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Status Replies posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. *sigh*... Good freaking lord... Fallout 4 was being SO RETARDED... it kept crashing without fail after only less than a minute of gameplay after I loaded a save. I tried everything. I checked my drivers, used MSI Afterburner, checked Papyrus logs, deactivated mods, reset my computer... but none of it worked. So I uninstalled it and I'm gonna reinstall it; the last resort. And if that doesn't work... then I'm fucked. :unamused:

  2. Mom, I love you, and I REALLY wanna go to college, but I don't wanna destroy my career before it begins. :(

  3. Mom, I love you, and I REALLY wanna go to college, but I don't wanna destroy my career before it begins. :(

  4. That moment when you realize that Tim Curry voiced Nigel Thornberry.


  5. Am I the only one who thinks they should have made Lilith the main villain in Borderlands 3? After all, I feel like her leadership is bad, to the point of almost SEEMING to be bad on purpose... :huh:


    But we got the unfortunately lackluster story of Borderlands 3, that was not what we were promised... The worst written storyline in the series... That's really one of the main reasons people end up preferring 2 to 3... The story in 3 just sucks, while 2's was easily the best in the series...

  6. Am I the only one who thinks they should have made Lilith the main villain in Borderlands 3? After all, I feel like her leadership is bad, to the point of almost SEEMING to be bad on purpose... :huh:


    But we got the unfortunately lackluster story of Borderlands 3, that was not what we were promised... The worst written storyline in the series... That's really one of the main reasons people end up preferring 2 to 3... The story in 3 just sucks, while 2's was easily the best in the series...

  7. Am I the only one who thinks they should have made Lilith the main villain in Borderlands 3? After all, I feel like her leadership is bad, to the point of almost SEEMING to be bad on purpose... :huh:


    But we got the unfortunately lackluster story of Borderlands 3, that was not what we were promised... The worst written storyline in the series... That's really one of the main reasons people end up preferring 2 to 3... The story in 3 just sucks, while 2's was easily the best in the series...

  8. I'm really afraid... I don't want to get banned... :sunny:

  9. I honestly can't really think of a good reason to live...

  10. I honestly can't really think of a good reason to live...

  11. I know I can't satisfy everyone, but trust me when I say that pretty much no one will like what ideas I hold.

  12. I know I can't satisfy everyone, but trust me when I say that pretty much no one will like what ideas I hold.

  13. Why is YouTube so far-right? :dry:

  14. Why is YouTube so far-right? :dry:

  15. Why is YouTube so far-right? :dry:

  16. Why is YouTube so far-right? :dry:

  17. I love suffering from burnout, fear, and sadness

  18. Guys... trust me when I say that if everyone knew about the way I think, they would rather me just not exist.

  19. Forgive me for delving into controversial territory again, and I know I said this before... but anyone who says suicide is selfish or cowardly has never been suicidal before. :unamused:

  20. I think it's amusingly ironic that the far-right claims to hate crime so much, that they think anyone accused of a crime should just instantly be found guilty of it and given the most cruel, barbaric, and evil punishment imaginable, yet they would probably advocate for the mass murder of anyone with even REMOTELY left wing views, or just kill anyone who's liberal or millennial... and the last time I checked... murder is a crime! :laugh:

  21. Still trying to find that perfect picture of Angel Dust... :P

  22. I know I just posted one of these an hour ago, but I'm in the process of making a 15 WORST States list. I bet a lot of the states that will make it are going to be awfully predictable with those who research the statistics. 


    And since, all of you probably already know... 


    Alabama is number 1

  23. I know I just posted one of these an hour ago, but I'm in the process of making a 15 WORST States list. I bet a lot of the states that will make it are going to be awfully predictable with those who research the statistics. 


    And since, all of you probably already know... 


    Alabama is number 1

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