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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by LordSwinton

  1. Something at the bottom stirred, making a sort of hearty noise, a half roar half snore sort of sound like a sleeping dragon. "Eeek!" A meek screech came from behind the group. It was dark but if one was sharp eyed they could see if was the librarian, hovering in the air. Meanwhile http://liracrown.deviantart.com/art/Starchase-With-Lighting-541058286
  2. Wow those are great! I especially love the way you do the misty aura and sigils. What do you use?
  3. Could use with some punctuation and proof reading, quite a lot of 'missing' words. You should probably rearrange your sentences and their length for greater impact. Speech is confusing. Overall it seems short and very fast pace for what should be a touching story. I understand what you are trying to convey but I don't think you've manage to achieve the desired effect. Keep up the effort though.
  4. Waking up with toasty hooves and beneath a warm blanket, Starchase legitimately thought he was at home. He was about to yell out for his mother before he realized this wasn't his home and he wasn't in his room. Sighing, he pulled the blanket up over his head and curled into a ball. He didn't want to get out of the comfortable bed. He wanted to snuggle up into a warm spot and go back to his land of dreams. Drowsy, he got up on rather wobbly hooves to the bathroom to freshen up. The loss of warmth hit him like a strong blast of winter. It wasn't cold and he found himself adapting to the room temperature. Seeing himself in the mirror, he looked miserable and droopy. As he descended down the stairs, he held on tightly to the railing, feeling rather dizzy. He felt a great deal better than yesterday when she found him on her doorstep but he was far from full health. "Good morning, Lektra!" He tried not to yawned. "And you too Sparky." He added on after a second thought. He didn't want to b rude. Truth be told he was rather worried that she'd tell him to leave.
  5. Almost all of my friends are fasting. All the restaurants are empty today and will be for most of the time this month. Yay for no queuing for lunch!
  6. My MacBook won't turn on properly, I'll try to get things done on a friend's computer.
  7. The wide place reeked of dampness. The walls were crusted with a sort of black goo and looked slick. The stairs were masterfully carved out of solid stone centuries ago. Bats, unhappy with this new invasion, fluttered about. It was a long, long way down and lead straight out of a castle. It was probably a long forgotten escape route that was rendered useless after the end of wars. Midway there was a bunch of weird text carved into the wall. It was mostly obscured by the mysterious gunk but it was pretty obvious it lead led to what was once the Crystal Empire with the crystal heart engraved on the wall with an arrow. If one had a keen ear they could begin hear the soft whimpering from below.
  8. I suggest you find a brighter location with better backing. Try to take the photo on the level of the item.
  9. No problem! Thought the spikes are always the killer
  10. I've got a backlog of request but sure.
  11. I'll need some references though
  12. I'm fine with doing a good old pencil and paper sketch since there's a whopping 6 of them.
  13. Please read the opening post. That is all.
  14. I will get to them tonight
  15. I'd like to refer you to here:https://mlpforums.com/topic/125709-swintons-request-cave-open/
  16. Maybe you should get some help." He took the leathery volume and daring do book and set it down on a nearby shelf. "I mean, Lektra isn't exactly in the best of shape. And Midnight..." He wanted to say was too young for this but was afraid of any impending wrath it might incurr. He dipped a hind hoof into the hole and touched a cold smooth surface, stone stairs no doubt. "This stairway seems to dip down very far underground. Are you guys sure you want to do this?"
  17. You're welcome. It did take a while.
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