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Status Replies posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. Forgive me for the negativity, but I don't think a life spent under extreme stress and fear is a life worth living.

  2. Forgive me for the negativity, but I don't think a life spent under extreme stress and fear is a life worth living.

  3. Forgive me for the negativity, but I don't think a life spent under extreme stress and fear is a life worth living.

  4. I wanna go to bed, but my family won't be quiet. :dry:

  5. I wanna go to bed, but my family won't be quiet. :dry:

  6. I wanna go to bed, but my family won't be quiet. :dry:

  7. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/trump-twitter-obama-jesus-christmas-god-tweets-a9262151.html?fbclid=IwAR0pY6l-EF3Gk7qG7M-dmJvG9f8hUWDZ7ibgfby9C3dGe7y7XWYG-7zY8Cg

    The Trump Dumpling continues to violate the First Amendment, yet everyone on the political ideology that shall not be named continues to proudly proclaim that he's an atheist. And all I have to say is this... :orly:

  8. It's interesting and simultaneously irritating to think about just how much more toxic the Internet, online games, etc. have become since, as late as 2017. Before 2017, I had relatively few incidents with toxic people that absolutely p!$$ed me off. But since... F***... It's almost like the internet is devolving into your average YouTube comments section. :dry: It's gotten so bad that I've had to stop playing games simply because people are just so unbearably toxic that they pretty much cause me to have a f***ing mental breakdown , and at times that means abusing my computer (one I had last night was pretty serious... It was apparently so violent that my BF yelled at me "WHAT THE F*** IS YOUR PROBLEM?")... 


    I even notice it on here, and honestly, outside of the Debate Cesspool, I'd never ONCE had a conflict with ANYONE before 2016, and had one maybe two in 2016. But since 2017, I've been attacked countless times by even people on here (and this is a relatively NOT toxic community!), because apparently civility on the internet is dying a quick and brutal death. Even by people who I previously respected, now some of them are on my $#!+ list. Oh that list is still growing, by the way... :unamused:


    F*** I think if I told myself 4 years ago that I'd have to deal with this $#!+ almost constantly, past me would likely think I'm being paranoid. But I'm not. This is a serious issue with the Internet as a whole. Personal attacks before I stopped playing Paladins last night were pretty much on a WEEKLY basis at the BEST. I don't know how much not playing Paladins will reduce the frequency of the attacks against me for simply existing and deciding to play a game, post a comment, or reply to a thread, but hopefully it's something because at this rate I may totally lose my f***ing sanity before too long. I say: STOP THE TOX. :angry:

  9. About half an hour ago, my dad found a bird nest behind our air conditioner system outside our house. In the nest were a couple of baby birds. They were so cute! :ph3ar: There was no sign of the parents however.


    However, my dad wanted to remove the nest. He used a shovel and he ended up breaking the nest and the baby birds were scattered on the floor. They were unable to fly so they just hopped around. My dad decided to create a temporary home for the baby birds using bricks, and hope that their parents will pick them up eventually.

    1983052103_IMG_22351.thumb.JPG.7c637b16dfb60d61e1240516a1390e05.JPG            354754041_IMG_22331.thumb.JPG.9fcedc454b9ac038dc06e71669450fea.JPG

    By the time we left, they were all sleeping. They looked so adorable! :squee:

  10. The most popular video game in my home state is Fortnite. Not at all what I expected.

  11. The most popular video game in my home state is Fortnite. Not at all what I expected.

  12. Good morning my sweeties! :kindness:

  13. Just out of sheer curiosity, why did you suggest me to go to the border of Texas? Are you from Texas?

  14. Just out of sheer curiosity, why did you suggest me to go to the border of Texas? Are you from Texas?

  15. Just out of sheer curiosity, why did you suggest me to go to the border of Texas? Are you from Texas?

  16. I wish my family wouldn't fight all the time. It makes me so sad... :(

  17. I remember I saw you say that you really liked Joker, and I did, too. How much did you like it? Would you say it's one of the best movies you've ever seen? :)

  18. My grandma gave me 25 dollars and 2 10 dollar gift cards for McDonalds for Christmas. :)

  19. My grandma gave me 25 dollars and 2 10 dollar gift cards for McDonalds for Christmas. :)

  20. Wow. I only live a few hours away from the border of Texas. ._.

  21. Wow. I only live a few hours away from the border of Texas. ._.

  22. Wow. I only live a few hours away from the border of Texas. ._.

  23. Wow. I only live a few hours away from the border of Texas. ._.

  24. I know I'm supposed to try and avoid negative posts, but it's just seriously annoying that my mom complains about having to clean, even though I offered to help, and she just told me to "leave her alone". :unamused:

  25. I know I'm supposed to try and avoid negative posts, but it's just seriously annoying that my mom complains about having to clean, even though I offered to help, and she just told me to "leave her alone". :unamused:

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