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Posts posted by MozillaToast

  1. (Jesus you're a fast typer xD)

    @Rainbow Eclipse, "Yeah hi, I'm Tempest Shift nice to meet you Anala? Your friend Riley just happened to suddenly appeared in my life, quite literally." He said jokingly.


    "Nice to meet you." He beamed. "So you teach archery? I'v'e always wanted to try it myself but never found a place or time to do it. However I have as much free time as I need right now considering it's the holiday" Tempest said looking at the archery range.

  2. @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest facehoofs at the comment. "Wow... Warn me next time there's a terrible pun incoming." He laughed.


    "The glowing and vibrating thing was my family heirloom that I tend to keep on me when I'm off adventuring, or if I'm at a rather lively performance. According to my crazy aunt it wards off evil spirits and in times of great danger will teleport me to a safe place. I didn't think I had it in this bag. The glowing shouldn't happen again though." He explained happily to Riley.


    "Still lets go, you lead and I'll follow you there." He said happily.

  3. @Rainbow Eclipse, "Cool, so lets go then? I'm excited to meet your friend now! If you claim she can teach someone like me archery then lets get to it!" Tempest gets up too quickly and gets a head rush. "Oh wow... Remind me not to get up so quickly next time."


    As Tempest gets ready to leave, something in his saddlebags starts vibrating and emitting light, realizing he'd accidentally put his treasured Anhk in his bags he quickly covers it in a brilliant white cloth. "Sorry about that." He smiled.


    Tempest gets a bottle out his saddlebag and takes a few sips. "Ah... Much better, shall we get going then?" He asked, raring to meet Riley's friend.

  4. @Rainbow Eclipse, "Sure, I love meeting new people and like I said, I have nothing planned today." Tempest said curiously. "I've never tried archery before, I could give it a go I guess"


    "I'll probably be terrible at it, heh... Still never try, never know, right?" He said jokingly.


    "When do we set off to meet your friend then?" Tempest asked.

  5. @Rainbow Eclipse, "Looks great! Thanks Bailey." He looks over his pie and smells it. His stomach grumbles. "Eheheh... I guess it's time to eat. By the way thanks for paying, you didn't need to" And with that he starts eating.


    A few minutes later he finishes the pie and sits there happily, appreciating the food. "Thanks again Riley. Feel free to pop around whenever you want, I barely have anyone over anyway and there's always a cider or two in the fridge"


    He looked at his watch. "I don't know why I'm checking the time, I don't do anything until tomorrow." Tempest said quietly to himself.


    "So... What do you plan to do next?" Tempest said.

  6. (OOC: Check with Jolt to see where and if you can jump in/intro yourself. By my understanding there's a group in Manehatten and a group in Canterlot.)

    @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest closes his eyes and listens to the music for a while. He accidentally falls asleep for a few seconds. He wakes up suddenly and looks about and puts a few more bits in the hat. He picks up and eats a chestnut. "Thanks Bailey." He smiled happily.


    "I'll have to take my friend here when I get him down here from Canterlot" Tempest looked over to the kitchen door. "I'm looking forward to being 'surprised' by my meal." He said to Riley, while enjoying the music.

  7. @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest looks at the pianist and smiled, "Finally, something a little more festive for this holiday. Does he play regularly here?" Tempest knew the tune of the carol, but had forgotten the song name.


    He sat there and tried to remember what it was called Tempest leant over to the hat and put some bits in as well.

    "Hey Riley? What's that song called, I can't put my hoof on it's name..." And he was lost in his trail of thought again, he just sat there scratching his chin with his hoof slowly.

  8. When someone adds you, then uses the fact they added you to add another person on your friends list and then they both remove you and stop talking to you.


    Also when someone doesn't respond to a PM I sent a week ago when they've been on the whole time in between now and then.

    • Brohoof 1
  9. My first name means; 


    You have a clever, quick mind, with the ability to accomplish a great deal in a short period of time, although it is not easy for you to systematize your efforts. This name could allow expression along musical and artistic lines and gives you the desire to entertain and to meet and mix with people of refinement and culture. It also brings out your love of home and family, and in close association you are able to show understanding and affection. Others are attracted by your generosity and your consideration of their interests. First name is from Sweden


    And also this apparently; 


    Also, should you over-indulge in sweet, rich foods you could experience skin or liver problems.


    My surname is British and has no meaning whatsoever.

    • Brohoof 1
  10. @Rainbow Eclipse, "This place seem nice Riley. I didn't know there was a restaurant this close to where I lived. It looks nice and has a nice ambiance to it." Tempest looked about the restaurant, noticing that everyone was enjoying their meals, no one was disappointed or annoyed, it was nice to in a calm area even on a day such as this.


    "I may just come back here in my spare time in the near future" Tempest said happily.

  11. Tempest looked at the waiter blankly for a moment, "Uh... Hi I'm Tempest Shift nice to meet you. Sorry about the commotion on the way in. I Promise It wont happen again"


    He looks around to see if any damage has been done upon his 'landing' as spots a broken chair, "I'll pay for that" He apologises quickly.

  12. @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest leaps from his balcony and at the last seconds spreads his wings and flew parallel to the pavement, dodging ponies left right and centre. He finally ascends above the houses and looses sight of Riley. He spots the restaurant/bar and flies in at full speed, at this point Tempest remembers he needs to stop and flies strait into the brick wall of the place.

    "Ow..." He whimpers before falling off the wall in a comical fashion. Tempest groans and gets up to see people staring at him. "Uh... No need to be focused on me... It was just an accident, wont happen again, go back to your meals everypony." He sighs in relief and looks around for Riley. "Riley? You here yet?" Tempest shouts out.

  13. @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest grinned, "Of course I'm up for a race... Just that I have no idea where to. I get unruly when it comes to competition" He looks over to Riley and thinks for a second. "To the restaurant?" He asks, flapping his wings and assuming the same position as Riley.

    "I'm ready if you are!" Tempest declares.

  14. @Rainbow Eclipse,"Uh... Sure, I woke up late and skipped a meal and I'm getting pretty hungry" He said happily. "Let me get some things together and I'll be ready."


    Tempest wanders off into his bedroom and loud crashing and banging sounds can be heard from within the room.


    A few minutes later he comes out with a pair of saddlebags on,"Ok, I'm good to go!"

  15. @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest thought about the offer for a moment then came to the conclusion that staying here would be better than going there and having to pay a ridiculous rate for a hotel room, "Sure, that'd be great. I'll have to contact my friend and see if he'll stay over for this holiday."


    "Could do with decorating my house a bit though first.." he said to no-one in particular. "Do you want something to eat or drink Riley? I don't mind how long you stay, you seem pretty nice" Tempest said realizing he'd not had someone over for a ling time.

  16. @Rainbow Eclipse, Tempest sits completely still for a few moments completely phased out. He blinks twice and looks back at Riley, "I was thinking of watching something funny, but came across the news channel by accident. For how long have department stores sold teleportation devices? That sounds like an ideal gift for my friend up in Canterlot." Tempest says.


    Tempest pauses a moment. "I was actually thinking of going there to visit him, but we haven't spoken in months. I don't even know if he still lives there. What's your plans for the holiday?" He asks politely.

  17. (OOC: I don't mind where my OC spends the holiday but he's currently in Manehatten)

    As Tempest got closer to the till he looked around and thought to himself, "This place is absolutely packed! This is going to take ages..."


    When he was finally served, the till worker was in a funny mood. "Yeah? What? Hurry up, I got mouths to feed and this job isn't helping my mood..." He droned grumpily.


    "Sorry for being a customer... Here" Tempest mumbled quietly.

    "That's 40 bits, you gonna hurry up? Other people waitin' to be served." The till worker said rudely.
    "What's with you? Here. Don't expect a tip after that ordeal" Tempest growled at the till worker, then paid and left.

    He flew strait home put the decorations down in the hallway and lunged onto the sofa.


    He yawned lazily and turned on his T.V. "...we have yet to find the beloved pet, meanwhi-" Tempest switched the channel, sick of the the news "Come to Canterlot this Hearth's Warming! It's sure to be great and fun filled, we have plenty of shops for all your gifting needs and plenty of places for you to rest! Lots of things to see and do, so come over to Canterlot for this Hearths Warming!"


    Tempest scratched his chin, "Canterlot eh? I have a friend I could visit over there I suppose, not like I'm doing anything over here in Manehatten anyway." He decided that he'd make a decision on where he was staying, right after one more nap...

  18. As Tempest looked around the store the croud began to thin out. He sighed in relief knowing he wouldn't have to battle to get a box of tinsel. After looking for a while he couldn't seem to find any lights and spotted a store clerk,

    "Excuse me? Ma'am? Could you show me where the Christmas lights are, I can't see to find them." She simply points up to the top shelf labelled 'Lights and Decorations'.

    "Ah thank you." He beamed as he got a box down, "The price is ridiculous but nevermind..." He ,mumbled to no-one particular. "Well... It'll make my house look much nicer." He hummed happily as he went to pay for the decorations and saw the queues.


    "So this is where everyone vanished off to... Good thing I have nothing to do today." He got to the back of a queue and waited to be served while counting out hits bits.

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