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Shady Bubbles

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Posts posted by Shady Bubbles

  1. Hello and thank you for the interview. I've never been in the paper before :) 

    Let's see, I'd be dead without music; I like to help people, my grandma taught me lots of homemade remedies; I love dogs, I've always had a dog; I love playing music and singing, I compose a little too; ponies of course; I'm a gamer, my favorite system is PS 1, my favorite game is Crash; I lovee doing makeup, I always made something crazy on Halloween, I tried zombie the other night but it didn't go so well; I love the theatre, I've seen tons of musicals and movies.


    Feel free to ask me if you'd like to know anything else 

  2. I see your ponysona is a unicorn (my fav pony race). What is your special magic talent?

    I have the ability to make important things that I shouldn't lose disappear  :yay:

  3. Err...yeah I have absolutely no idea what's going on here.




    I wonder if there'll be vets that accommodate treating cabbages before long?

    I think this is a bit strange but wonderful. Like the boy said, he likes walking cabbages when he feels lonely because when he's done he can throw the cabbage and his loneliness away with it. I see no problem with this practice  :)


    Brb buying a pet cabbage

    • Brohoof 6
  4. Sadly, my idea has already been taken: make an anniversary for Sonic that is extremely broken and glitchy and has terrible voice acting and Sonic kissing a human and just basically the worst game ever, except give it excellent music.  :muffins:


    I just never got over the fact that this game happened, and I paid $60 for it.


  5. Dressing nicely (Semi Formal)

    Getting big tips (As a waitress, they are very important)

    The smile on my aunt's face when I bring home groceries

    Pinkie Pie

    The sound of any melody in F major

    Studio Ghibli movies

    Slide Whistles

    When people hold the door for me

    Mango scents and flavors

    When my hair looks good

    Watching the sun rise and set

    Looking at the stars, or space in general

    Making others happy

    Footie pajamas

    Having too much music on my phone (I'm going on 7,500+ songs right now)

    MLP:FiM forums


  6. If you're a fan of hip hop, check this out. Los is easily the best rapper alive.


    If you're NOT a fan of hip hop, check this out anyways. Los is easily the best rapper alive.


    He starts out shaky, but after it switches from the Stay Scheming instrumental he goes wild for the rest of the video. Wait until about 1:01.


    I hope you enjoy the video, and feel free to tell me your thoughts  :)

  7. Heheh. *awkward blue wacky looking thing person is floating around his lair* "You're not perfect!"


    Not sure, but I'm sure if you rewatch a show you watched years ago, you'll see things you didn't see before (the Kids Next Door episode P.O.I.N.T., there's a lot of quote, "sexual innuendo" in the episode, though it is misleading as that's not really what is going on).

    I used to love KND  :)  But the one that got me was where the lady is selling the crust off her pink eye as pies for the children. It was just so gross...

  8. Well it was a TV only movie, as it never went to theaters, and never had a vhs release. So it was a made for TV movie, and it was broken up like you would a tv show marathon on nic. It was banned/forgotten for 10 years, and gained a large cult following due to this. The movie itself is kinda 6/10, but watching it via live stream with some fellow /x/files back in 2011 when they finally re-aired it was amazing.


    And candle cove is the most disturbing thing ever in kids tv. that scream episode.

    "You HAVE... to GO... INSIDE..." What a crazy show

  9. Well other than Candle cove

    But if you have the time, go watch Cry Baby Lane. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cry_Baby_Lane

    The entire thing is a disturbing moment, as it was banned for almost 10 years, and never seen on TV again until 2011.

    Times up spongebob.

    We don't speak of Candle Cove  :)


    I remember my brother telling me about that movie, but I never got the chance to watch it. But this a thread for TV shows, so it doesn't really count. Thank you for bringing it up though, I will have to watch it somehow (I read that it was banned?)

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