk to twink's room to see if s/he was awake yet. And sees your awake "i see your awake, let me get younsomething to eat and drink, i'll show you where too.

  12. ((Occ sorry been busy with filling out job app's earlier))


    "I guess i'll watch with twink." I say for everyone to know "wake me up and i'll get twink for guard duty." I promptly get a can of food and water and take it up with me an goes to a unoccupied room and claims it for the shift. Once up there i eat a small portion of the can an drink alittle of the water, and save the rest for when i wake up.


    (-1 can and water)

  13. "Alright, we can find that stuff on supply runs." I hear my stomach growl from not eating several days either. "I am hungery too." I point out, then remembering about the sofa. "Right... the sofa" pushes the sofa, with twinkfeather on it, into the door to reienforce it for now.

  14. "Alright then" i say, and i look at my ill looking armor. Hoping it will last until we find a armoursmith for repairing and making armor. "If i where to find you the materials, would you beable to forge several swords?" I lift my wings to show you empty sheaths "i have lost my personal swords in a fight prior to this happenning to all of us.


    ((Ooc sorry, sometimes i don't get it right just like that. Sometimes it has to be pretty strait forward :/ but ofcourse over time i will get use to what you guys mean by that and i'll catch on pretty fast. Btw, my dyslexia is what henders me from catching things right away. Though you guys wouldn't notice that because it is in text. Not speaking to everyone, and often times i can't find a word and i have to replace it with something else that you'll catch onto what i am trying to say. I should of mention this earlier on the [OOC] of this so you all know. But go ahead and keep going like we are going, evetually i'll catch on faster.))

  15. "Well... what kind of blacksmith, armorsmith, weaponsmith, or general smith?" I ask out of curiosidy. "My armor does need repairs... but what ever your skills are in the smithy would very helpful. Though i am not the leader i quite frankly joined the group just now" I look over at dusk, sprit, and josh.


    ((Ooc there are 3 real types of blacksmiths. General is like nails, general repairs, ect. Armor, you guess it, is making diffrent types of armor, different peices to a set, repairing armor more effecint, ect. Same goes for weapons, you are able to make weapons effecient, an repairs as well. Sorry Advance Dungeons and Dragons player. I know this stuff. Now if skull said doing all feilds in blacksmith is allowed then :yay: otherwise, i would think which one you would like right now. And this all makes for good story! (Now that doesn't mean you can try to make both armor or weapons or even nails and general items a blacksmith would make based on which one you are more effecient in)))

  16. "Uh..." I look at everypony else "One of you?" I ask unsure if it is or not. "Weather or not they are. We can't leave him or her out there." I comment before anyone spoke.


    ((Filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler filler))

  17. "The kind that had to deal with dangerous stuff that did not reqire the elements of harmony to put down the threat. Unfortunatly... the cause of all of this could of been stopped without the elements of harmony..." pauses and looks at everyone. "My team... nevermind. Its not important right now. That door needs to be fortified. I am sure there are some zombies commin' over from the gunshot" i say and look over at the sofa and i walk over to it ready to move it. "Are we expecting anypony else to come?" I ask to makesure before i move the sofa into the door to block it temporarly.

  18. I look at every pony and wonders. "Well... i will introduce myself. If that is fine with everypony?" i ask not sure if it is a good idea to talk about this right now. And then i look at everypony for a response after the gun was cleared. "I am Warfluttershy. Head of a special team under the Princess's command." I go on and say so everyone knows my name and my former position.

  19. ((Occ i was kinda hoping the person i was with in mid flight would of posted by now.... oh well. Adliving the secene works too i guess))




    Me, mirrorwing and the other ponies reach your base safely and without drawling any attention from the zombies. I also take note as we get through the area, and seeing some zombies just sitting there at a door shambling about as if something had cought their attention. Aswell asa flier hovering low to the ground in the area.


    ((Occ sorry. Kinda wanted to wait. But couldn't help it. Also helping with bringging the new player out))

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