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Storm Shine

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Everything posted by Storm Shine

  1. @@Blitz Boom, "Hmm?" Storm hummed to himself, seeing a crate moving around down below, as he was on his way to Stoneheart's house. "What's that? Somepony lose an animal or something?" He asked himself, attempting to find a logical conclusion to a moving crate. "Maybe it's some foals in a game of hide-and-seek? I should probably check it out... I hope it's not Opal, I swear that cat has some kind of homing claws..." Storm muttered, flying down towards the crate. Landing next to it, he tapped it twice. "Er.. Hello?" Storm questioned."It's certainly an interesting occurrence...I don't think I've seen anypony or anything running around Ponyville under a box before..." He thought. "First time for everything I guess..." (OOC: Blitz if this inconveniences you, or you don't want this to occur, send me a message and I'll take it down, or change it, or something.. Just putting this to make sure I'm not messing with something I'm not supposed to here.. )
  2. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm yawned as he got out of bed, going through his morning rituals. "Hmm?" He questioned, seeing the note on his table. "Oh, right the meal..." Storm realized. "Well... It looks to be about ten or so... I guess I'd better get started." He said to himself, going through the kitchen and grabbing the ingredients he needed. "Let's see here..." Storm mused. "So some cream of mushroom soup over mashed potatoes.. A side of peas and carrots... And for some desserty type stuff a slice of Chocolate Zucchini Cake, and a few oats of honey cookies." He said, nodding his head resolutely before getting to work on the meal. ~A bit later~ "All right, that's everything!" Storm exclaimed, loading his freshly cooked meals into a basket. "And it's..." He said, looking at the clock. "Woah, Just in time.. It's almost twelve!" Storm exclaimed. "Well, better start on my way." He said, grabbing the basket and flying out the door towards Stoneheart's house once more. (OOC: I figured I'd include a breakfast muffin, as part of his morning rituals AKA Brushing teeth.. etc..)
  3. @@Rainbow Eclipse, "Heh, I should've hid in the bag..." Storm said chuckling. "It would have been a longer game then." He smiled. "You've got a really nice boss... And woah, that's a lot of prank stuff..." Storm said with a raised eyebrow. "I.. Didn't realize I grabbed all that much... Sorry about that.." He apologized, Chuckling nervously and rubbing a hoof behind his head.
  4. Storm smiled as he walked out the door. "No problem Stoneheart, I'll see you tomorrow!" He said, waving as he flew off. Arriving at his house, he wrote down a note for himself, and put it on his bedside table. "Don't want to forget.." He told himself, before getting in bed and falling asleep, looking forward to good dreams.
  5. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm yawned. "Yep, I totally agree.." He yawned again, before looking out at the sky. "Wow.. Time sure flew by.." Storm said, surprised. "The sun's already setting... Guess I'd better start heading home...." He said. "But I'll come back tomorrow with that home-cooked meal I promised.... Does around noon sound good?" Storm asked, not wanting to impose, or arrive at a bad time.
  6. @@Midnight Starfall, "Hehe, yeah.. If you serve small portions, ponies get angry... But if you slap fancy, or gourmet on the title... Suddenly it's better to have small expensive portions.." Storm chuckled, shaking his head. "The ideas some ponies get in their heads about these things..."
  7. @@Rainbow Eclipse, "Yeah, Saddlein's Genie was pretty good... I don't remember a lot of the Disneigh films, But the ones I do remember were really good." Storm replied. "Though switching topics, Spy Foals... that movie was kinda... Meh, could have been better.." He said thoughtfully. "I found a lot of humor in it, but other than that... Not all that much going for it.."
  8. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm laughed. "Yeah, Canterlot could make you lose bits pretty fast... But just because it's fancy, doesn't mean it's the best!" He smiled. "I personally like Sugarcube Corner much more than any Canterlot restaurant..." Storm stared off into space. "Mmmm... Cupcakes... Muffins...." He said dazedly, licking his lips.
  9. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm chuckled. "It's not that fancy. I worked as a cook in a Manehatten restaurant for a couple days." He chuckled again. "But if you think that's fancy, you should see the restaurants in Canterlot." Storm shook his head. "Anyways, I learned the basics there, and the rest from cookbooks. Though, like I said, the zucchini chocolate cake is my granny's recipe." He smiled brightly. "She's made some great recipes over the years... Though I'm not an amazing cook, but I like to think I'm fairly good." (OOC: True story for the Zucchini Chocolate Cake! My grandma made a really good recipe, It's delicious!)
  10. "Eh, Disneigh's pretty cool... But you know, Nightmare Night is coming soon! That always makes me want to watch Pony Skellington and the Night-Mare before Winter!" Storm commented, off-hoofedly. "Though.. I wonder what being a merpony would be like...? Meh, I wouldn't be able to fly, so I wouldn't want to find out." He said.
  11. "Hmmm..." Storm hummed in thought. "Everything!" He exclaimed. "Let us cause chaos in the streets of Manehatten! None shall be safe from the wrath of the prankster pals!" Storm said animatedly. "MWAHAHAHAHAHA" He laughed once more, attempting to emulate a pony-villain.
  12. @@Rainbow Eclipse, "YIKES!" Storm yelled, jumping an impressive fifteen feet straight up, without use of his wings. Looking down from the bottom of the roof he was somehow sticking to, he saw Riley. "Oh, hey guess I'm 'it' now huh?" he asked, smiling sheepishly. "That was fast... Then again, I've never been all that good at hiding... Speed sure, but not hiding.." Storm sighed.
  13. @@Rainbow Eclipse, "Uh oh... He's coming this way..." Storm thought, trying to be smaller to further hide himself. "really hope that he doesn't see me..." He thought, trying to move further back on the top of the bakery's swinging sign. "That would be a pretty fast game..." Storm thought, nervously.
  14. @@Rainbow Eclipse, Storm giggled from his place on the bakery nearby. "He sure seems to like that blade of grass." He chuckled. "Maybe we can make some grass blades and be mini-pirates, swashbuckling from our leaf-boats!" Storm put a hoof over his mouth, trying to contain his laughter. "Feared all across the Manehatten pond!"
  15. @@Midnight Starfall, "YAY!" Storm yelled out happily, literally jumping for joy. "I'm going to bring my super special flat-bread and my yummalicous fruit-salad for the side dishes... OH! and my cream of mushroom soup, poured over some mashed potatoes for the main dish!" He exclaimed, hopping in circles around Stoneheart. "And for desert I'll bake a Zucchini-chocolate cake! That one's my granny's recipe... But I could also bring some nice oats of honey cookies! That's my own special recipe! I made the name, and they really are oats and honey cookies with a little extra added! Oh it's going to be great!" Storm said, still hopping around in joy.
  16. *Gasps* "Uh oh! Gotta hide!" Storm exclaimed, hopping in place. "Um um... OH!" He said seeing a good spot. A *Poof* sound was made, and he was gone, replaced by a dust-pony. "I think I'm safe here!" Storm whispered to himself. "It's utterly genius" He giggled. "Mwahahahahahahaha" He chuckled quietly, trying to emulate a movie-style pony-villain.
  17. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm frowned as he stopped bouncing. "I don't feel sorry for you." He said. "I feel concerned about you, as a friend of yours." Storm clarified. "I may feel a bit sad about how your past sounds, but I'm more concerned about the here and now for you..." He told her, before sighing. "At least let me bring or make you one home-cooked meal? Please?" Storm pleaded with her, turning his head sideways, his ears going flat and eyes wide.
  18. @@Midnight Starfall, *Gasps* "That's terrible!" Storm said, feeling sad on Stoneheart's behalf. "Nopony should have to deal with that! Next time I come over, I'm bringing some nice homecooked meals with me!" He said animatedly. "And I'll make sure that it's easy to save for later! I shall stuff your fridge with delicious meals!" Storm declared dramatically. "I don't want you even try and say I shouldn't, or that I've done/am doing too much! I have made up my mind, and my mind decided to make and bring some nice homemade meals!"
  19. @@Midnight Starfall, "OOH! OOH!" Storm exclaimed bouncing in place. "I could make you a lake! If we dig out a pit or something, I could get a cloud to fill it up!" He explained. "Then you could get free water too! We should totally do that sometime!" Storm said, continuing to bounce happily. "As for cooking... Is it a 'I could burn water' thing, or a 'I just don't know how' thing? 'Cause if you don't know how, I could totally teach you!" He exclaimed.
  20. @@Rainbow Eclipse, Storm smiled. "Man, if normal ponies get lost around here, can you imagine how hard it would be for a non-pegasus pony to find their way around, when shrunk like this..?" He shuddered. "Oooh... Not fun, doesn't seem fun at all..." Storm said. "But yeah, let's play hide and seek!" He replied to Riley's question.
  21. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm smiled "Well that's up to you..." He said. "But at least let me pay for the travel and hotel costs.." Storm told her. "And preferably for food too, but that's up to you." He smiled. "Like I said, I have a ton of bits just squirreled away." Storm grinned widely. "Amazing how easy it is to save, when the only thing you actually NEED to purchase is food.. Sometimes not even that since I can cook..." Storm informed her. "I find that there are a lot of things around here that make for great ingredients!" He told Stoneheart proudly. "I can get water from the clouds, and likewise for furniture.. So there isn't much I really need bits for, to be honest." Storm's smile nearly split his face. "And what better way to use bits I don't even need, than for a friend?" He asked rhetorically.
  22. @@Midnight Starfall, "Well if you have someplace in mind..." Storm started. "Don't hesitate to tell me!" He smiled. "I'd be happy to take a break to take friend on a trip and play tour guide!" Storm smiled. "And I'll pay for everything of course!" He stated. "I've got a lot of bits piling up just doing nothing!" Storm chuckled. "Those lazy bits!"
  23. @@Rainbow Eclipse, Storm shuddered. "Yikes!" He exclaimed. "That would be pretty scary..." Storm shuddered again. "I feel kinda bad for flies now..." He said. "I wonder if they ever think, 'hey, watch where you swing that hoof!" Storm mused aloud. "And because of that they all get angry, which is why they annoy us! And what if they're building a giant fly army to get back at us for all the times we've swatted at them!. He paused. "Though it would be kind of hard to build an army that lasts more than a few days..."
  24. @@Midnight Starfall, Storm waved a hoof. "There's always time to have fun. And it was cool, but it was also pretty lonely..." He told her. "I'm happy that I traveled, but I'm even happier that I settled down in a place as nice as Ponyville." Storm said, grinning. "It's nice to have some stability and a sense of semi-routine in my life for once."
  25. *GASP* I'm a parasprite.... I really hope I don't spit a hairball anytime soon =P

    1. Blitz Boom

      Blitz Boom

      Uuuh, a Parasprite. *drools slightly, puts on a cloth around the neck and runs after Storm Shine with an open mouth* Nommy!

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