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Astral Legend

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Status Updates posted by Astral Legend

  1. It's been a while but I'm glad to see everything is still up and running here. Many may not know me but it's good to be back.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Welcome back! :D I remember you for sure. :3

    2. Astral Legend

      Astral Legend

      Thank you! I remember you too. Hope you're doing well! ^^

  2. Why is it the thing you're trying to find always in the most obvious spot in the world yet it's the last place you look? Gotta stop doing that so often.

  3. My location? Your mind. Don't believe me? Check. I'm the thing you fear most.

  4. Heh. Look who's back!

    1. Scrubbed user

      Scrubbed user

      Oh hey, it's uh... You.

  5. That feeling when you think you're stuck. Time's not moving forward...to always feel as if there's nothing else for you down that deep, dark tunnel we call life. Hopefully, I can find that light at the end of the tunnel.

    1. Hypn0ticD


      I'm right there with ya!

  6. Here for a bit...I actually had to tear myself away from my family.

  7. You're stronger than you might think, Spike. That fire brewing in you is the flame of a dragon who has something precious to protect. Don't forget that. - Astral

  8. Dark Souls 2...The bane of my very existance...

  9. It's time to move on. To let go. No longer be held back by the past. I will move forward to realize my true potential as the best that I know I can be.

  10. Great...My Xbox died. Thank you Microsoft for making a unstable console.

    1. Courageous Thunder Dash

      Courageous Thunder Dash

      Awww, that sucks. What kind was it?

    2. Astral Legend

      Astral Legend

      Unfortunately, Xbox 360 Pro. The Black Slim that I had gotten stolen on Thanksgiving so I had to fall back to that one and it only lasted like six months then...poof! Red ring! The error that couldn't be fixed unless I replace it. -_-

    3. Courageous Thunder Dash

      Courageous Thunder Dash

      I feel so bad for you. Oh, did you get my comment I left?

  11. Sometimes...I wish I could go back to the 90's. The 90's were awesome!

    1. Sugar Cuddles

      Sugar Cuddles

      I wish I could do that too. I might have been a kid, but I still remember it being fun T^T

  12. Really got to being lazy and start on that story have been brooding over for about two weeks. Damn you brain, kick into gear already!

  13. "I always feel like I live in a world made of cardboard, taking constant care not to break something or...somepony. Never allowing myself to lose control even for a second, that somepony could die. But you can take it, can't you? What we have here is a rare opportunity for me to cut loose and show you just how powerful I really am...!"

  14. No matter how far you go, I'll always be there for you. Walk in confidence knowing that you have a powerful ally at your side.

    1. Thunderchild


      I'm grateful. Really, I am.

      Now get off my lawn.

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