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Posts posted by MozillaToast

  1. @@~Phoenix~,

    "Heey! Hi, how are you?" Tempest shakes the pony's hoof happily. "So... I hope it's not too much trouble that I'm a teenie tiny bit late is it? This place is awesome. I bet the beach looks great at sundown." He looks over the pony he's talking to, only juts noticing the clothing he's wearing. "Hey cool, you wear makeup too! Granted I only use makeup for a performance, But still pretty neat!" He stands there in awkward silence after the sudden outburst, then he regains his composure and trots in. "So about pay... I can't give you anything physical 'till next weekish but I can give you my honest word right now you'll get it!" He looks around and spots two ponies watching T.V. One on the floor and one on the couch.


    @@Handsome Changeling@@Rainbow Dash,

    "Uhh... Hi, I'm Tempest Shift, your new houseguest, I hope I'm not too much trouble to you guys and... Wait a sec..." He turns to the pony who let him in, "Whose the homeowner here?"

  2. @@Rainbow Dash,

    @@Handsome Changeling,


    @@Brock Obama

    Outside the house a group of ponies gathered up. "So... Tempo, this where you're crashing?" Said a jet black stallion

    "Of course. I didn't lead you all over to some random geezer's home." He laughed. "Ey... Dit can I borrow your guitar while I'm here? I don't think the folks round here would appreciate the noise I make with drums. This looks like a nice quiet place" After a sarcastic sigh the jet black stallion, called Dytto, handed over his guitar.

    "You break it- " Started Dytto.

    "Chill out. I wont break it. Just don't forget to pick me up in a few days to check with the record label to see if we're in." Tempest said as he picked up his suitcase and saddlebag. The rest of them wander off leaving Tempest to fumble around with his things.

    After a few seconds he pulls out a crumpled letter and photo of the house. "Guess this is the place." He sighed with a tired, but relived smile. Tempest proceeds to walk up to the door and knock, hopefully the owner wouldn't be too offended he was a day late...

  3. Tempest yawned and pulled out a box of his possessions, it had a photo album, a book and key he'd forgotten the purpose of. He flicked through the photo album at the pictures of before the war. He put it all back after a  skim through and went down to the others who he was mean to be briefed by and awaited their arrival. He waited outside, tapping his left forehoof impatiently.

  4. So, this is a thread about guitar strings? Naa. Just breaking a chair leg and beating some roadie with it.


    But seriously, cool idea of a thread! I'll add my lil' bit to the long list; Chimaira - On Broken Glass. Hell'va song.

    • Brohoof 1

    this is just asdf filller

    “When life gives you lemons, don’t make lemonade. Make life take the lemons back! Get mad! I don’t want your damn lemons, what the hell am I supposed to do with these? Demand to see life’s manager! Make life rue the day it thought it could give Cave Johnson lemons! Do you know who I am? I’m the man who’s gonna burn your house down! With the lemons! I’m gonna get my engineers to invent a combustible lemon that burns your house down!”


    That portal reference doe...

    Every mistake you make is another step you take down the road of success - Me, Jan 2010

    • Brohoof 1
  6. Tempest accidentally fell asleep while laying on his bunk, he'd been dreaming about before the war, when he'd had a normal life where everything was great, no violence, no crime. Just peace and happiness. He missed it all. He used to be a tailor in Manehatten, had a marefriend and a happy life. War ruined it for him, his dream turned stale and warped into a nightmare. He tossed and turned in his sleep until he fell off his bunk and woke up with a jump. "At least no-one saw that..."

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