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Posts posted by MozillaToast

  1. Basically I have an idea where the is a team of 4 people (you guys) consisting of a news reporting team and a two random friends who came to the area for adventure together. You meet at the entrance area and work together to get into the ex-mental institution. I will be controlling a character which is a cross between Ruvik and The Wallrider (Look at The Evil Within for Ruvik and Outlast for The Wallrider) and the hostile and neutral unnamed NPC's. At one point fairly early on you will get separated and have different scenarios according to your characters personalities and actions. You can't fight the monsters, but you can run, hide and trap them in creative and smart ways.


    The news team's shared equipment is; A high standard camcorder with night vision, a flip-top mobile phone, a lockpick, a packet of cigarettes and a crafting knife.


    The friend's shared equipment is; A smartphone with a tendency to blast out music randomly, a wind up (Very loud when winding) torch, a police baton, a lighter and a bottle of spirits.


    You cannot break down walls or doors, you can lockpick certain doors and shimmy across exterior window ledges.


    The players can die in the RP and if so, can't come back. They will only die if they make common mistakes, do the same escape/hiding strategies on a common basis. I will create a map of the site IF people want to take part in this Roleplay. - (For those confused at this point, it will be ponies not humans.)  

    I'd like to hear some feedback on whether people would join and/or how I could improve the initial plan. The posts in the roleplay would be;

    Me -> Everyone in any order 1 time -> Me -> Everyone in any order 1 time -> Me, etc.

  2. Y'know, that chart is wrong. There were no fairy types in gen 1 - 5. Call me old fashioned but they were just normal types instead back then *puts on tinfoil hat and vintage monocle*

  3. I absolutly 100% more than anything completely hate with all my existence is marajuana scented candles, inscents sticks and air fresheners. (Also marajuana aswell) Seriously what's the hype about marajuana or the smell of it? So you think you're amazing because you 'smoke weed every day...' Morons...

  4. I am thinking 'Why is this week going soooooooo FAAAAST?!' Also thinking 'Why are Skittles like drugs?'

    Because the colours, bro!


    Anyways, I'm thinking that I have a week and a bit off now and am wondering how to spend it, maybe see Big Hero 6?

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Ebony walked over to the band of ponies standing around, "Well then... This is interesting." She eyed the space pony, intrigued, "So... Where are you from?" She stopped and looked towards the stabledweller. She smiled to him, "Leaving that safe lil' vault you crawled out of was possibly the worst mistake you've ever made. When I left my vault it was horrible. I wasn't slightly prepared, I nearly died multiple times. And there are creatures far worse than that... Thing, out here..." She stared at the ground blankly, lost in her train of thought.

  6. "Ugh, of all the things to possibly conceive of!" Grumbling to myself. I retrieved Ebony with her on my back and made towards the crash site. The stall owner glared at me for ruining his shop, but said nothing out of fear. "I figured this would be my apology. Have a good day sir!" Handing him a greenish-goo covered apple contaminating the rest of his stock in another barrel." She was sleeping but I figured she could use the help. "You know, you have earned your keep today. I just might keep your company." Talking to the sleeping mare. I could only imagine her reaction when she awoke. Good times, I'll just convince her she's a ghoul herself just to see what she says! 

    Ebony's eyes slowly fluttered open some time later, at first she was confused and then she realized she was moving, "Wha..." She looked around and noticed what was carrying her, the pony from the stand. She was about to say something but her sudden hangover kicked in. She groaned quietly to herself while she let her escort carry her, she prodded the pony carrying her and mumbled something resembling 'Stop... Need booze... ' She groaned again and head-butted her carrier, then thought to herself, 'That was dumb... ' She then looked around a bit more, then said, "Excuse me, whoever you are, I appreciate the kindness of you carrying me to... Wherever you're taking me, but can we stop for a moment?" 

  7. Ebony collapsed into the hay bale, she let out a large burp as she hit the hay, , "Owch... Oops..." She started blushing. "Excuse me..." She got up and looked about, "I thinksh shomeonesh shpiked my *hic* drink." She then fell back onto the stall owner's stall, sending the rest of the produce flying. As the grumpy pony went over to her, she was fast asleep, snoring away.

  8. Ebony wandered into ponyville,mealies straight into the bar and ordered a regular, she paid a few bits and took a sips then looked about, then downed the rest in one go. Almost immidiatly afterwards she ordered another drink. And another, and another. Eventually waiter approached the drunk mare and politely said, "I think you've had enough ma'am, I think you need to leave" She slowly looked at him with one eye half open. She blinked at him, then passed out onto the bar table. She finally started regaining her senses and realised she'd been thrown out onto the street. She got up, then clutched her head from the headache she'd gotten, "Too... Much..? More like not enough..." She stumbled down the street mumbling to herself, when suddenly she heard a large exploding sound, "Alright, who tried to *hic* shoot me?" Wen she turned around, everyone was looking towards the location of stable 42. She yawned and began to walk over to exit to head towards the site, on the way out however, she managed by o bump into a slightly smaller pony, after a few seconds da she realised shed walked to a ghoul, "Oh... One of you. Sorry about tha- *hic* bit I have import... Importun... Stuff to attend to. Now excuse me." She said, walking past the ghoul.

  9. Tempest had finished pouring his second morning drink, then before checking the heat, drinking it immediately. He slowly put the cup down, hoof shaking. Then he took a large gulp as tears formed at the corners of his eyes, "too hot... " he whispered to himself. He put the coffee into a flask, attached it to his saddlebags and left the kitchen, "Thanks Ahaban, for letting borrow your kitchen." Tempest the walked out towards his area, he'd been meaning to tell wrench he'd broken the lock on his door but was too embarrassed to admit how he'd bust it initially. He lay down on his bunk and began to think about before the war...

  10. I adored the PvP content of the new X-pac but unfortunately (Stupid Feral Druid self healing) the classes I play have been... Outclassed. I play Fury Warrior, Frost Doushe Knight and Destruction Warlock, and from time to time, Restoration Shaman. I liked Ashran for about 2 weeks, then it died. 100+ people, grinding aimlessly at each other constantly... Arena life is the Life for me. I also did the first tier of raiding but am not looking forward to Blackrock foundry as my diehard raiding guild will be obnoxious for a few weeks again. I am the only PvPer in my guild of 500+ people :'(


    Alliance or Horde? Always Horde.

    • Brohoof 1
  11. Science Joke incomming;

    Two atoms are in a bar, the one atom says to the other, "Buddy, I think I lost an electron," The other replies with "Are you certain?" And then the first responds with, "Yeah, I'm positive,"

    How'd the first scientists respond when they mixed Oxygen with magnesium? Omg.


    Don't take offence. Take a chair.

    • Brohoof 1
  12. Methinks Applebloom will probably follow her family's theme and get an apple related cutiemark. Sweetiebelle will get one for singing, (See the episode where the CMC perform) and Scootaloo will probably get one for that scooter thing she owns. Just my opinion.

    • Brohoof 1
  13. @Midnight_Aurora

    Just a small heads up... I live within the UK and thus, have a 5 hour time difference between myself and most of the people on the forums (I'm simply assuming that a lot of the members on here are American) and I only mention this, in the event of anyone being confused of my whereabouts if you interact with my OC


    (Um, not sure what happened with the mentioning part of the post : /... Sorry)

  14. Name: Ebony Catalyst
    Race: Unicorn
    Coat: Black base and faded green at all ends.
    Mane: Grey.

    Gender: Female.
    Age: 26
    Cutiemark: A conical flask
    Special purpose: Chemical specialist
    Karma: Very evil

    Appearance: https://mlpforums.com/uploads/b2b05b3312d7038fe901d0818c96dc83.png

    Background: Pre war, she and her father and brother were sealed in individual stasis pods. She awoke a few weeks after the world had collapsed, she killed everyone in the stable (Brutally) and tested on their corpses.

    After she started running out of supplies she left the vault. She realized that the money she had planned to inherit was useless in these times when trying to trade with a caravan. She was captured by slavers after a month outside of the stable. By using her magic and psychology she manipulated the weaker minded slavers to help her overthrow the leader of the group. She commanded the slaver group for a short while. She then after a while of being a normal slaver decided that instead of turning in new finds to the individuals paying for slaves, used them of her tests, similar ones to the ones she'd performed at the stable. She quickly ran out of slaves to test on, turning to her thugs for the experimenting. She finally concocted the perfect poison, making the bones it made contact with liquefy. The process was slow and painful. She then started worked on creating an antidote after accidentally injecting her foreleg with the poison and having to amputate it before she became a pile of boneless flesh. She has yet to develop an effective antidote and has long given up trying, instead converting a friendly looking watergun into a tool to harness the chemical. (destroyed while travelling but still has the blueprints) She eventually killed off her entire workforce for testing purposes. Now to survive she must search to find a place of residence in the wastelands of the remnants of Equestria. (Copied from her RP char page)

    She's very allergic to the Stampede drug (Psycho).


    She is ruthless, manipulative, rude, spiteful, self centred, sociopathic, creative and boastful. She was heavily spoilt as a child. 

    Strength: 3
    Perception: 6
    Endurance: 4
    Charisma: 3
    Intelligence: 7
    Agility: 7
    Luck: 5
    Armor: Vault 66 Labcoat (INT +1)  W: 5
    Weapon: Small knife D: 6 W:3
    Perks: Bloody Mess
    Traits: Black Widow, Daddy's Girl
    TAG! Skills: Medicine (as relation to her talent), Energy Weapons, Lockpicking


    If there's any mistakes I've made, as I found it relatively confusing to make this, please PM me so I can fix it.

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