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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Status Updates posted by flutterdango117

  1. Happy sweetest day! a michigan holiday to honor those who have been kind to you- those whove been fallowing me and messaging me reagrdless of how active im here is amazing! give your selves a hoof bump for me!







  2. judge me all you want but i want to play dream daddy dammit DX

  3. hello long time no see!!

  4. having special somepony problems >.>

    1. Bluenavyangel


      You can talk to me if want to...

  5. finally done with finals :D

  6. any pony knows a series called loveless? if so are you a fighter or a sacrifice as well as what is your true name out of curiousity :)

  7. got out of my first class of the day :D onto pottery

  8. just got done with work man its was tiring

  9. just relaxing after doing an exam

    1. yeet


      You probably did good.

    2. flutterdango117


      thank you :) i hope so i studied alot in so many different ways :/


  10. going to the rose ball :D

    1. Poetic Stone
    2. flutterdango117


      thank you :D i danced so much last night i slepted like a baby

  11. been studying for 5 hours... i think for the rest of the day its best not to think so much ...

  12. taking a night off of studying has any pony insterested in marvel comics or homestuck?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flutterdango117


      bruce banner(hulk) would be my favorite along with captain america :) my special somepopny also likes ironman alot. me iron man is ok..lets just say before i met my somepony i didnt like him at all

    3. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      lol that happens sometimes

    4. flutterdango117


      yes i does.. they both have the same name and love for technology.. so i can dispise ironman much XD

  13. studiny for an exam on monday...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Buzz


      NP, i just finished my A-level mocks and i have to wait a week to find out how bad i've failed

    3. flutterdango117


      im sure you did good and as long as you tried your best thats what counts

    4. Buzz


      I tried in the two i cared about and only answered 63% of the other one! Thanks but i know i've done terrible, hope you have more luck than i have!

  14. hitting the hay after a long day :)

    1. Poetic Stone

      Poetic Stone

      Good night then, may you have the sleep of ages.

  15. addicted to the song dead hearts by stars...definatly recommend it for sure :)

  16. got done with my classes and no third class on thursday :D

  17. in my third class having a cup f aged earl grey tea.. perfect for the cold weather

    1. yeet


      wat? you at uni doing tea testing xD

    2. flutterdango117


      unfortunatly no just in one of my classrooms back at michiganstate university pretty much

  18. going to my secound class...pottery wheel :D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. flutterdango117


      hmm it could be getting the pressure points or certain position... clay is sensitive on how much hoof pressure you put on it and with enough water and speed will bend in any shaoe it wants. the goal is mostly feeling the clay and standing your ground or the clay will shape itself pretty much :)

    3. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      My mom did Snow White and 7 gnomes with clay =)=) they are so pretty =)

    4. flutterdango117


      awsome :D thats sounds so cool :D

  19. waking it up late and heading to class :/

    1. 碇 シンジン

      碇 シンジン

      *hug* I hope your day can be happy day today =)=)!

    2. flutterdango117
  20. going to hit the hay... long class day tomarrow :/

  21. guess whos back~ im sorry for such the abstance

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. flutterdango117


      your welcome she kinda has a cute mark as in the abstract color on her leg but her personality is at first shy but pretty easy going. she likes making things for others even thoguh more times then not are taken for grated since shes an earth pony and all :/ but shes really patient and nice. as well as has a knack for giving the best advice :) basically a pony version of me :)

    3. Emerald Heart
    4. flutterdango117
  22. drying off before picking up/folding my clothes in the laduary room man times flieswhen doing homework

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      "Time flies when doing homework"

      Wat u talkin bout

    2. flutterdango117


      i was doig homework and other things while the laduary was going. it takes about an hour and a half to go through it all

  23. going to go to my friday class and meeting a new advisor pony...im alittle nervous

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