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Posts posted by Harmony.exe

  1. "Time to put part one of my plan into action" Solstice said as he left the forest and headed to Fluttershys cottage. "Oh Flutters....I don't even know you yet I want to hear your sweet screams of agony...it's been so long since I cut another pony slowly and deeply...but you will have to wait" Solstice said as he just turnined into a shaodw and raced towards Canterlot. "Discord is going to be first"

    In Canterlot...


    Roac, a wingless, griffon thief, had been on his way back to his home at the Canterlot Clocktower, when suddenly...


    A shadow moved without a pony to accompany it. This was not like any kind of magic that Roac had seen, so he decides to follow it, hopping from rooftop to rooftop as he chased the runaway shadow.

  2. Alright guys! I see how the first few parts will play out.


    Solstice will attempt to attack some pony close to Twilight.


    Griffin-thief comes in to the rescue, and they both fight it out before Solstice decides to retreat.


    Royal Guards assume that it was the doing of Lone Wolf's original character (since they'll look so similar), and attempts to send him to the Canterlot dungeons.



    Let us begin.


    (Seriously, I am more f***in' excited than a barrel of Pinkies and Dashies.)

  3. I added a Request Log, so you can see what status I'm on, for your request. :)

    Sorry that everyone is On Hold, I'll try to get them done as soon as, and in the best quality, I can. :)

    @ Yes I do non-ponies as well

    Yay! Okay, lemme send you a link. I wouldn't mind a background, with him standing in Manehattan at night... If that's alright with you.


    Be forewarned, my OC pic is NOT MLP-ified.


    Here ya go~ good luck!



  4. @Doc. Volt@Roac@Polaris, @TheDarkStar,


    Roac sighs with relief, and puts his blackjack away.


    ~ الثناء عليك، والله! الحمد لك ألف مرة! (Tranlates into thanking the main Griffonian god)~


    "So... that was exciting..."

    He chuckles under his breath, and you notice that he actually seems quite shocked by what just happened.


    *to Lights* "So... You must be Bliss's husband! A pleasure to meet you, despite the circumstances of our acquaintance. I hear many things from Bliss, and all of them good."


    Roac laughs again, brushing his suit off and resetting his bowtie. The tie is blood-red, for some reason, and it actually looks quite good on him. Sort of completes the whole look.


    "I must apologize for that little scare... Not many ponies recognize a blackjack when they see one, and I must admit that it is a very intimidating thing at a first glance. I've simply gotten used to the object and how it is properly used..."


    He chuckles yet again. "I, actually, got the thing when I became a reporter. I knew that the job was dangerous, and so I decided to spend a few silver pieces on some protection."


    (Okay, I'm going back to mobile.)

    • Brohoof 1
  5. @@Lightning Bliss,

    @@Doc. Volt,


    Roac pauses at the pony, looking at the situation at claw. He slowly pulls out the blackjack, dangling it in-between his talons-- Night Lights and Shining should recognize it as a mostly harmless tool of self-defense.


    "I always keep my blackjack with me-- don't leave home without it. You never know what kinds of miscreants will try to attack an unarmed person wandering the streets at night! And as for this pony, he INTRODUCED himself as a criminal, and I was simply subduing him to protect myself and the Princess here! He could have been dangerous..."


    Roac steps back, taking a ready position as the Night's aura begins to glow (signalling to the guards that he's a trained fighter.)


    "Sir... with all due respect, if I had any intention of actually committing any crimes with a weapon, don't you think I would have brought something better? Besides, I called for you after I hit him..."


    ~I'm not sure if they're buying it... I'd better come up with a backup plan, and FAST... I can't take all these guards on my own, especially not a... whatever he is...~

    • Brohoof 1
  6. @,

    @@Doc. Volt,

    @@Lightning Bliss,


    Roac grins as the bowtie materializes on him, "Hey thanks, this actually looks pretty goo--"


    As Dark Star starts talking about his situation, the griffon mentally face-claws. ~You're being chased by the nastiest division of police around, and you introduce yourself as a criminal before asking us not to arrest you? IDIOT!~


    ~He's stupid, but he might be dangerous... and I'm not letting these ponies get hurt by some amateur wanna-be Jason Horne. Looks like I'm gonna need that blackjack after all...~


    Roac quietly pulls out his blackjack, as the odd pony's back is turned from him, and extends the device to it's full length. It's about as large as a dagger, or perhaps a shortsword, and it's tipped in a lead cylinder, padded in a thin leather sheet for nonlethal takedowns.


    ~Heh... Ohhh, the irony of this. It's almost funny that I'm turning in a criminal, while I myself am a thief. Of course, I don't believe in hypocrisy, so... Let's make this quick.~


    Roac brings the blackjack down upon Dark Star's head with a dull "THWACK!". The unicorn is knocked out almost instantly, falling down onto the floor. After doing so, he neatly and nonchalantly un-extends the blackjack and puts it into his pocket, before cupping his talons in front of his beak to shout, "GUARDS! HELP!"

    • Brohoof 1
  7. @Lightning Bliss


    Roac calmly goes along with the dance, his paws stepping in precise and delicate patterns as the two of you dance. The other dancers do not appear as surprised by this dance; they think that Roac must be a Griffonian ambassador.


    "You're not the only one who's enjoying this, Princess. I'm going to have some story to tell Nadia..."

    He cracks his odd, beaked smile again as he twirls you around, quickly but gently. He is very skilled with his talons and paws, yet he does not seem as... Bulky, as other griffon males. In fact, he seems about average, by pony standards; he's strong looking (Maybe he does gymnastics), but not like a bodybuilder.


    The song eventually ends, and Roac bows town, lightly pecking your hoof in his talon. After that, he escorts you off of the dance floor.


    "Thank you for the dance, Bliss. That was... Quite enjoyable, to say the least. Your husband is a lucky man, and I'd imagine that he is an exceptional pony to have earned your hoof in marriage."


    He leans forward, back onto all fours. This brings you at eye level with him.

    "Say, will we ever get a chance to meet this husband of yours?"

  8. Oh trust me he can muder Celestia if he wanted to but he doesnt have a certain item yet

    Woah, uh... I was about to cry "Mary Sue, but I guess that it wouldn't be too hard to kill Tia in her post-Season Finale state.

    @,My OC is updated for the RP.



    Unfortunately, as I stated earlier, Mr. Propernoun is currently asleep.

  9. Sure thing! However, we really need a protagonist; and if your original character is going to be an protagonist, then that means he'll have no knowledge of who he is, what he is, his name, his destiny, etc. He won't have a cutie mark either.



    Alright, please spread the word for me that I have to go to bed. I will be able to resume some time tomorrow.

    No problem!





    TWILIGHT IS MINE....she must be eaten slowly as she is kept alive by dark forbidden magic and Solstice must hear her beg and cry for mercy



    Damn, you just gotta respect a guy who's not afraid to get his hands/hooves dirty.

    Well, I'm afraid it's that time again on this side as well. G'night, all!

  10. Uh, guys; an antihero is, by definition, "A protagonist who lacks conventional heroic attributes."


    Kratos... Is not an antihero. He might be the main character, but he's definitely an antagonist.


    So, with this in mind... Don't be an "antihero" just as an excuse to be a plothole.


    PS: please?


    PSS: pretty please?


    PSSS: Pretty please with a cherry on top?

  11. Alright guys, problem.


    So far the count is 1 antagonist descendant, 0 protagonist descendants, and 1 unknown descendant. I'm sure you don't want the dungeonmaster to be the protagonist, so we need someone to take up the job.

    Hm... Good point, but I already have an OC in this (And I don't think I'm up for RPing multiple characters.)

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