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Everything posted by ThatPortalGuy
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"Thank you," Veronica said, bowing slightly. "I assure you you will not regret it. Before we go, allow me to run up to my room real quick and grab a few provisions. Now that I'm part of a team, I should adjust what I'm taking accordingly. By the way, I don't think you gave me the honor of your name. What is it?" -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
(You can't just look at an evil pony and go OH THEYRE EVIL AHA HAHSHASID on first sight. Besides, you guys haven't given me a single chance to work my way into the group. I understand we're not on the same side, but your characters don't know that yet I mean come on) "I guess I was misinformed, then," Veronica answered. "By the time the Enclave had dissolved, I had parted ways with the company employing me to spy on them. But I'm pleased to meet you, Cloudia. My own name is Veronica Brighthoof." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
(Jesus christ the amount of metagaming is going to drive me to f*cking drink) "That's easy," shrugged Veronica. "General Windbreaker died with the Enclave. Now c'mon," she smiled. "Can I join you guys? Skilled though I am, I can't stop Rave Crystal all by myself." -
Hey Elegron, just a warning, you're kind of starting to powerplay here. The only way you can resist that much charisma for that long is if you have an INT stat of 9 or 10, or you're a sociopath. Okay, your last post definitely crossed the line. You wouldn't be this suspicious if you (irl) didn't know who my character was, so this is ridiculous. You have 6 INT, and I have 9 CHA. This is bull.
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
While Veronica was slightly unsure of herself now, however she wasn't about to let this b*itch pegasus take her down. Besides, she had just given her more than enough information to talk her way out of the situation. Veronica recognized the sign-language as Enclave, and figured out from the "ex-director" title that Dark Horn must have been a leader of the Enclave at some point. "Well," Veronica explained, "I used to do a bit of spying on the Enclave, back in the day. Don't worry," she quickly assured. "Those days are over, as is the company I was spying for. But gradually, I managed to find out quite a bit... such as where Dark Horn is now." Turning her attention to Elegron, she added, "You'll have to forgive my forward manner. I haven't seen such a handsome stallion in a long time, and I must admit I let my mind get the best of me. And remember, you were looking to take down Rave anyway. I merely came along and gave you an extra asset." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
[sPEECH] "Ah," replied Veronica. "But you don't know who I am, or my skills... [bLACK WIDOW] which are rather numerous and cover every situation." "But think," she orated, "What good is an army if they don't see an enemy? As far as I know, Rave's never actually seen you or your group. I could easily talk him into letting you walk right into his office, and then he's yours for the kill. And besides, what do you have to lose? If I don't join your team, you could be losing a lot of potential... and then your followers wouldn't think very highly of you, throwing away such a golden opportunity. Come on... let me join you. Together, we'll put Rave in his place and end slavery in the Wasteland." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Seeing that mentioning Rave would be an easy way to join the group, Veronica switched tactics without batting an eye. "Hey, you guys are after Rave too?" she exclaimed, pretending to be interested. "So am I! We should go after him together! With me on your already-skilled team, your chances of failure will drop from minuscule to none. And after that, I can lead you to Dark Horn." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
As Veronica was about to leave, she overheard two ponies talking, a male unicorn and a female pegasus. Inconspicuously listening to their conversation, she realized that she had an excellent opportunity to get some bodyguards for her trip to Ponyville, and if she was lucky they might even be able to take her straight to Rave. She approached them casually. "So, I heard you two are looking for Dark Mane? I can take you to him," she lied, "as long as you take me where I want to go in exchange." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Using her custom Pipbuck with earbud extension, Veronica was able to hear Rattlesnakes' broadcast. That slaver's really gaining some power, isn't he? she thought. Maybe I should go pay him a little visit... With the prospect of control over the entire region fresh in her mind, she left the Tenpony Tower bar and got ready to head towards the Ponyville area. The place had been razed, but she figured it would be a good start to finding just exactly where Rave was situated. -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Slowly, Silvermind fell to the ground. Though he was sure to die, he had no regrets. He had done all he could. And in this hell, who could blame him? No one wins if the world is dead. And it certainly was. Besides, he was never supposed to live anyway. He should have died with the rest of Stable 20. But it was okay now. His time had come. Just like the others, he lived a life of peace and died by the bullet regardless. But now he was finally leaving the endless torture of the wretched Wasteland. And Silvermind... Died. The darkness of the afterlife is all that awaits you now. May you find more peace in that world than you did in this one... "But surely you can make an exception for a poor pony such as I, without a single cap to spare... trying to make a living on my back..." And Veronica Blackhoof had her free Sparkle-Cola, courtesy of Tenpony Towers. "Why thank you. I'll see if there's some way I can reward you," she purred. She stepped away from the bar and sat down at an unoccupied table. Smirking to herself, she thought, Whether it be Tenpony Towers or Junktown, all men are the same... stupid. -
I'd like to submit a new character. Name: Veronica Blackhoof Race: Unicorn Gender: Female Age: 26 Appearance: Deep purple coat, red mane and tail. Dark brown eyes. Blood-red aura. Special: S (strength): 4 P (perception): 6 E (endurance): 4 C (charisma): 9 I (intelligence): 7 A (agility): 5 L (luck): 5 Perks: Cerchez la Femme, Black Widow, Ferocious Loyalty Karma: Very Evil Tag Skills: Small Guns, Speech, Energy Weapons Important information about character: Seductive and manipulative, Veronica's not afraid to get her hooves dirty. She's ruthless and cold-blooded, and doesn't mind throwing away a few hundred lives if it helps her rise to power.
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"Do it," Silvermind spoke with a resignation previously unheard of. "Shoot me. Seal Wade's fate. You said it yourself, Blooddrop. You can't save everyone. But if you think I'm gonna let you go in to Vault 40, you've got another think coming. So do it. Shoot. Kill me here and now, and kill Wade with me. Do it." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
As the trio walked to the Stable, Silvermind lost himself in thought. Silently, he considered the situation. He wondered if there really was no hope. No, he thought. There must be something I can do. I can't let this happen... Not again. And then Silvermind realized he could do something. As much as he didn't want to play it, he had the ultimate bargaining chip... Wade's life. "Blooddrop," he began. "I've made up my mind. If you kill the ponies of Stable 40... I will never return to the Vault-Tec bunker, and in five months Wade will turn feral." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
Tears streaming down his cheeks, Silvermind said, "You're right. There's nothing I can do. The Wasteland's going to come and kill the ponies in that stable. They're all going to die..." Silvermind's expression began to harden. "And nothing can be done about it." Silvermind diverted his gaze from Blooddrop and looked out at the harsh, unforgiving hellhole that was the Wasteland. "C'mon," he said. "Let's go." -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"Buckshot, I suggest you stay out of this conversation," Silvermind snapped, not diverting his gaze from Blooddrop. "Blooddrop, these people have done nothing to you, or anyone else. They may not contribute to the Wasteland, but they don't deserve to die. No one does!" At this point Silvermind was close to tears, but he didn't care. "Ponies don't have to kill ponies!" he roared. "What have the Stable Dwellers done to warrant their slaughter? They're just trying to survive! It's terrifying out here! They stay..." Silvermind was sobbing and crying at this point. "They stay in the only place they know is safe. Maybe... maybe every now and then they send someone out to see if the outside world is habitable. And you know what?" Silvermind screamed. "They don't come back! That pony is never seen again! So why?" He had begun to quiet down, having exhausted his energy and emotion. "Why can't you just live and let live?" -
private Fallout Equestria: Blood Moon
ThatPortalGuy replied to Child Of Darkness's topic in Everfree Roleplays
"No!" Silvermind exclaimed. "Look, you can't listen to Wade. Whatever his reasoning, it's flawed. [MEDICINE] When a pony goes experiences emotional trauma, such as being told they're going to die in five months, they don't act rational. They say and do things that don't make sense. [sPEECH] I know you love Wade, and I understand you want to make him happy, but you can't do this. We can't kill hundreds of ponies. One or two is one thing, but no one should ever be responsible for that many deaths. I know your profession," Silvermind carefully stepped around the word 'raider', eyeing Buckshot. "But even you have to know that genocide is wrong."