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Status Replies posted by AveryGamerDude

  1. I'm sorry for the negative post, but even if the government isn't an issue, that doesn't change the fact that I can't get a successful career in entertainment because of our political climate. (And ungrateful crybabies.)

  2. I'll be honest, I feel a bit better mentally...

  3. I'm sorry for the negative post, but even if the government isn't an issue, that doesn't change the fact that I can't get a successful career in entertainment because of our political climate. (And ungrateful crybabies.)

  4. I'm sorry for the negative post, but even if the government isn't an issue, that doesn't change the fact that I can't get a successful career in entertainment because of our political climate. (And ungrateful crybabies.)

  5. I'm sorry for the negative post, but even if the government isn't an issue, that doesn't change the fact that I can't get a successful career in entertainment because of our political climate. (And ungrateful crybabies.)

  6. I like to draw but I feel like my art style is too weeabooish... :sunny:

  7. I'm sorry for the negative post, but even if the government isn't an issue, that doesn't change the fact that I can't get a successful career in entertainment because of our political climate. (And ungrateful crybabies.)

  8. I like to draw but I feel like my art style is too weeabooish... :sunny:

  9. I'm sorry for the negative post, but even if the government isn't an issue, that doesn't change the fact that I can't get a successful career in entertainment because of our political climate. (And ungrateful crybabies.)

  10. I like to draw but I feel like my art style is too weeabooish... :sunny:

  11. I'll be honest, I feel a bit better mentally...

  12. I want to make a list of my top 10 worst states, but a lot of my reasoning is gonna be based on my political views and anecdotal evidence, and I'm afraid it might piss off the mods. (Which I can't afford to do.)

  13. I want to make a list of my top 10 worst states, but a lot of my reasoning is gonna be based on my political views and anecdotal evidence, and I'm afraid it might piss off the mods. (Which I can't afford to do.)

  14. Smash Players think they play an unbalanced game? Smash Ultimate is one of the most balanced competitive games there is and definitely the best balanced of the Smash series... :laugh:

  15. I wish people didn't hate me so much... :(

  16. God, I love Twilight so much... :wub:


  17. I feel like I'm the only one who doesn't hate FPS games...

  18. Find a face made by the mane 6 that won't require 86 truckloads of insulin. I'll wait. :ticking:

  19. A status update I recently saw kind of reminded me of a general view of police, but also politicians I've held for a while. What I have to say took 45 minutes to type, so it may take a while to read...


    Police are an unfortunate, but quite necessary evil in society. They may have way too much authority over everyone else, but this authority has to be given to somebody to stop criminal acts. Even if their enforcement is sometimes BEYOND frustrating, or, you know, it results in them actually KILLING INNOCENT PEOPLE... Yes that has happened, a multitude of times, and don't think "well, it can't in the US" because it has... 

    There's even video evidence in that case that clearly shows the cop had murderous intent from the get-go. The victim only had a TRAFFIC violation and he was shot MULTIPLE times. It seems like a clear-cut case of murder-by-cop to me (Sure he is in prison, but is 20 years in our prison system enough for MURDER?)... Of course this isn't the only evil act committed in the name of the law (far from it), but it's one of the most blatantly egregious, then there's the cops that BREAK THE WHEELCHAIRS OF THE HOMELESS... That isn't to say we'd be better without them, this is just to say they're quite fallible and can be quite maligned.


    Same goes for politicians too, though their evils are a little bit different than the aforementioned police, and a decent bit worse in a different way... With politicians it's MUCH worse though, because they've caused COUNTLESS people to get killed in their collective vying for power, and out of the mainstream's corrupt and seemingly insatiable greed. Every American soldier who's died in the Middle East in recent memory has their government and the highest ranking officials in their branch of the armed forces to blame for it. And also the people who made the gun they're wielding. And they also have the propaganda spread by the right slanted mainstream media to blame for even putting them there in the first place.  

    But not going off on a tangent (as I already have anyways), there's also our absolutely horrific healthcare system. Every one of those crooks in the Capitol building with maybe 5 exceptions is to blame... They're all promoting the corporate system that fails oh so many Americans that can't afford it... And what has it caused? A slew of stories, like this one where people, young and old alike DIE because they couldn't afford the right coverage. Heck, my own dad might die in the near future in part due to this. This would be insane to think about in most other developed nations. DYING because you couldn't AFFORD your healthcare, or watching YOUR CHILDREN die because you couldn't afford THEIR healthcare, as happened with the case mentioned in that link. 


    One of these days we really need something better than both our "justice" (it's a joke, in so many more ways than are relevant here) and political systems (same there as well). They both have a ridiculous amount of caveats. Something that ACTUALLY is "for the people and by the people" instead of PRETENDING that it is, maybe? 

  20. I REALLY hate the American justice system... :dry:

  21. Hillary Clinton is so far up her own @$$ that she's going to go after Bernie over the absolute most petty things...



    And frankly, Bernie's response to it clearly shows who was and still surely is the bigger person here. And the fact he even endorsed her after what she and the DNC did to him, says that he clearly cares about the people to the point where he will even dirty his own hands a little if it means a better nation.


    You aren't surprised about what? :confused:


    You aren't surprised about what? :confused:

  24. Well, time for this loser to go offline for sleep.



  25. I need to kill some time... any ideas?

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