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Posts posted by LostButterflyUtau

  1. Like I mentioned earlier (sorry for the repetition but I don't get fatigued when discussing Rarity), I can testify that the relationship is as accurate as you will see on a cartoon. My sister and I did small things to terrorize each other growing up, but we also had an strong bond. There were times that I didn't appreciate her enough, but over time our closeness grew. Even so, every episode they are featured in highlights this in some way.


    Scoots and Dash definitely goes for the feels, but they are abstract to me in a way. Rarity and Sweetie displays what I personally know and feel in the real world.




    I should call my sister tomorrow.

    You should. :) I always wished I had a sister...But I have a younger brother instead. XP


    I have friends who are sisters (and they have a third sister who lives in another state) and I wholeheartedly agree with you. They live together, so they fight and get on each other's nerves and their quirks drive each other up the wall, but in the end they'll be there for each other. Like one said, "If you mess with one of us. You mess with ALL of us."


    I have this kind of relationship with my best friend of nine years. Sometime we fight like morons and don't talk for days, but I know she appreciates me and vice-a-versa. I mean, if you could put up with 12-year-old weeaboo me and still be here nine years later, you may be worth keeping. :) Plus, she was the one who got me into MLP.



    • Brohoof 6
  2. It's true that choosing to be a part of a fandom or not all because of a name the fandom is identified as is rather silly, but would you not agree that it's possible the name of the fandom helps influence a person's decision? Like Maiq said earlier, names truly can impact a person's choice.


    Yes, depending on the view of the individual person, the name can affect their decision. There's really no, overall generalised answer. I mean, personally, I don't let names determine my fandom status, but maybe Joe down the street does and that's okay. It's his life and his fandoms.

    • Brohoof 1
  3. Pants....

    Im a girl,  and I go though

    hell every year in trying to find

    pants to fit me!   The styles change

    every year and so on and size

    and length and all!   I can spend

    weeks just trying to find like

    4 pants to fit me every year and

    it will takes many a trying on

    from size 7 to freaking 12! 


    Men have it easy for pants.....

    OMFG YES! I hate, hate, HATE wearing trousers!!! I'm petite so finding good ones drives me nuts. They're either too big in the waist or too long! I only own ONE pair of jeans because of it and live in skirts and dresses the rest of the time. (I spend the winter dressed like Joan Watson with my skirts, stockings and boots. XD)

    • Brohoof 1
  4. I find it's more of a way for people to identify fans of shows, not in anyway intended to prove you're part of a fandom.





    Well said, but if a fandom was terribly named, would you be hesitant to join it?

    No. Like I said, choosing to be part of a fandom or not part of it based upon a name is stupid And I never know fandoms have names until AFTER I join them. Plus, since a lot of my fandoms are not a BIG part of pop culture, they don't have names. Because, in case you haven't noticed, it tends to be the BIG, loud fandoms and celebrities who have fan names. In fact, I know of very few who actually do.


    Anyway, ever heard that actions speak louder than words? Well, they speak louder than names too. I mean, I'm a HUGE fan of Natalie Dormer (As in, I'm IN LOVE with her! She's a goddess!), and a handful of her fans have recently decided to call themselves "Dormerists," which I personally think is stupid, so I don't use it. However, that DOES NOT mean I'm going to stop being a part of the community! Why? Because, from what I've seen, it's a good place to be fandom wise. I don't see a whole lot of hate. People who just wanna fap? Yes. But, that's expected when you're fanning a pretty, female actress. But no big, outlandish haters or any of your typical fandoms fights of who's a better fan than who...Or people who will legitimately threaten people who do not "bow to our queen" or some stupid stuff like that. We're all just part of it to appreciate Natalie and her acting and I like that.


    As I said (And thought I made clear), I don't like fandoms names in general and I don't use them, but I'm also NOT turned off by them. If someone wants to call themselves by a stupid name, they can go ahead. But, as far as I'm concerned it's the actions of the fanbase, not the name that need to be considered. A fandom could have the dumbest name ever, and I could still be in it because I like the community, but on the other end, another fandom could have no generalised name and I'm not involved much...Because I'm not as invested in the show.  

    • Brohoof 1
  5. Personally, I think fandom names are ridiculous and can be kind of stupid. Like, WHY do you need a name to prove you're a fan of something? Can't you just say "I'm a fan of...[insert thing here]." Because, personally, I don't like to be labeled based on my fandoms...not until someone really gets to know me as a person anyway, because sometimes, people hear certain fandoms names and just run. (I tend to do it with Whovians and Potterheads, because I had a really bad experience with an ex-friend who was both of those things, and scary-weird. Plus, to me, both those fandoms are kinda scary...)


    For me, the name of the fandom doesn't matter in terms of whether I'll be active in it or not (because you can be a fan of something and not be active in the fandom), rather, I put emphasis on the actions of the fandoms AND how invested I am in the programme. Personally, I stay away from ANYTHING that has one of those BIIIIIIIIIIIIIG fandoms (especially if the fandom is full of stupid, teenage fangirls (You know the ones!)) because it's often just too much and kind of scary... For example, I like Game of Thrones, but the fandom is too big and crazy for me as a casual viewer, so I tend to stay out of most of it and just look at the graphics and read the fanfiction I like with the ONLY pairing I support (I'm not big into shipping in general...but...Robbaery for life, son!), especially since I haven't bothered to figure out the politics of that world in any way because I choose not to. I'm also not BIG into fantasy. Now, I'm not saying this is bad. If someone wants to be really into something big, go on ahead, I just don't. I'm more of a quiet fangirl most of the time.


    However, on the other end there's the cult fandoms that I'm in, namely the one for BBC's Silk. There's not a lot of us and we're kind of small, but we're fiercely loyal to our show and characters. (At least, I am. The rest of the fandom hates me.) It's a little less crazy here and I'm more invested, so I'm more active and have spent hours in watching the show and really digging into the characters and their stories. I've picked them apart and put them back together with elaborate back stories and spent HOURS reading up on the British legal system. But, there are even parts of this fandom I have to stay out of, because I don't feel like fighting with the schoolgirls who fail to understand and listen to my POV despite my research.


    In short, I think it's the investment in the show and the actions of the fandom that are more important. People who are more invested tend to be more active and people who are less invested (like me) are a little less active, but we're still here and we count too. However, if I'm less invested, I'm not going to pretend like I understand something when I don't/haven't done the research and end up starting stupid internet fights like many fangirls do. But if I do know what I'm talking about...you might want to watch out. (Especially if it involves Anne Boleyn. I can write circles around a good handful of people on this subject.)

    • Brohoof 1



    The real EQG!Rarity's reaction to such unfabulous inaccuracy:




    I noticed that when I was at TRU awhile ago (Didn't have the money to get her though). I appreciate that they went ahead and tried to make film-accurate dolls, but, of course, they got best pony wrong! I mean, the sleeves are cute, but they're just not right.


    Personally, I think THIS would be a better idea. :D



    • Brohoof 6
  7. Rarity is best pony for me! I relate to her in a lot of ways. I'm a writer, so I can be picky about words and grammar like she is about fashion and she and I share obsessive-compulsive traits. For example, like her, I tend to like everything in its place and am set in my ways, so when someone messes with my stuff, I get a little irritated. I also don't dress like the most fashionable pony around, but I do like designing clothes and adore her grace and charm. (Might have something to do with my love of historical queens and court mannerisms.)


    Plus, I believe she's a really well-written and complex character, which I can also appreciate.



  8. New wallpaper!!! :D Stumbled across this little beauty and just had to set it :please:



    That is...AWESOME! I love, love, LOVE Crystal Rarity!!! This is my wallpaper, which is really kinda lame in comparison...



    • Brohoof 6
  9. I have a thing for historical fiction because I love Anne Boleyn and personally, I would recommend The Other Boleyn Girl. It's a great read with lots of good, historical detail. The only thing I don't like is that Anne is made out to be the bad guy, but if you ignore that, it's really good. There are mentions of sex, but it's not explicit.


    I would also recommend Lady Macbeth by Susan Fraser King. It follows the actual history of Macbeth, not the play and tells the story of Lady Macbeth before she became queen and afterwards. Again, it's really good and well-researched and the Lady's character is well-done and I think her stubborn personality fits her really well. (The play is my favourite, and I always imagined her as the strong, stubborn type.)


    Finally, if you're looking for something more light-hearted, I enjoyed Nora Roberts' The Bride Quartet series. It consist of four books about four friends who run a wedding planning business. Some of it is a little cheesy and unrealistic, but, like I said, it is a bit more light-hearted and fun. Now, there are two sex scenes per book, but they're not really explicit, she uses a lot of metaphors and describes feelings more so than actions.

  10. As a woman, I can say my personal frustrations are:
    1. I have to shave EVERYWHERE.
    2. I am frowned upon when I curse, because "it's not ladylike"
    3. I am trained to be paranoid. Everyone is either out to get my money or have sex with me because I'm a girl and I'm tiny 
    4. Periods. (Because it's just gross.)
    5. People who won't take me seriously because I'm "just a girl."
    6. We can't legitimately complain without people thinking we're PMSing or being emotional. Sometimes we're just mad, because, well...we're human!  
    7. People act like we can't be happy with ourselves without men or makeup
    8. I am expected to want/like kids
    9. On that note, people think I'm a horrible person because I don't want kids (Seriously, no one said I HAD to have them, people! If you want to, fine. That's your business. But, stay out of mine.)
    10. When people assume the media gives me bad messages about how I look. (I think everyone just gives the media too much power)

    Why? Girls can pull of most any guy style and get more freedom with it. We're lucky.

    Actually that's not necessarily true. I get in trouble with my parents when I go out in just jeans and a t-shirt because it makes me look dumpy and gross and fat. Unless I'm going to work (where blue and khaki is standard) or running to the convenience store or it's pouring rain, I must look presentable and wear proper shirts or one of my good dresses. Can be frustrating when ALL I want to do is bum around the mall for three hours. :okiedokielokie: Plus, I'm petite, so it's hard enough for me to find clothes and guy clothes are a definite "No."

    • Brohoof 3
  11. Tell them to get a new pair of glasses, because there's a lot they're not seeing :P


    I doubt sibling bickering counts as much as bad treatment, especially when one is willing to go to the ends of the earth or do things they hate for a long period of time just to make the other happy in the end.


    Sisterhooves Social? Rarity covered herself in mud for a long time just to run a race with Sweetie Belle, to try and make up for the arguments they had earlier - which was just sibling bickering, mind you, something most sisters do.




    Even then, there's For Whom the Sweetie Belle Toils...which showcases Sweetie Belle being in the wrong and going all the way to Canterlot to make it right...and hell, Rarity had put aside time she needed to be working on ensembles for a HUGE celebrity client that could make or break her career just to help Sweetie Belle with her outfits...and even after she got mad about it, Rarity was patient and loving as ever.


    ...damn. I'm sorry if I sound harsh, but next time your friend starts with that BS, please, for the sake of intellect, give them one of these:



    I will, Good Sir!




    And, I kind of get it from Sweetie's point to with having to crawl out from under someone's shadow and be your own filly. I personally haven't had to, but I have plenty of friends and characters who do.

    • Brohoof 5
  12. I'm not into shipping in general. I have my few ships that I follow faithfully from my fandoms and, I don't ship anything MLP. But if there's one relationship I do like (in a not-ship way), it's Rarity and Sweetie Belle. I had a friend once tell me "Oh, no. She treats her sister so horribly!" And I'm like...not really. I think it's realistic and nicely reflective of what appears to be a stark age difference between the two. I think Rarity seems to find her a little difficult to deal with because she's been on her own for awhile and is rather set in her ways and doesn't like them disturbed. It's like when little kids want to help and you want to give them a chance but also don't want to clean up a mess. And, sure they fight, but anyone who has siblings (including me) will tell you that they're frustrating! But, then I find things like THIS where I'm like...Daawww....



    • Brohoof 7
  13. The original Sailor Moon was running when I was a kid, and I made sure not to tell anybody that I liked it because I knew I'd never hear the end of it from the other guys. Funny to see so many men my age these days that love Sailor Moon.


    Been a long time since I've seen it, but a few old scenes occasionally come to mind. For instance, I don't remember the context, but I remember one of the girls putting a cassette into a boom box, and thinking back on that is kind of funny. So many people who are currently the age I was then would have no idea what that is. :lol:



    So now I need to start on this new series. Time to start scouring the usual places in search of a fansub. I've researched nothing on the show itself though. Can anybody tell me if this takes place in the 90s, or whatever the girls are up to these days in their normal lives?

    For the setting, Crystal does keep some of the original elements, albeit with a bit of a modern twist. Like, you can definitely tell that it's Sailor Moon with the artwork and stuff, but some things have been updated. The video games at the arcade are updated and have better graphics, but the jist of the Sailor V game is still the same and Ami uses an actual laptop, for example. But I didn't notice any excess use of technology in the classroom or anything.

    • Brohoof 2
  14. Only 25 episodes?

    Thats $2 an episode. When I bout Ah! My Goddess seasons were $110 for season 1 and $150 for season 2. Season 1 was a little over $4 an episode and season 2 was just shy of $6 each. These was also as the discs where released and the last box I bough was $45 for 13 episodes or $3.46 an episode. This box set price is an absolute steal.

    Yeah, that's actually REALLY good. My Tudors box set was $120 for 38 episodes (plus extras) putting it at a little over $3 an episode. Unfortunately, I just don't have $60 lying around right now or I'd buy that! XD

  15. Hello Everypony!!
    Status update: Unfortunately, I was unable to order a Rarity birthday ice cream cake. :blush: It was $30 and I couldn't afford that, not for a cake anyway...But on the upside, I will get paid again before my family does dinner and cake, so maybe next paycheck!
    Also, I had a nice, generous Rarity moment today!!! After work I took a field trip to the party section and met this couple with two girls who are having a Frozen birthday tomorrow! So, I offered my services as Elsa (I'm an Elsa cosplayer) for FREE (I'm off tomorrow)! So, I'm going to go make some kids happy tomorrow (I even got little trinkets to give away), just because! I think Rarity would be proud. :D


    • Brohoof 8
  16. Unfortunately I have to agree. :( I don't think people give Rarity as much credit as they should. Tbh I think the thing about Rarity is she's super flawed, which makes her so complex and interesting. None of the other characters can come close to her in that vein, I think. And by flawed, I do mean realistic and relatable. I've so done things she has done and I really like how the show isn't afraid to show how REAL she is. I mean, I like Fluts a lot because I'm introverted like her, but I just don't think she can touch the realistic nature Rarity has. I also think a lot of people write her off because she's "girly." Ironic because FiM is a girl's show that depicts how all kinds of girls are good! I like how invested Rarity is in her appearance. She takes care of herself, knows what she wants, and gets things done. If someone hates her for that, it says a lot about them, don't ya think? ;)

    **Sorry for the LATE reply. I work mid-shift (2-11) so I get home late**


    I also think people don't give her enough credit. I mean, I know I relate to Rarity a lot, especially as far as flaws are concerned. I'm a writer, so I can be kind of picky about words and grammar the way she is about fashion, and I also have her problem of "everything in a place and a place for everything" and when someone messes with my stuff I get a little annoyed, like how she gets on Sweetie Belle. Plus, there's the whole "I will clean up this mess or it won't be right" thing that she has that I've had since I was little! I get SO irked at work when people rearrange the inventory or stack boxes wrong and I'm just like...




    But, even though she's kind of picky and a perfectionist, Rarity is also a hard worker and a savvy buisnesspony! She's picky at work because she wants her clients to have the best, and you can't ever fault her for that. And, yes, she's prissy, but she's also really nice. She's loyal to her friends and even her sister and is there when they need her. Sure, she and her sister fight and she can come off as a bitch because of it, but siblings fight and sometimes they're not nice about it. (I think most of this is attributed to a stark age difference between the two, actually). I also really like how she takes care of herself. There's nothing wrong with wanting to be presentable. And, she can be vain, but I've noticed that it's more towards herself and her appearance. For example, she bickers with Applejack, but it's not like she completely disregards her as a pony or friend because she's a little rougher and dirtier at times because of her work.


    And yes, some people do just write her off as girly and prissy. My friend does that and I'm like, yeah, she's girly and can be kind of uppity, but that's just her character! I mean, personally, for example, I'm not Dashie's biggest fan but I don't write her off as "tomboy and arrogant" because while she can be those things, there's more to her character and I know that.


    Lastly, one of the unique things about her character is that, in ANY other show, she'd probably be the mean girl and her flaws would be accelerated and made hateful instead of, as you said, relatable. I'm sure we've all been in a place where some things HAVE to be just so.

    • Brohoof 8
  17. Thanks for the awesome welcome. I'm really happy this thread exists because I love Rarity and I do think she's the most well-written character on the show. I actually thought most people didn't like her... standing in the Bronycon line for the Vendor's Hall there was even a hate group a few feet in front of me loudly yelling about how much Rarity sucks and it really pissed me off. Glad the most complex pony has the super long thread she deserves!

    YAY! I always like to see more Rarity love and was grateful to find this thread as well. And, you're right. I was also under the impression that most fans hated best pony. The marketers do too it seems...I mean, have you noticed the severe lack of Rarity merch? (Applejack has it worse though, you have to admit) I actually have a friend who watches the show who despises Rarity.


    Personally, I think her character is really just misunderstood by a lot of people. Kind of reminds me of Niamh Cranitch from my favourite live-action show, Silk. Most people who watched that show (including a history professor of mine) just read her completely wrong and it kind of pissed me off.

    • Brohoof 6
  18. Does it really even matter? Biologically speaking yes but in the grand scheme of things I don't really think so. I have noticed a pattern in your threads and posts in that you seem to obsess over youth and the past and life is way too short to be doing that sort of thing. The bottom line is I am who I am and yes I am going to be mature by taking care of my responsibilities but that dosen't mean that I am going to stop being "childish" either. I often picture myself as a 90 year old man playing video games and watching cartoons and why not? If I like still like those things when I am 90 why shouldn't I just not worry about what society has to say and just enjoy them?

    THIS. Personally, I sometimes struggle with the notion that I SUCK at being a grownup (I'm twenty, BTW), because everyone makes me feel that way, my parents especially (they hate everything I like). But, you have to find a balance. I can be mature and get myself together when needed. For example, I make all my own appointments, my parents aren't involved in my college education at all, I get up and go to work and school every day, pay my bills on time and know where my priorities lie. But, I also believe I can do all of these things while liking ponies and Frozen and Princess Sofia, etc. If someone wants to judge me for being twenty and wearing kids' clothes, let them (I'm small and easily fit into a 14/16, which is great and saves me money on shirts sometimes. But, I DO still wear grownup clothes too (Charlotte Russe is my best friend)). I'm not going to apologise for being me.


    My friends like to say that people who say things like that are just jealous. They work SO hard to put up a grownup front, and are irked that people like us can be ourselves all day, everyday and not give a flying f***.


    But, I will also admit that there are lines between appropriate and inappropriate. For example, I'm not going to give a presentation in class in jeans and a pony shirt, I'm going to wear one of my nice, grownup dresses or my suit and I'm not going to look like a child or a bum in public/at school because I can, I'm going to be presentable. (Unless it's pouring rain. Then, even when it's 80 degrees, it's jeans, t-shirt and boots time. XD)

    • Brohoof 5
  19.  Good morning everypony! We are officially dressed and ready for the day!




    Which, for me, means running a bunch of errands before work (I work evening shift, so I'll be gone almost all day), including a hair cut and going to a local shop to place my birthday ice cream cake order! (for my actual birthday) I plan on getting another *Fabulous* cake...Provided the people at the shop know what I'm talking about and don't look at me weird.

    • Brohoof 4
  20. Unlike a handful of other shows (including adult ones), this one has good, distinctive characters, decent writing, good voice acting, etc...Plus, I can appreciate that it's a rather wholesome kids' show and is not trying too hard to be "hip and cool."

    And, overall, it just makes me happy. :D


    • Brohoof 1
  21. The build-a-bear Rarity is definitely the best Rarity plushie on the market at the moment :D Well worth the price :wub:


    Do you plan on getting the Rarity plush from 4DE when it comes out?

    I don't know. I'll have to see if I have the money (college and my car payment and other bills tend to eat my money) and I really can't see paying $25 for a ten inch plush...

    • Brohoof 1
  22. My favourite is my Build-a-Bear Rarity! She was the second piece of pony merch I got (after my funrise Rarity) and it just so adorable! Sometimes I take her in the car with me (which is strange, I know) but she makes me happy! I'm kind of like a kid when it comes to her, because I bought her all these clothes and I'm always changing them! Plus, I had an awesome time building her! The lady at my Build-a-Bear is super nice and was all into it!



    • Brohoof 2
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