I'm sure i've argued against the point I am about to make in the past, but regarding body sizes, everyone is different. I dated a girl in highschool who was a bean pole but was 15. I was 6'0 and so was she, and had long skinny arms and legs and little/no breasts. Her friend on the other hand was the same age and grade as her but had a shorter build and was more muscular/developed. They were the same age relatively. So fluttershy being tall like that is not necessarily an indicator of her being older. In my opinion (I refuse to use words like head canon, ship, etc), applejack and rarity are the oldest since they seem to fall into relationships with adult men and have jobs and take care of family. Fluttershy is the most independent of them all and takes care of hundreds of animals and is a year older than pinkie so she would be next. Rainbow dash, pinkie, and twilight all seem to be about the same age, with twilight being a little more mature than the other two. So if I had to put a list down, I would say it goes applejack/rarity>fluttershy>twilight>pinkie>rainbow dash.