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Status Updates posted by Poncebora

  1. Came back and i already have 500 notifications.

  2. First time logging on in a while and i have 500 status updates.

    1. DashYoshi


      Welcome back. =)

    2. Raini Skies

      Raini Skies

      And i thought 27 was a lot...

    3. Ryzu


      lol I get like 50 a day now o-o although if I turned notifications off it would change to about 7

  3. Just came back and i got 162 status updates

  4. Dat New Banner Doe

  5. Installed some pony mods on TF2

    1. Raini Skies
    2. Poncebora


      Look at Sharlina's post. and look at gamecubeguy's avatar.

    3. Raini Skies
  6. Yesterday i installed windows 10 and now i have to downgrade because most programs i use are broken on windows 8.1 and 10

  7. Just downloading the ISO of the newest Windows 10 build.

  8. I'm gonna corrupt Super Mario 64 again.

  9. I'm posting this on IE and i hope it arrives in time. Happy New Year 1997!

    1. Poncebora


      No offense to IE users.

  10. "MEDIC!, MEDIC!, EXCUSE ME, I AM IN NEED OF MEDICAL ATTENTION!" -Everyone, Team Fortress Classic

  11. I listened to the Mario voice in the Mario 64 beta videos. Sounds more like Super Toad 64

  12. Happy New Christmas and a Merry Year New

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      Happy christmas *hugs* =)

  13. I went on a skype group and showed my desktop. It took them long to realise it wasn't Windows 7

    1. 碇 シンジン
    2. Poncebora


      Because it looked exactly like Windows 2000

  14. Finally got MKDS course modifier to work.

  15. You must have a MLPForums Platinum account in order to see this status update.

    1. GeneralDirection


      You must have an MLPForums Diamond account in order to see this comment.

    2. Simon


      Pfft, I have an MLPForums Mod account. Get on my level.

    3. Poncebora


      You must have a MLPForums Aluminum Account in order to see this comment.


  16. When i want game corruptions to work. they don't. When i don't want them to work. They work.

  17. I just played GMOD and everyone called me "Gordon Freeman"... then i spawned a bomb and hit it with my crowbar.

  18. Haven't worked on Pinkie Kart DS at all lately. Should try to get a build out with the custom names.

  19. Auctually got a fixed .cfg File for the Half Life 0.52 alpha

  20. Just played the Half Life 0.52 alpha. It looks more like a quake mod

    1. Bastion


      That is mainly because hl was made on a modified version of the quake engine called goldsrc. At alpha the modifications were limited to the point the menu ang gui is almost identical.

    2. Poncebora


      And the 0.52 alpha was early in development. Which is why it uses a slightly modified Quake engine

  21. http://i.imgur.com/6Op5Rx5.png This is what happens when i try corrupting Mario 64
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