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  1. okay hmmm... i think the bite (only the bite) of a snake should be much more painless compared to the bite of a shark ( big jaws able to rip out big junks of flesh compared to fangs *hint hint*) buuuuuuuuuuuuuuut i suppose that the venom spreading through your body isnt quite a nice feeling either? but i would go with snakebite i think
  2. so, of course as we all know, the night is superior compared to the day, that doesnt have to be discussed but, if lets say you could choose, do you prefer rainy days or sunny days? of course i dont mean you should only like one and hate the other in my case i prefer rainy days, they are more relaxing in my opinion, i even like to take a walk outside without an umbrella if its not too stormy. also its the perfect wheater to catch up on some reading also most rainy days are not so hot, which is also nice ^^ as for sunny days, yes i do enjoy some of them, especially in the garden or a park, but only if the temperature is not that of a thousand burning suns and i dont have work to get done
  3. there are 2 possibilities for me : 1. im out with friends and come back home in the early morning ( 6 am or someting like that) 2. im home, drink some tea, light a candle and try drawing stuff (yes "try" because im not really good at it but its getting better ) and listen to luna-radio
  4. if tea counts as food in this case, then yes, i do love tea and im not speaking about that supermarket-tea which u dump into your mug as a teabag. im speaking about tea-leaves, the good stuff. there are just so many varieties of tea ^^ but my favourites are mostly green teas, with a few exceptions of course. and i do really enjoy homemade cake. altough because i have to wait for somebody to make it, im not eating it very often, which, against all odds is a good thing, because otherwise i would be rolling around instead of walking in no time EDIT: okay i dont mean bithday-cakes, i hate that kind of cake. im speaking about things like apple-pie. btw english is not my native language and i seem to mix up the meaning of pie and cake here. so cake is that sugary stuff right? with cream and all that? thats what i DONT like ^^
  5. as he himself once said : comedy relief (or was it comedic relief? )
  6. providence from risk of rain.... well, that was it for ponyville...
  7. WAIT WAIT WAIT!! no new episode today?? 0o why didnt i know?

    1. Wind Chaser

      Wind Chaser

      You didn't check the schedule? I don't blame you, they've gone straight through all of the other episodes this season without any breaks. Don't worry, there won't be any more breaks until the season ends.

    2. CloudSeeker


      yea, i didnt check it :/ ...well, there enough episodes to bring me through the week :P

  8. your comment goes way to good with your profile picture @OP congratz thats really nice, and i have to admit, a little bit unexpected, considering how most people see bronies so i´m happy for you, but whould you have written down that you are a brony if you knew what she wanted to do with those papers? just a question because i certainly wouldn´t have :/
  9. i think the title says it all... :comeatus: so as princess of the night, raising the moon and watching the night may be a little bit exhausting, especially when you have to visit thousand of dreams. so how could it work? is it some kind of santa-claus deal and time stops whenever luna decides to visit a dream? or maybe the dreamtime goes much faster than the actual time or maybe luna can visit more dreams simultaniously? also, how does luna decide which dreams to visit? can she "feel" the distress of certain ponies? (as of right now i can only remember her in scoots and sweeties dreams when they had certain problems that had to be solved) also, how much can she really decide, what the pony is dreaming about? i mean, she didnt stop scoots nightmares (night-mares...hehehe get it? ) or maybe she wasnt able to? but she was able to alter sweeties dreams, so maybe she can not really decide the topic of a dream and is only able to alter it in some ways? so, let me know what you think
  10. well, i did like the first part, but to be applejack, the second movie was... was it just me, or was it really boring? i mean yes, it was action-packed, but thats not what i mean. i felt like it lacked story. but as i know myself i will still go and see the last part when it comes out
  11. but you can still take part in reality and meaningfull things and have fun, but still be able to like some things that aren´t real.
  12. i recently started to draw ponies. (or lets better say i try to draw but i still need more practice ^^) its actually quite interesting, once you have the basics and try new poses. i stop the show to try draw pinkie when shes standing or somepony else sitting / laying down. its kind of a challenge for me also i like to listen to fanfic-readings when i have nothing else to do
  13. whats wrong with rainbow falls everypony? 0o and why does nopony mention "its not easy being breeze"? http://mylittlefacewhen.com/f/8193/ oh, btw how do i make a gif appear normally instead of a link? :okiedokielokie:
  14. that made me laugh. i like that. on topic: i am actually quite happy that so many here plan to stick around, even if the show ends personally i dont plan on leaving this fandom, its just so.... "unique". let me explain: while the biggest parts of the internet are flooded with trolls and haters, we bronies have created a kind of haven for anypony who wants to be in contact with nice people. even if its all build on the basis that we all like technicolor ponies but, oh well... i really hope this fandom has the potential to last. just take a look at those startrek fans. that would be my two bits
  15. anypony else sometimes feeling the need to tell people about being a brony? 0o

    1. Cyan Blue

      Cyan Blue

      Yeah, it happens.

    2. CloudSeeker


      i have to... resist...

      good thing its just from time to time ;)

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