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Shady Bubbles

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Posts posted by Shady Bubbles

  1. That was rather annoying and hurt my ears with the high pitch, but alas, I'm still winning.



    Well, I found a contender with all of these.

    6 didn't break me, either.

    (I was gonna use this  :okiedokielokie: )



    Phase 7: The Ice Cream Man

  2. A little bit better, but it lost it's magic in 15 seconds.



    I MADE IT! WHOO! *victory dance*

    Phase 5: Beelzebubstep (G.O.A.T. Dubstep)


    Get it? Cause it's the greatest of all time, and it's got goats... Yeah I know I suck  :(

  3. These are too easy. Hit me with a real challenge.





    I was able to do it so far. The first one especially. It was practically the theme song at one of my past jobs. It was played at least once a week. LOL


    This has always been the final boss of the internet for me. That's what someone told me it was when they first linked me.



    Phase 4: Satan is Simply Smashing (Consonance FTW)

    • Brohoof 2
  4. only part that almost got me was when the black girl held up the fried chicken...don't judge. Anyways, phase 2 complete!



    Pfft easy peasy pudding in the cheesy. 



    Phase 3: Halo Reach Devils (Now in G Major!)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. I was on one of those "Youtube Journeys" earlier when I rediscovered this gem that my brother used to call "The Final Boss of the Internet".


    The challenge is to make it through the video with a straight face. If your face moves at all besides blinking, you lose your gold, rupies, exp points, Pokemon, items, unlocked characters, and sanity.


    No pressure though.


    (Sidenote: this isn't the REAL final boss, it's just his phase 1. There are 12 phases)


    Good luck  :lol:

    • Brohoof 9
  6. Its getting pretty close to my high school graduation so we had a senior appreciation day and all the seniors wore yellow, we also had a foot ball game so have some pics.




























    Also my Doge. lol

    dam u str8 bbygurl  :D I can't decide who's cuter, you or the doge


    Swimmers are some of the most athletic people on the planet. They keep a VERY toned body. Can't go wrong with that. ;)


    But don't sell yourself short. You could compete with Paltrow easily. And if you know me at all you know I do not bandy out my words lightly. ;)

    You are such a sweetheart  :wub: Handsome and flattering? Next you're gonna tell me that you're the only living heir to Bill Gates's fortune

    • Brohoof 1
  7. Okay, I admit it. I am, in fact, Ironman.


    Stroking my ego will get you everywhere with me. :lol:



    Note to self: Lose weight and get some muscle so you can look like that again.


    Awww I'm nowhere near the level Gwyneth Paltrow is on  :( I guess we won't have a future then. It's a shame really. Not many girls can say they fall in love with Iron Man. I wanted to be the first. Now I have to settle for... Aquaman


    On second thought, maybe that's not such a bad thing


    • Brohoof 2
  8. To be fair, half the people who post in this topic think they are ugly while everyone else disagrees with them. A lot of people are definitely delusional.


    But that doesn't mean you don't deserve the brohoofs. :lol:

    Me? You look like Robert Downey Jr's twin brother. You deserve all of the brohoofs AND all of the internets for being so gorgeous :D

    • Brohoof 1
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