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Shady Bubbles

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Posts posted by Shady Bubbles



    read this in an epic voice.


    I was in the classroom doing my work like a bozz.

    "I'm bored" I said

    "good for you" said my friend

    "Sir are you a Brony?" I asked. but he didn't here me.

    "lol ask him again" said my friend

    "Sir, are you a Brony?!" I asked like a bozz.

    The teacher then looked at me as if I was a madman.

    "a what?" he said

    "Brony" i said

    "what's a Brony?" he said

    "a cool person" "omg wait its a good thing" "dont kill me" "being a brony is good" "dont give me detention"


    He then went to his laptop and searched Brony in Google. A bunch of people crowded around him and the laptop. 

    (i probably should have mentioned this earlier, but im the only brony in my school...yah...tough life) 


    Then the other people saw it and was like "o__O" or "o.o" or "friendship is magic wtf lolwut ahhur". 

    "Stay behind after class" said sir

    "who?" said my friend

    "both of you" said sir

    "I wan't even involved in this..." said my friend


    *10 minutes later*

    "right then" said sir "Do you think it is appropriate to be asking questions like that?"

    "...no.." I said. then sir looked at me weridly cuz i dont think he heard me. "no." i repeated.

    "Sir I wasn't even involved in this" said my friend


    "Then why did you ask me if I was a "Brony"? Are you saying I am gay?" he said.

    "Sir, Bronies aren't gay people. They're just people who like ponies. Like, I'm a female Brony and that's fine with me. BEIN A BRONY IS COOL I DIDN'T MEAN TO OFFEND U SIR." i said

    "The internet here says it is gay people"

    "Sir, just like regular human beings, people can be gay. The majority of Bronies are not gay. If you wanna be gay, fine by me." I said.

    "You put 'Brony' on your phone case design" said sir "is that appropriate?"

    "It is in fact appropriate. Becuase a Brony is a fan of my little pony friendship is magic, and I am indeed a fan of my little pony friendship is magic. Do you have something against Bronies or something?!" I said.

    "...You may leave now" said sir.

    " *walks out of room with friend like a bozz*


    "LOLOLOLOLOL" i said

    "LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL" said my friend


    *other friend walks up to us*

    "sup pepesssss" said friend no. 2.

    "HE SO DA RACIST" i said

    "what happened?" said friend no. 2.

    *tells story*

    "LOLOLOL" said friend no. 2

    "ikr" said friend no. 1

    "He was being so racist towards the Brony race! Like, he said Bronies are gay!!!" I said. "I am going to call 999 and get the police to sue him for racism. I will set him on fire with my bozzy swag, I will leave him there dying on the floor on fire. I will go to Tesco, I will buy half price marshmallows. I will come back to his fire, I will roast my marshmallows. I will make smores. With his fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" i said.

    then they all lolled. the end.


    Or if you are a grammar Nazi, then here is the swaggy correct grammar version by a kind fellow who goes by the name of @Shift


    It was a beautiful day on earth. The grass was singing, the birds were also singing and the sun was falling down from the sky. OP was in her technology classroom doing her work like a boss. Suddenly, she dropped her pencil; god, was today boring. OP looked to her friend who was sitting next to her, struggling with her English homework, despite the fact they were in technology.


    "I'm bored." OP said to her friend, scoffing a little bit.


    "Good for you." Her friend said, eyes not coming off of her work. Suddenly, OP had an idea. An absolutely insane idea. But she was going to go for it.


    "Sir, are you a Brony?" OP asked the teacher up front, but he was so busy posting stuff on reddit to hear OP.


    "Hahaha, ask him again!" My friend encouraged me. I was feeling totally pumped up.


    "Sir, are you a Brony?" OP asked a little louder, feeling totally like a boss.


    The teacher looked up from his reddit spam spree, then looked at me as if I was a madman that had walked in with an axe. "A what?" He asked OP, talking slowly as if OP had gone back to being five.


    "A Brony." OP said. Seriously, that guy was posting stuff to reddit, he needed to at least have heard the term 'Brony'.


    "What's a... Brony?" The teacher asked.


    I attempted to explain what a Brony was, but I kept changing my answer every couple of seconds. "A cool person!" "Oh my god, wait, it's a good thing!" "Don't kill me, please!" "Being a Brony is good!" "Don't give me detention..."


    The teacher, in his curiosity then went to his laptop and searched Brony in Google. A bunch of people from the class, who honestly had nothing better to do, crowded around him and the laptop.


    Then the other people saw the definition, and they all had shocked faces, or were gossiping madly, or were just laughing their heads off.


    "Stay behind after class." The teacher, or just sir said to nobody in particular that we could notice with an unreadable face.


    "...who?" My friend inquired nervously.


    "Both of you," Sir asserted. "I need to talk to you."


    "I wasn't even involved in this..." My friend said with a tiny squeak.


    "Sir, she wasn't even involved in this, like she said!" OP said, feeling like a boss again. "It's all my fault!"


    "Both of you, go back to your seats." Sir shot death glares at both of us, so we headed back to our seats, me rambling off apologies to my friend at the speed of sound.


    Around ten minutes passed before everyone else got dismissed, and sir called us up to his desk. Even while sitting, he looked intimidating. I mean, he was a teacher.


    "Right, then." Sir said with a sigh. "Do you think it is classroom appropriate to be asking questions like that?"


    "...no..." OP muttered. Sir looked at me weirdly, because he didn't hear OP. OP noticed and repeated her sentiment; "No."


    "Sir, I wasn't even involved in this," The friend said for, like, the billionth time.


    "Yeah sir she wasn't involved. Everything is my fault, whatever I did." OP muttered, giving puppy eyes to Sir. However, it had no effect.


    "Then why did you ask me if I was a 'Brony'? Are you saying I am gay?" Sir said, being stupid.


    "Sir, Bronies aren't gay people. They're just people who like ponies. Like, I'm a female Brony and that's fine with me. Being a brony is cool!" OP said. "I don't mean to offend you, sir."


    "The internet here says it is full of gay people," Sir practically growled.


    "Sir, just like regular human beings, people can be gay. The majority of Bronies are not gay. If you wanna be gay, fine by me." OP told sir with a sheepish smile.


    "You put 'Brony' on your phone case design," Sir asked. "Is that appropriate?"


    "It is in fact appropriate." OP told Sir. Damn, she was on a roll. "There's something called 'freedom of speech'."


    "...You may leave now." Sir said, defeated.


    OP looked at her friend, who was trying her hardest not to burst out into giggles. The duo walked out of the room, and once Sir was out of earshot, they burst out laughing.


    "He is so racist to the bronies!" OP giggled. "Oh my god, racism!" OP's friend told OP with a large laugh.


    OP's other friend, who was walking to her next class, walked up to OP. For the sake of the story, she shall be called 'Kate'.


    "'sup?" Kate asked OP with a grin.


    "He... is... so... racist!" OP said in between giggles.


    "What happened?" Kate asked, not attempting to hold back her giggles.


    So me and my friend pulled ourselves together and we told Kate the story with turns, each of us popping in to make remarks when something was left one. When we were done. Kate was laughing with a goofy smile on her face.


    "I know, right?" My friend that was introduced first said, imitating Kate's goofy story. "It's hilarious!"


    "He was being so racist towards the Bronies! Like, he said Bronies are gay!" OP said. Ramble time! She was on a roll.


    "I am going to call 9-9-1 and get the police to sue him for racism. I will set him on fire with my bossy swag, I will leave him there dying on the floor, while he's on fire. I will go to Tesco, I will buy those delicious half price marshmallows. I will come back to his corpse on first, I will roast my marshmallows. I will make smores. With his fire heating up the smores, because they get cold fast!" OP finished her rant collapsing in a fit of laughter.


    Then the trio all laughed. The End.


    but.. if you called the police... DEN WHO WAS PHONE

    • Brohoof 1
  2. Don't worry, she gets better during the season 4.

    Welcome to the forums. :)

    Oh I know, she already made a huge improvement in season 2. I loved the way she was portrayed in Rarity Takes Manehattan. Thanks /)



    I spent 3 hours looking for my cat outside. She was in my fucking air soft crate the whole time.

    Haha well i was only 4... 

    Cats are very stealthy creatures. They're also liquids, and the spawn of satan. She was probably plotting to kill you with air soft guns. Lucky you found her when you did

    • Brohoof 1
  4. Wow, you're such a gentleman. I bet you're pretty smart to boot. All you need is a rich relative to get inheritance off of and we might have to fight to decide who will marry you :lol:  Welcome here, it's a fantastic site full of wonderful people as you can see ^^^

    • Brohoof 1
  5. When I was little my dog wandered out into the snow and almost froze to death. We didn't have heat at the time, so I did the only thing I could think of.


    I microwaved my puppy  :derp:  oops. She lived until about 3 years ago though (I'm not a murderer)

    • Brohoof 4
  6. Welcome to the forum! You will make a ton of friends here and you will have fun!  :) Hugs and brohoof /)

    Thank you so much /) I've already made some friends here. The forums are very welcoming, not at all what I expected

  7. I would get a mixer. You can run cords from your guitar & bass into the mixer & then into your computer so it's all digital. It will be higher quality. As for the drums, an SM57 like Rainbow-Crash mentioned works wonders. 

    • Brohoof 1
  8. Thanks for the tips! The only reason i have Pinkie over Rarity is because I really didn't like her as much in season 1. She was just too...plain? I'm not sure how to describe it really. Also I love this quote "You learn a lot about people when you listen to the songs that mean something to them."

  9. Thank you all (: I'm not much on dubstep but if I do any sort of EDM music it's definitely not gonna be a lullaby (I'm actually working on a trap remix of Winter Wrap Up so that might be more your style  B) ) But I appreciate your thoughts xD my next project will be more up tempo since everypony agreed this one was too slow

  10. Here is a remix I made of Mirisha's version of Fluttershy's Lullaby. I think it came out beautiful except the toms are a little loud. But as a producer it is more important to me to hear the listener's opinions so please criticize the shit out of this song. Thanks

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Welcome to the forums, Shady! Have a swell time. :D

    Thank you. This is why I fell in love with the bronies they are so kind & welcoming  :wub:  I'm not sure how to get started here as this is my first forum ever.


    Hello and welcome! I know I'm new too, but welcome to the forums!

    Hello we can be newcomers together  :lol:  I hope you have a great time here & I'm pretty sure I will too

    • Brohoof 1
  12. My Favourite Mane 6 Pony: Pinkie Pie

    How did you find MLP Forums?: Google is your friend

    How you became a fan of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic: I heard about it in Finance class of all places. Finished season 1 & knew I was hooked

    I'm nothing special. I use to live in the ghetto. I like to produce music (mostly hip hop but as long as it sounds good I like it). I like to live the high life. Simple things make me happy. The taste of mango wet wraps, the smell of rain on concrete, & being with my family just to name a few. I hope to make many friends here & not get into arguments because arguing over the internet is lame. That's about it (I suck at introductions). I'm very open so if you'd like to get to know me just ask (:


    /) Much love to everyone 

    • Brohoof 2
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