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Red Cedar

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Status Updates posted by Red Cedar

  1. It is a sad irony that those who most belong in a position of authority are the ones with the conscience to leave it.

  2. It's official. Goin' to BronyCAN!

  3. Little late to the villain party, but...

  4. Looks like I might make it.

  5. Maybe it's a bad April Fools Day joke but there's something hideous on my profile.

    1. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      I can't get rid of it, either. It's... Comic Sans!

  6. Meh. Jaded cynic in four months.

  7. My computer has died. If I'm in an RP with you, I apologize. Please be patient with me.

    1. StormBolt24


      Mine broke down yesterday.

  8. My daughter drew Applejack for me. I am loved.

  9. My daughter had to write a story. She wrote a pony fanfic.

    1. ghostfacekiller39


      I'm recently picking back up on writing fanfics, myself ^^ Not pony ones, mind you, but I will say there's an extremely nerdy pleasure in writing them xP

    2. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      I wrote them in high school for English composition projects. Got decent marks, too.

  10. My eleven year old son has just declared Pinkie Pie to be his waifu. o.O

    1. Shanks


      Wow, some kids grow up fast.

  11. My rosemary bushes are getting seriously picked over tonight.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      By me! Making acbig dinner tonight, need lots of it.

    3. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      By me! Making a big dinner tonight. Need lots of it!

    4. Bright Bastion

      Bright Bastion

      He he. I thought you meant that maliciously.

  12. Need one more brohoof and one more visit to my profile!

  13. Nothing says December like listening to Reggae Christmas on repeat.

  14. Of course, now that I roleplay with an OC and a Mane 6 character I have to resist the urge to ship them in the RP boards...

    1. Virgil


      Perhaps my "No Shipping" Shipping thread may be of assistance? http://mlpforums.com/topic/93865-the-no-shipping-shipping-thread/#entry2494853

    2. Oblivion


      I know, such a bad urge to ship Dashie with AJ!

  15. Off to BronyCAN with my daughter. Here's hoping I don't have to explain any costumes inspired by "Cupcakes".

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nuke87654


      Just hope she doesn't start asking questions.

    3. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      I said the chainsaw was to prune her cottage. I think she bought it.

    4. Nuke87654
  16. Oh Flower of Scotland...

  17. Oh, I could just barf.

  18. Okay, now for the real football - my club's in the League Cup final!

    1. Bright Bastion

      Bright Bastion

      Congratulations! ... Sorry, Uh, I'm not even sure what your talking about

  19. Okay, seen the finale. I can safely view the internet again.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      Interesting. I mean they did what we all expected as far as the over-the-top decoration goes, but thankfully that wasn't permanent. Still want to know what happened to the elements, though. And, I admit, part of me cried when the library got it.

    3. Oblivion


      THEY are the physical embodiment of the elements now, they can go rainbow power mode whenever they need to from what I understand.

    4. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      Well, as long as that happens only about as often as they used the Elements before, that should be okay. I like the show more for what happens between the season openers and finales more than anything.

  20. On vacation! woot!

  21. One week to BronyCAN. I'm stoked.

  22. Only took an hour to boot up my laptop today. *Headdesk*

    1. lelouch.
    2. Red Cedar

      Red Cedar

      Yeah, drives me up the wall.

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