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Posts posted by MozillaToast

  1. Anyone on the European servers feel free to add me :)


    Normally playing either my monk or my shaman.


    Also warrior PvP is unfair IMO :( Execute spam from silly talents...

  2. 264.921



    ....... pointless .... pointless ..... pointless ....



    264925, no... THIS IS SPARTA!!!


    • Brohoof 1
  3. Tempest slowly regains his thoughts after waking up suddenly, looked about the room and decided that he'd rather be outside looking around the forest with a sword than stay in a house filled with dead animals, he heads outside to the forest, as he looks back he thinks he sees a skeleton turn it's skull to watch him leave.He shakes his head in disbelief and walks off into the forest, going to towards the pulling feeling he's getting from deeper within the forest.

  4. E not walks up to the pedestal gingerly, taps it to checks the legitimacy of it then picks it up and puts it on, she then completely blacks out onto the floor. She slowly woke up feeling slightly woozy and disentorited, she then gets up and looks about spotting the Filly talking to Dashia present. "Hello? Oh you guys... Wait a second..." She looked carefully at present Dashia then looks down at herself noticing the necklace, "Ah... It's you..." She sat down and looked about, still feeling woozy. "So where are we..?"

  5. Tempest looked at the antique he'd found and completely disregarded the note as he popped out the gems from the sword and out them into his own bags, he then equipped the scabbard and charged at the wolves form behind, his wings giving him a faster momentum he went straight through one of the wolves and kept going until the sword was embedded into a tree trunk. He then decided to simply fly upwards out of the wolves reach and hovered away looks for the band the wolves had attacked initially. "This is such a curious place." He said out loud to no one in particular while searching.

  6. Ebony looked at the scenario before her and quickly decided to be as up front with it as possible, "O.K. here's the situation, I'm going to drop you in a few moments but you're going to be 100% fine. Those two pegasai will catch you when I do let you go. Got it?" She waited for a response but got nothing but panicky gibberish, "Um... I didn't get any of that but am assuming you're good to go, three. Two. One. Go!" She dropped the vision as the pegasai arrived to catch her. Ebony thought to herself, 'Where am I... And what am I doing here..?' As the scene played out before her.

  7. Ebony looks towards the doorway of her with the necklace, then to the one of her being beaten,"This is such a difficult decision..." she quickly decides that the necklace and a few companions can't cause too much trouble to her, she quickly decided to head through to the vision of her and the necklace. As she's heading through she thinks to herself, 'That voice seemed familiar... But I don't remember how...'

  8. Tempest awoke with a jump in the black of night, he felt something only describable as a pulling sensation, something in the Everfree was tugging at him to be there, he decided with a start and sudden motivation that he'd head out to the forest and seek out the source of the sensation. As he went to leave he spotted a note attached to the front of his hotel room, "Hmm... So someone wants me to head on over to the Everfree... Well, here I come!" He shouted out to no one in particular, he put on his headphones and set off to the forest humming along to the megaman theme song.

  9. And Cata was the worst expansion, too! Not that it was BAD, just not as good as the others. WoD is awesome, though.

    Fun fact! Blizzard thought cataclysm would be the last expansion of wow ever at the time.

  10. Name: Tempest Shift


    Type: Pegasus


    Gender: Male


    Age: 24


    Appearance: Darkish Blue coat with an Orange Mane

    http://mlpforums.com...est-shift-r7495 (for his page, back stories and cutie mark are different)


    Cutie Mark: A guitar amplifier.


    Abilities associated with cutie mark: Very powerful hearing, can detect patterns easily and is good with technology.


    Strengths: Focused, confident and has a knack of finding essential things by accident.


    Weakness: Can be hit by waves of sudden doubt of his ability and can sometime go deaf temporarily after a loud noise for a short time. Also has poorish vision and can have a habit of blaming everyone else for his mistakes.


    Back Story: Has been exploring the world to learn everything he can about machinery, he was told through old folk lore that there is an ancient machine there which has yet to be properly examined and use, he wishes to be the first one to achieve that goal.


    EDIT: I'm inexperienced with horror RPs but have played the Silent Hills games.

  11. Thats a bit confusing. Gilneans weren't supposed to turn except when the worgen broke loose which was a little bit before the Cataclysm. So x.x I dunno.

    This RP initially confused me also for the timeline however its not set in a time before the catacylsm (Correct me if I'm wrong here), so it shouldn't be a problem I think. I believe the problem is the sheer amount of people wanting to be Worgen in this RP, there are OTHER races everyone. :)

    • Brohoof 1
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